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Deliver my car already!


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Getting worried because this year's Woodward Dream Cruise is next week and my GT500 has not yet been delivered from the factory by the shipper (United Road). ETA to dealer was 8/8, now shows 8/11, Woodward Cruise 8/15. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

C'mon guys its only 40 miles from the factory to my dealer! Get it to me already! :(

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Getting worried because this year's Woodward Dream Cruise is next week and my GT500 has not yet been delivered from the factory by the shipper (United Road). ETA to dealer was 8/8, now shows 8/11, Woodward Cruise 8/15. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

C'mon guys its only 40 miles from the factory to my dealer! Get it to me already! :(


If its sitting in the railyard waiting for the car hauler,maybe the dealer would let you pick it up yourself

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try to talk to dealer if they can assist with you picking her up, if they are well connected they may pull some strings.

Looking forward to see your car in person on Woodward :)



Good advice, that's exactly what I will do Monday. I've also got Mi6 and the FBI on it as of today and they've already found out that the UnitedRoad load number is 8378737 - just in case anyone out there can help point the driver in the right direction. :bag:



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Good advice, that's exactly what I will do Monday. I've also got Mi6 and the FBI on it as of today and they've already found out that the UnitedRoad load number is 8378737 - just in case anyone out there can help point the driver in the right direction. :bag:


Can you confirm or deny that black helicopters are now being utilized in this endeavor?

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Cobramach1 snapped me this one last year's Woodward cruise, thank you!


Nice pic..and beautiful car Sharabi!


It sure is a great looking car and photograph. Where was it taken, perhaps Woodward and 16 mile?


Anyway, come what may regarding my Shelby, I will be there with my two boys and will keep an eye out for both you and your car Sharibi. After a couple of runs down Woodward, I usually start off walking from Birmingham and head south, frequently stopping at the many available watering holes that one passes for necessary liquid refreshment and to admire the cars driving by. By the time I make it down to Ferndale, my wife is most definitely be needed for collection and return. Cheers.

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Well...that combination will no doubt turn up some invaluable information. You've got nothing to worry about now.




The word from the Dr. Kananga and the helicopter recon mission is that the dealer is going to receive the car tomorrow. Even if he did seem to know nothing about it today.............. :yup:

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Had two pieces of great news today; Firstly, the dealer received the car today and I am collecting tomorrow PM :D , and secondly, I managed to pursued the AAA underwriter to exclude my wife from the insurance policy thereby cutting my original insurance quote to less than half - she has a terrible driving record. :rolleyes: Sorted.


Trust in the dark side baby....they do say that good things come in threes....?

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Had two pieces of great news today; Firstly, the dealer received the car today and I am collecting tomorrow PM :D , and secondly, I managed to pursued the AAA underwriter to exclude my wife from the insurance policy thereby cutting my original insurance quote to less than half - she has a terrible driving record. :rolleyes: Sorted.


Trust in the dark side baby....they do say that good things come in threes....?


Congrats Ian! Awesome news.. :yahoo:


and that's super cool that you got the break on the insurance rate!


So I guess your wife is relegated to the role of "passenger" from now on? :poke:



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Congrats Ian! Awesome news.. :yahoo: and that's super cool that you got the break on the insurance rate!


So I guess your wife is relegated to the role of "passenger" from now on? :poke:




Thanks BB. She is 100% most definitely relegated to the passenger seat. That said, she didn't seem to mind the attention this evening as we cruised Woodward prior to the police shutting it down 30 mins ago. I didn't have the heart to tell her that all the thumbs up she was getting from young men weren't for her................ :o

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Thanks BB. She is 100% most definitely relegated to the passenger seat. That said, she didn't seem to mind the attention this evening as we cruised Woodward prior to the police shutting it down 30 mins ago. I didn't have the heart to tell her that all the thumbs up she was getting from young men weren't for her................ :o


HA! Very good AgentIan! Glad you got your car home. :happy feet:


I had a similar experience driving out and about with a friend of mine of the female persuasion yesterday. Lots of looks from all the passers by. I think she knew that they were intended for the car...and not necessarily her. ;)


That being said..if there's anything that can make driving the Shelby even better - it most definitely is having a beautiful woman in the passengers seat. I must say that for those moments...I felt like the king of the world! It doesn't get any better! :woot:

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HA! Very good AgentIan! Glad you got your car home. :happy feet:


I had a similar experience driving out and about with a friend of mine of the female persuasion yesterday. Lots of looks from all the passers by. I think she knew that they were intended for the car...and not necessarily her. ;)


That being said..if there's anything that can make driving the Shelby even better - it most definitely is having a beautiful woman in the passengers seat. I must say that for those moments...I felt like the king of the world! It doesn't get any better! :woot:



Well said sir - I couldn't agree more. :bowdown:

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