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Shelby Stock

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Just curious about Shelby stock. Several years ago I purchased some Shelby stock when it was $1.00 a share just to have it. Not long after that I bought some for my son at around .25 cents a share. In the years that have followed the stock has stayed around .25 to .35 cents a share. With the explosion of the Supersnakes, Terlinguas, and all the new Shelby products you would think the stock would go up. Is the Shelby stock not tied in with Shelby Automobiles or am I missing something. Was hoping some of you stock market types could maybe fill us in on how all this works.


Gary :headscratch:

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Just curious about Shelby stock. Several years ago I purchased some Shelby stock when it was $1.00 a share just to have it. Not long after that I bought some for my son at around .25 cents a share. In the years that have followed the stock has stayed around .25 to .35 cents a share. With the explosion of the Supersnakes, Terlinguas, and all the new Shelby products you would think the stock would go up. Is the Shelby stock not tied in with Shelby Automobiles or am I missing something. Was hoping some of you stock market types could maybe fill us in on how all this works.


Gary :headscratch:



I hope the stock certificate is a bold, colorful, and suitable for framing!


The "market" always determines the value of the company, and it will never get back to the $1.


I would not invest in SAI. It is so far away from Carrol's strict control; it is no longer Shelby's company.


Indicators of problems for me are; Brand Dilution (Shelby luggage? Shelby Tequila? Large runs of "limited edition" cars), and Zero backlog at the Shelby plant in Las Vegas.

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I hope the stock certificate is a bold, colorful, and suitable for framing!


The "market" always determines the value of the company, and it will never get back to the $1.


I would not invest in SAI. It is so far away from Carrol's strict control; it is no longer Shelby's company.


Indicators of problems for me are; Brand Dilution (Shelby luggage? Shelby Tequila? Large runs of "limited edition" cars), and Zero backlog at the Shelby plant in Las Vegas.

would you please explain this one?

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I think he is saying that RIGHT now if you want something done to your car (SS or another package) that you dont have to wait that SAI would get you right in.




Isn't that because they are subcontracting different locations and not only done in Vegas?

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Isn't that because they are subcontracting different locations and not only done in Vegas?

Alittle, but they are also BETWEEN some NEW products. They just annouced the 10SS and all the other projects for the GT500 and SGT!


I think when the new projects get underway that there will be a small backlog, but you have to understand that SAI has something like 30 lifts they can work with. Thats ALOT of cars that can be being built and not have a backlog.




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Not sure if this is the stock you own, but Carroll Shelby International Inc, symbol CSBI, is at 32 cents right now up 28% from yesterday's close of 25 cents with very light volume.


I follow it.......for the last 6 to 9 months....it creeps up to 32 or 34 then someone dumps several thousand shares and it goes back to 25,


then it creeps up to 32 or 35 and someone dumps several thousand shares and its back to 25 and round and round......


it hasnt been $1.00 since before the SS packages started (over a year ago).......only in the pattern as decscribed above going back into 2008.

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and good luck getting someone to issue the stock certificate once you buy the shares,

it has been discussed here over and over that the industry has stopped issuing stock certificates in 2008 OR EARLY 2009

to reduce costs.

If anyone knows a way to make that happen, please post here as MANY WILL WANT TO PURSUE THAT IMMEDIATELY.


There is a company selling one share of the stock with a stock certificate framed for like $150.00 if you want to go that route,

but I havent found the firm issuing them for purchases of 100, 500, 1000 shares, etc.

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Yes it is CSBI and Yes the certificates are very colorful and suitable for framing. Why I bought 1000 shares is beyond me but I did. I get a good laugh though as every time it moves my son makes money and I loose a little less. But I didn't buy it for investment.



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Yes it is CSBI and Yes the certificates are very colorful and suitable for framing. Why I bought 1000 shares is beyond me but I did. I get a good laugh though as every time it moves my son makes money and I loose a little less. But I didn't buy it for investment.



the main reason the shares trade the way they do is because they are on the pink sheets. the company is actually profitable thru their many divisions including automotive, parts and licensing. they have a shareholder meeting once a year in which they indicated profitability. because they are on the pink sheets they do not have to publicly disclose their results. the company indicated that they where going to increase their transparency and get off the pinks but they have yet to do it. if you would like furthur info on the yearly meeting, someone on the CSBI message board posted a summary of the meeting. apparently amy is doing a fine job as president, it would be nice if she could comment on the company's growth and new products coming out(i.e. is shelby and fisker automotive discussing electric autos???is ford intrested in purchasing shelby and rolling it into its svt division???)amy any comments would help.

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the main reason the shares trade the way they do is because they are on the pink sheets. the company is actually profitable thru their many divisions including automotive, parts and licensing. they have a shareholder meeting once a year in which they indicated profitability. because they are on the pink sheets they do not have to publicly disclose their results. the company indicated that they where going to increase their transparency and get off the pinks but they have yet to do it. if you would like furthur info on the yearly meeting, someone on the CSBI message board posted a summary of the meeting. apparently amy is doing a fine job as president, it would be nice if she could comment on the company's growth and new products coming out(i.e. is shelby and fisker automotive discussing electric autos???is ford intrested in purchasing shelby and rolling it into its svt division???)amy any comments would help.

Scary thought!

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the main reason the shares trade the way they do is because they are on the pink sheets. the company is actually profitable thru their many divisions including automotive, parts and licensing. they have a shareholder meeting once a year in which they indicated profitability. because they are on the pink sheets they do not have to publicly disclose their results. the company indicated that they where going to increase their transparency and get off the pinks but they have yet to do it. if you would like furthur info on the yearly meeting, someone on the CSBI message board posted a summary of the meeting. apparently amy is doing a fine job as president, it would be nice if she could comment on the company's growth and new products coming out(i.e. is shelby and fisker automotive discussing electric autos???is ford intrested in purchasing shelby and rolling it into its svt division???)amy any comments would help.


If the Stock is removed from the Pinks, will it go UP in value or basicly be the same. I always thought that Stock rose when it is in high demand and I am sure that a lot of people do not know that there is Shelby Stock. If only a hand full of people have it and they are the only ones who know about it that actually play the Stock Market, it is not really going to go up in Value. Now, if you have Truck loads of People buying the Stock, It should go up in value................... Right?

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If the Stock is removed from the Pinks, will it go UP in value or basicly be the same. I always thought that Stock rose when it is in high demand and I am sure that a lot of people do not know that there is Shelby Stock. If only a hand full of people have it and they are the only ones who know about it that actually play the Stock Market, it is not really going to go up in Value. Now, if you have Truck loads of People buying the Stock, It should go up in value................... Right?

because it is on the pinks, not many people would be intrested in purchasing it. if it was on nasdaq or nyse it would gartner more intrest based on the fact that it would have to report its earnings quarterly and make disclosures. when you have more information and positive news obviously it will draw investors. this company has not stepped up to the plate for its investors and so the stock languishes. it does have real earnings and great products, its just a matter of time before the company gets its accounting in order and files the papers it needs as it promised at the last 2 yearly meetings. when that happens the public will realize it is a company worth owning.

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because it is on the pinks, not many people would be intrested in purchasing it. if it was on nasdaq or nyse it would gartner more intrest based on the fact that it would have to report its earnings quarterly and make disclosures. when you have more information and positive news obviously it will draw investors. this company has not stepped up to the plate for its investors and so the stock languishes. it does have real earnings and great products, its just a matter of time before the company gets its accounting in order and files the papers it needs as it promised at the last 2 yearly meetings. when that happens the public will realize it is a company worth owning.

so it is now the opportunity window and not when all of the above is done.

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so it is now the opportunity window and not when all of the above is done.

do your research as always before you invest in anything. this companys has a lot of questiion marks that need answering. perhaps AMY could enlighten us as to what they are doing to grow the company and its revenues going forward.

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do your research as always before you invest in anything. this companys has a lot of questiion marks that need answering. perhaps AMY could enlighten us as to what they are doing to grow the company and its revenues going forward.


Ha! Good luck with that!!!


Amy is one Shrewd Dude (Dudette).

This isn't a discussion among friends at the dinner table.

Business savvy dictates a very cautious public appearence.

Any thing she discloses here is all over "Wall Street" within minutes.


Like you, I have invested in the Shelby Product.

That give us no rights, or voice, in the Compnay's business plan.


What's your "Faith Meter" telling you?



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Ha! Good luck with that!!!


Amy is one Shrewd Dude (Dudette).

This isn't a discussion among friends at the dinner table.

Business savvy dictates a very cautious public appearence.

Any thing she discloses here is all over "Wall Street" within minutes.


Like you, I have invested in the Shelby Product.

That give us no rights, or voice, in the Compnay's business plan.


What's your "Faith Meter" telling you?



the only faith i have is in the free market ecomomy of supply and demand, and right now there is no substantial demand for this stock. this may change in the future as the company completes its accounting and reporting requirements to take it off the pinks. at that point the company will look more attractive to investors especially if it has decent revenue and profits and demand for its products.

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I have 1000 shares that I bought in 2007 for a souvenir, nothing more. I could care less if it ever gets out of the pinks, I own 1000 shares thats enough to make me smile.




Bravo Chris!


You have the right perspective on the prospectus!

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I have 1000 shares that I bought in 2007 for a souvenir, nothing more. I could care less if it ever gets out of the pinks, I own 1000 shares thats enough to make me smile.



that may be a very good idea Chris would you please post the link on how to do that, i never done any thing in the stock market before.

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