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Comfort Wipe

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1. I would hate to see the condition of the white portion of the wand after a couple of uses.


2. I wonder how easely the paper would come off the wand after it's been soiled.






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This is fairly funny. While it seems like a good idea- toilet paper is just paper. It's still going to mess up whatever it touches.


On a more serious note- if you hate the idea of smearing s&*^ on you- just use a few butt wipes (aka baby wipes), sometimes called refreshing wipes.


Where's the PottyDr when you need him? He has to chime in this- lol.

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I'm still trying to figure out how the 3 sea shells work, from Demolition Man :headscratch::hysterical:


Actually, I wondered this myself. There are two answers.


The 1st was explained by Stallone himself during an interview:

Q: For the love of all that is good and Holy. How do you use the 3 seashells?!


A: OK, this may be bordering on the grotesque, but the way it was explained to me by the writer is you hold two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what's left with the third. You asked for it... Be careful what you ask for, sorry.


The 2nd is an actual configuration that someone designed. There's a picture of it for you.

From 'poodoovoodoo': "The 3 sea shells are actually buttons. The 1st shell flushes the toilet, the second shoots laser precision water streams that totally clean your backside and the 3rd shell drys you."



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yeah right, I'm going to use this thing to wipe my aZZ and then change out the head to use as a back scratcher in the shower....what will they think of next. I got tickled at the "big guy" in the commercial...if he would lose some weight he might be able to reach back there! This is hysterical! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

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So what happens when you go to reach for the "Comfort Wipe" and you accidentally grab the the "Get a Grip"? Are you doomed? Should you seek immediate medical attention?

Now there is a picture I cannot quite get my mind to form (thank God). The County Fair is in town here in San Diego. Wonder if they are demonstrating it there?



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Now there is a picture I cannot quite get my mind to form (thank God). The County Fair is in town here in San Diego. Wonder if they are demonstrating it there?



A job for Vince, the ShamWow guy.

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Snake Doc, just get the cat to wipe your ass!


Just goes to show you that P.T. Barnum was dead on - There is a sucker born every minute.


Does remind me of when I was in 8th grade, one of my friends fell backwards off a horse and broke BOTH of his wrists. He was in casts up to his elbows and couldnt do anything for himself. One day his mom had to come to school to wipe his butt. That sucked!!!

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Snake Doc, just get the cat to wipe your ass!


Just goes to show you that P.T. Barnum was dead on - There is a sucker born every minute.


Does remind me of when I was in 8th grade, one of my friends fell backwards off a horse and broke BOTH of his wrists. He was in casts up to his elbows and couldnt do anything for himself. One day his mom had to come to school to wipe his butt. That sucked!!!


The... cat is... declawed... right?






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