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Congrats on your new job! Bet you are feeling relief :)



Tanks :) I will start feeling relief when I start getting a check (its a 100% commission position), AND most importantly, my beautiful wife can stop working so much. She has been working about 16 hours a day (6 to 7 days a week) since about January to TRY to keep our heads above water. She more than anything deserves a HUGE break from all of this mess.

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I thought you just started selling insurance not that long ago?



LONG Story about the insurance gig - but the Readers Digest Condensed version is - they wouldn't let me have my own agency because I don't have golden credit (which they knew when they started talking to me last year). If I were the type that could have gone postal - I would have when they told me no go.

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Phew - FINALLY got a job. I start on Monday morning for a company called United Fidelity Group, Inc. Expect to work LONG hours - but thats okay - the pay has the possibility of being substantial :)



Congrats OC...All the best with your new job. :happy feet:

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Congrats on your new career!


How close are you to Carlsbad, CA. My company is based out there and I'm out there every so often.


Everytime I'm out there I miss my Shelby. :shift:


Thanks much :)


The office is in Laguna Hills - right at the freeway (Interstate 5) and Lake Forest.

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Congrats on getting the new job. Working together to keep your head above water is what it's all about. Kudos to your wife.


Thanks :) Well, for the last few months its been my wife doing all of the work. She is one woman I tell ya. I am a real lucky guy to have her. I know its been REAL rough on her for sure. Just hope she can slow down the work soon - so we can have some time together once in a while (when I am not working) :)

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Phew - FINALLY got a job. I start on Monday morning for a company called United Fidelity Group, Inc. Expect to work LONG hours - but thats okay - the pay has the possibility of being substantial :)

Sincere Congrats, Page! I love hearing good news! :happy feet:

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