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Even the BEST car cover, which I have, will not keep the car completely dry. Right now, it's been raining all night and my car is soaked. I wish I had a garage, but that's not going to happen. That said, a cover helps greatly in keeping the finish nice and I take good care of it. My particular case of hood pin corrosion stemmed from not being able to cover the car during the past winter because my wife hit the thing and the new paint needed 90 days to cure. An ice storm packed the hood pins with ice and snow that laid there for about 3 days. When I finially could get the car cleaned I noticed the corrosion. It took only 3 days of this to show corrosion. Yes, it happens that fast! Since I've redone my hood pins and eliminated all the CRES touching the hood, I've seen no more progression of the corrosiosn.


If my wife hits my car again, I hope I get a judge with "empathy" (a fellow Shelby owner) and he rules "justifiable homicide"! :hysterical:



What is CRES?

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