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Nancy Pelosi............gullable or idiot?

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Gullible...sure. Idiot....maybe....


Gullible is spelled with an I not and A.....


I'll leave the name calling and waterboarding of 90 pound old ladies to you tough guy Rethuglicans....




Does an inccorectly spelled word change the idea? Do you really want to get into mis-spelled words? I think that you've had your share as well as everyone else on this forum.


I also believe that you've done your fair share of name calling too.

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Doesn't matter how many flags they put behind her now. She is a black eye to the Democratic party and I have the feeling she will be asked to step down. It's about time because she has absolutley nothing positive to add to the prosperity of this country. She should also lose any and all benefits she would have received if she had retired.


Good luck, Nancy and don't let the door hit you in the a$$!!


Or maybe Prosecute her with the other "RETHUGLICAN" War Criminals????????

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Some have said she is a black eye or an embarassment to the Democrats. Actually they are very proud of her because she constantly attacks conservatives, Bush, et al. All is forgiven, even when she lies, as long as she will always lie about conservatives. She is playing to her base and they accept her. They believe anything she says. This will blow over because nothing will be done by the democrats. Peloisi has always displayed a lack of ethics and integrity but she was picked to be Speaker of the House. Nothing will change. Poison and others will attack this post but I will be willing to bet that a year from now she is still Speaker of the House. And still a miserable lying bitch.


As far as waterboarding they should put her head under water three times and only pull it up twice!

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Dream on. The Speaker is not going anyplace. She is the most powerful person in the world, more so than our President. The democratic party rallies around their own at all cost when they lie. Standard operating procedure for them, never ever accept responsibility for what you say, and especially for what you do.

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Dream on. The Speaker is not going anyplace. She is the most powerful person in the world, more so than our President. The democratic party rallies around their own at all cost when they lie. Standard operating procedure for them, never ever accept responsibility for what you say, and especially for what you do.


And the "Rethuglicans" Lie just the same but instead of "rallying around their own",

they instead "STAB EACH OTHER IN THE BACK"???????????? :hysterical:

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Gullible...sure. Idiot....maybe....


Gullible is spelled with an I not and A.....


I'll leave the name calling and waterboarding of 90 pound old ladies to you tough guy Rethuglicans....








NO...............................Thats how I spell gullable, kinda like I spell Demokrat!

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Dream on. The Speaker is not going anyplace. She is the most powerful person in the world, more so than our President. The democratic party rallies around their own at all cost when they lie. Standard operating procedure for them, never ever accept responsibility for what you say, and especially for what you do.


That's okay. They can leave her in her position. Let her make more mistakes just as long as she doesn't cause too much damage. If the Dems feel that this is the type of leadership they believe in I say it's their funeral. When the dust settles the people will voice their opinions of this type of leadership with votes. By the way, what is the approval rating of the house these days? 10...maybe 12 percent? And the liberal media was pressing home how bad Bush's numbers were. Funny...


To all friends on this forum. Keep your heads and let this administration sink itself. When all of these new tax increases take effect and the outrage begins Mr. Obama will prove your points. And his approval rating will reflect it. I only hope I have enough money for gas to drive to the voting boothes...provided we're still allowed to vote.

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I always receive a tax refund every year. I use it as a forced savings account. It will be interesting in 2010 to see how much I lose. But that will be after the 2010 election. But he, and the democrats, are employing class warfare. Trying to pit one class against others. And if he can have about half the people supporting the other half he will probably pull it off. Sad! And how do you overcome the media that destroys any republican candidate and promotes the democrats. Just like Tass and Pravada used to do.

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Don't worry. They will allow you to vote. It just won't matter who votes for who. Win or lose they will declare the winner of who they want. With all the new electronic voting machines they will control the outcome on who is elected. The rest is just going to be a game to make it look like your votes counted.

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I always have to use my Fed and State Income Tax Refunds to pay the State Property Tax :cry:



At least you get a refund!


And at least your property tax is locked in without ever increasing every year!


I have to pay every year and my property taxes have doubled in the last 10 years! They go up every year! Even with property values dropping our taxes keep rising!

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At least you get a refund!


And at least your property tax is locked in without ever increasing every year!


I have to pay every year and my property taxes have doubled in the last 10 years! They go up every year! Even with property values dropping our taxes keep rising!


The Tax is not locked in........They call the uncontrolled increases "ASSESMENTS"!!!!!!!!!!


Does not matter........Dollar out still the same as a TAX!!!!!!!! :censored:

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The Tax is not locked in........They call the uncontrolled increases "ASSESMENTS"!!!!!!!!!!


Does not matter........Dollar out still the same as a TAX!!!!!!!! :censored:



Your assessment is based on what you paid when you bought the house. It never goes up unless you add an addition or something. Otherwise it does not get assessed again until the next buyer buys the property.


Did they change that?

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There is the "Value Assesment" that is tied to the original purchase price and is raised

2% per year.........


To get around Prop 13 the "HACKS" have created "SPECIAL ASSESMENTS" that are not called

"TAXES" that increases the average bill over 30%...........

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Your assessment is based on what you paid when you bought the house. It never goes up unless you add an addition or something. Otherwise it does not get assessed again until the next buyer buys the property.


Did they change that?


They changed that here. I believe they reassess it if they need more money. Last year when the housing tanked they tried raising my assesment. I called up and complained. Believe it or not, they dropped mine back to what it was. But how many other people just accepted this and didn't say anything? People in this state are fed up with this. I think Wisconsin is the 4 highest taxed state in the union. Inexcusable. Doyle and his cronies need to go.

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That's true! Look what they picked for President this time! A real sheep!


It was a Backlash against Bush and the "RETHUGLICANS"...................


Not many here would agree but we would be worse off now with a McCain Administration..........

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...Not many here would agree but we would be worse off now with a McCain Administration..........

I somehow doubt McCain would have proposed or signed the level of spending that has occurred with a Democrat controlled Congress and Obama. May have only been $1 Trillion or two less than Obama, but from that perspective McCain would have been better.

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It was a Backlash against Bush and the "RETHUGLICANS"...................


Not many here would agree but we would be worse off now with a McCain Administration..........


You are correct. Not many here would agree with you. You complain about taxes but W cut your taxes. McCain pledged to keep the Bush tax cuts and obama pledged to raise taxes. If you voted for obama you can't expect sympathy here. Your taxes will continue to increase. Not only the federal income tax but all the other taxes, now incluidng, coca- cola, pepsi, health care insurance assessment, 401 K, etc. Welcome to communism.

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You are correct. Not many here would agree with you. You complain about taxes but W cut your taxes. McCain pledged to keep the Bush tax cuts and obama pledged to raise taxes. If you voted for obama you can't expect sympathy here. Your taxes will continue to increase. Not only the federal income tax but all the other taxes, now incluidng, coca- cola, pepsi, health care insurance assessment, 401 K, etc. Welcome to communism.


I dont trust "RETHUGLICAN" tax cuts...........


They usually don't affect my income level............

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I dont trust "RETHUGLICAN" tax cuts...........


They usually don't affect my income level............



Just wait until bummer gets done! Your income will be drastically affected!


You will pay higher taxes on EVERYTHING! Your income, your property, everything you buy, AND you will pay HUGE price increases on everything you buy!


Prepare to see over half your income go towards taxes and higher prices! Hope you are making lot and live well below your means because you are going to need every penny left over just to try and put food on the table!


If you make, say, $50k year now, plan on getting a second job that pays the same just to scrape by and have enough just to pay your current bills without adding any additional debt! Bottom line, most Americans are %@&%!!!!


Bye bye middle class! Hello mega rich and dirt poor!

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