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What will he tax next?

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"POSERS" on this thread are way too negative for me.................... :hysterical:

RIGHT, back at ya DDt.


Negative for America = Comrade hussein obama, Socialism/Marxism/Communism.


Soon on CNN, Fox, hpoefully we will hear;

We the, 'Patriotic States of America', do hereby, NOT acknowledge, the Democrat/Socialist/Communist dictator, Comrade barrack Hussein obama, as President of any State's to be listed, in new, 'Confederation of Patriotic States of America' that are now preparing documentation to formally, 'succeed' from the 'obama Socialist/Communist States of America'.


We will NEVER, heal the political divide, between Freedom, Liberty, Free speech, Free Market economy and the Pro Marx/Socialist/Communist agendas of the New Socialist/Communist States of America.


Let the obama Socialist/Communist comrade obama loving cool aide drinkers have their own country. That way, 'obama'ites' can raise their tax's to 98%.

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I have said many times on this site that the country is very, very polarized. There are more people, both right and left, that cannot tolerate what the other side is doing. I also think obama and the dems are not pursuing the extreme agenda they will until after the 2010 election. If they still retain control of the Congress after the 2010 election I fear it will be more extreme than now. Gun control is an example. obama has said he wants more gun control but realizes now is not the time politically. When Klinton pushed gun control the dems lost control of Congress in 1994. The dems do not want that to happen again.

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I can tolerate what "both sides are doing"..........


Of course these days all the "MINORITY" repubs are doing is "WHINEING AND CRYING" calling

all the dems "COMMUNIST"...............


"Conservative Paranoid Fools"!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

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Wake up call!!!!!!!! It doesn't!!!!!!!!!



Repubs, dems...doesn't matter. A vote for either is a vote for one in the same! They are ALL in bed together. They only seperate themselves as two parties merely to keep the nation divided. That is the only thing that keeps them getting re-elected and remaining in power!


They ALL need to go!


BTW...wait until they pass the fart tax bill! No more beans for you! :hysterical:

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Repubs, dems...doesn't matter. A vote for either is a vote for one in the same! They are ALL in bed together. They only seperate themselves as two parties merely to keep the nation divided. That is the only thing that keeps them getting re-elected and remaining in power!


They ALL need to go!


BTW...wait until they pass the fart tax bill! No more beans for you! :hysterical:


Tell you what SD. If you vacation in Wisconsin this year make sure you carry extra cash. Our fantastic Democratic Governor just raised the sin tax again. Tobacco and alcohol were jacked up 39%. This sorry excuse for a leader has had 7 years to balance the budget and instead of getting better it is getting worse. 7 YEARS!!! Totally inexcusable.


I'm with you that they all need to go. This country needs a middle of the road party that has some pull and will represent the middle class of this country. But I don't think we'll see that anytime soon.

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Tell you what SD. If you vacation in Wisconsin this year make sure you carry extra cash. Our fantastic Democratic Governor just raised the sin tax again. Tobacco and alcohol were jacked up 39%. This sorry excuse for a leader has had 7 years to balance the budget and instead of getting better it is getting worse. 7 YEARS!!! Totally inexcusable.


I'm with you that they all need to go. This country needs a middle of the road party that has some pull and will represent the middle class of this country. But I don't think we'll see that anytime soon.


Where can I sign up for this new Party?????????? :)

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Tell you what SD. If you vacation in Wisconsin this year make sure you carry extra cash. Our fantastic Democratic Governor just raised the sin tax again. Tobacco and alcohol were jacked up 39%. This sorry excuse for a leader has had 7 years to balance the budget and instead of getting better it is getting worse. 7 YEARS!!! Totally inexcusable.


I'm with you that they all need to go. This country needs a middle of the road party that has some pull and will represent the middle class of this country. But I don't think we'll see that anytime soon.



Obummer raised cig tax 61 cents. Our governor wants to raise it another dollar per pack!


Not only is this State out of control with dems spending us into bankruptcy, but we have the most corrupt politicians in the country! Although, now everyone has been blessed with getting one of them as their President!

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Where can I sign up for this new Party?????????? :)



You can start by showing up for every election and no matter who is currently in office, just vote against that person regardless of who is running against them!


The idea is to vote out every single one of them currently serving. That is the only way to send a strong enough message that the people are not taking their corruption any more!


Remember, 90% of Americans were against bailing out the banks. They ignored that and bailed them out anyway despite what the American people had to say! They are all corrupt and they ALL must go!


Ron Paul and Palin would be a good start!

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Here we go again............ :rolleyes:

Glad your back SD but no "WHINEING"........... :hysterical:

Oh my Gosh!!!!!!!! The Sky is Falling!!!!!!!!!!!

Bunch of "Chicken Littles"???????? :hysterical:

Anyway the GOP is to weak now to start another witch hunt.............

Whining,,,,,,,,, whining,,,,,,,,,,,,whining,,,,,,,,,



Fellow Conservatives, 'Patriotic Americans', as a parting reminder, to members of, Comrade obama's new, 'Socialist/Communist States of America', let's remind these, 'Lefties', who did the whining for the past 8 years. Let's list, the, 'Best Leftist Whiner List'.


Let the list of 'Leftie whiner quotes', begin.


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Ummm, actually.....

F@rt tax



We need a STUPID TAX! A bill that taxes left wing nut cases for even mentioning a stupid thought! Every time they open their mouth they are taxed 50% of their income in addition to any current taxes they are liable for. And since they don't pay their taxes anyway they shouldn't have a problem with this! LOL

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