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Report: Senate considering soda tax

Published: May 12, 2009 at 3:59 PMOrder reprints | Feedback

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WASHINGTON, May 12 (UPI) -- The U.S. Senate is considering levying a tax on sugary soft drinks to help pay for the overhaul of the nation's healthcare system, political sources say.


Unnamed Senate aides told Tuesday's Wall Street Journal key lawmakers are weighing the idea behind closed doors, which the Congressional Budget Office has estimated could yield as much as $24 billion in the next four years to help pay for an expansion of health insurance to all Americans.


The measure is reportedly prompting protests from the U.S. beverage industry and could spark a backlash from consumers who would be forced to pay several more cents per 12-ounce bottle or can of soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks and ready-to-drink teas.


Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, told the Journal the tax would be fair because such drinks drive up health costs for everyone by contributing to obesity, diabetes and other illnesses.


"Taxes are not going to teach our children how to have a healthy lifestyle," countered Susan Neely, president of the American Beverage Association, saying it instead backs efforts to limit sugary beverage consumption in schools.



© 2009 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


:cry: They must have heard about me seeing how I drink about 3 Liters a Day..............

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Diet sodas exempt? The most harmful soft drink of all is exempt???? The aspartame in diet soda is big health hazzard and they are exempting that! Typical liberals!


Yeah, remember TAB.

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The issue I find troubling is how Democrats have been praising his payroll deduction tax decrease. There is no talk about how these other incidental taxes Washington wants to start are actually giving you 2 dollars in your check but taking back 10 in these new tax proposals. It's sad that people still believe that he is doing positive things for this country. I'm sorry but I don't see it.


I agree with SD on many of his points. The whole lot in Washington needs to hear a strong message from the people. Either they do their jobs or they're fired. PLain and simple. They are suppose to be working for us. Not us working for them. Making sound decisions for all. I don't know how most of you feel but I'm fed up with shelling out tax dollars out of my paycheck for social programs that aide useless individuals who don't want to work and continue to abuse these programs. All of you look around your house. Did anybody give you what you worked so hard to get? What about your Shelby. Did someone give it to you? No! You made a choice to work hard to earn what you have. There is absolutely no incentive for them to get out of the system. Hey, it's free money. Right? Case in point is that sorry excuse for a woman known as octomom. If I was a resident of California I'd be hopping mad about that piece of trash. California will be footing the bill for those children because of a decision made by a mentally ill woman who should be institutionalized. Is that fair? That is a perfect example of the abuse that have many people so disgusted. Can you blame them?


The only reason I lean to the right is because of these issues. I am not for bigger government. When government gets involved they generally screw things up. My message to Obama: Keep your hands off the money I worked hard to get. The economy will bounce back on it's own if you let me keep more money so I can spend it. Quit taxing me to death to fund more useless programs that will only benefit unmotivated individuals and keep your government health care because I want no part of it.


Sorry to all for carrying on like I did. At least I didn't ask for Pelosi to be shot. KC....I kept my cool so no hollering at me.


There. Rant over. :rant2: Carry on :salute:

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At least I didn't ask for Pelosi to be shot. KC....I kept my cool so no hollering at me.


There. Rant over. :rant2: Carry on :salute:


However, you did take note of it........... :hysterical::hysterical:

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The issue I find troubling is how Democrats have been praising his payroll deduction tax decrease. There is no talk about how these other incidental taxes Washington wants to start are actually giving you 2 dollars in your check but taking back 10 in these new tax proposals. It's sad that people still believe that he is doing positive things for this country. I'm sorry but I don't see it.


I agree with SD on many of his points. The whole lot in Washington needs to hear a strong message from the people. Either they do their jobs or they're fired. PLain and simple. They are suppose to be working for us. Not us working for them. Making sound decisions for all. I don't know how most of you feel but I'm fed up with shelling out tax dollars out of my paycheck for social programs that aide useless individuals who don't want to work and continue to abuse these programs. All of you look around your house. Did anybody give you what you worked so hard to get? What about your Shelby. Did someone give it to you? No! You made a choice to work hard to earn what you have. There is absolutely no incentive for them to get out of the system. Hey, it's free money. Right? Case in point is that sorry excuse for a woman known as octomom. If I was a resident of California I'd be hopping mad about that piece of trash. California will be footing the bill for those children because of a decision made by a mentally ill woman who should be institutionalized. Is that fair? That is a perfect example of the abuse that have many people so disgusted. Can you blame them?


The only reason I lean to the right is because of these issues. I am not for bigger government. When government gets involved they generally screw things up. My message to Obama: Keep your hands off the money I worked hard to get. The economy will bounce back on it's own if you let me keep more money so I can spend it. Quit taxing me to death to fund more useless programs that will only benefit unmotivated individuals and keep your government health care because I want no part of it.


Sorry to all for carrying on like I did. At least I didn't ask for Pelosi to be shot. KC....I kept my cool so no hollering at me.


There. Rant over. :rant2: Carry on :salute:






now where are the sharp shooters? the stuff coming out of DC nowadays is pathetic :( makes you really wonder just how dumbed down America has become :cry:

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now where are the sharp shooters? the stuff coming out of DC nowadays is pathetic :( makes you really wonder just how dumbed down America has become :cry:


Our current President is smarter than the last one.......... :hysterical:

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Okay but new taxes and throwing money into a health care program sure isn't going to help either. It will make things worse if you bankrupt the people who are suppose to be buying the products to boost the economy and create jobs. Like it or not, Obama is in a win -win situation. If the economy doesn't turn or shows slow growth during his run as president, it will be blamed on Bush. If he does turn things around favorably more people will see him as a hero. Bush played a small roll in the decline of the economy. Greed at the financial institutions was one of the biggest factors regarding this mess. Banks were handing out mortgages left and right to individuals who either couldn't afford it or didn't care if they defaulted or not. And hey guess what. Once again, everybody on this forum who plays by the rules and takes care of their bills will end up footing the bill for the useless individuals. They made a choice and I don't think that the hard working Americans in this country should be forced to foot the bill for poor decisions they made. Obama is wrong for this country and I can't believe I'm about to say this but I think Hillary would have done a better job. Sheesh!! :doh:


And now back to hockey. Wings are up and I need something to smile about.

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Okay but new taxes and throwing money into a health care program sure isn't going to help either. It will make things worse if you bankrupt the people who are suppose to be buying the products to boost the economy and create jobs. Like it or not, Obama is in a win -win situation. If the economy doesn't turn or shows slow growth during his run as president, it will be blamed on Bush. If he does turn things around favorably more people will see him as a hero. Bush played a small roll in the decline of the economy. Greed at the financial institutions was one of the biggest factors regarding this mess. Banks were handing out mortgages left and right to individuals who either couldn't afford it or didn't care if they defaulted or not. And hey guess what. Once again, everybody on this forum who plays by the rules and takes care of their bills will end up footing the bill for the useless individuals. They made a choice and I don't think that the hard working Americans in this country should be forced to foot the bill for poor decisions they made. Obama is wrong for this country and I can't believe I'm about to say this but I think Hillary would have done a better job. Sheesh!! :doh:


And now back to hockey. Wings are up and I need something to smile about.


I think that Obama is beyond the point of being able to blame Bush. After all, he is past his "100 days." IMHO, I think that it is okay to hold him responsible for being President, now.


Obama may not be right for our country (MY opinion, lefties), but we are stuck with him, and guess what?... he's a big boy and he had better be big enough to own up to his decisions (or the decisions that he makes because that is what he is advised to do).


Good stuff.

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Okay but new taxes and throwing money into a health care program sure isn't going to help either. It will make things worse if you bankrupt the people who are suppose to be buying the products to boost the economy and create jobs. Like it or not, Obama is in a win -win situation. If the economy doesn't turn or shows slow growth during his run as president, it will be blamed on Bush. If he does turn things around favorably more people will see him as a hero. Bush played a small roll in the decline of the economy. Greed at the financial institutions was one of the biggest factors regarding this mess. Banks were handing out mortgages left and right to individuals who either couldn't afford it or didn't care if they defaulted or not. And hey guess what. Once again, everybody on this forum who plays by the rules and takes care of their bills will end up footing the bill for the useless individuals. They made a choice and I don't think that the hard working Americans in this country should be forced to foot the bill for poor decisions they made. Obama is wrong for this country and I can't believe I'm about to say this but I think Hillary would have done a better job. Sheesh!! :doh:


And now back to hockey. Wings are up and I need something to smile about.



The only reason banks were handing out mortgages left and right is because of our government getting involved and forcing the banks to give out those mortgages. Sure, the people that took those mortgages should be held responsible, but had the government not gotten involved the banks would have never given most of those mortgages. Banks may be greedy, but they are not stupid! They know most of those mortgages would default. They didn't want to give out those mortgages. They were forced into giving those mortgages. It wasn't DEregulation. It was regulation by the government forcing banks to give mortgages to people that did not qualify.

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Our current President is smarter than the last one.......... :hysterical:


That is certainly an interesting statement. Do we know President Obama's SAT and IQ scores versus President Bush's. My recollection is that the democrats made a bid deal about President Bush's SAT scores until it was discovered that he had a higher SAT than John Kerry. Then the issue somehow went away until after the election.

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The only reason banks were handing out mortgages left and right is because of our government getting involved and forcing the banks to give out those mortgages. Sure, the people that took those mortgages should be held responsible, but had the government not gotten involved the banks would have never given most of those mortgages. Banks may be greedy, but they are not stupid! They know most of those mortgages would default. They didn't want to give out those mortgages. They were forced into giving those mortgages. It wasn't DEregulation. It was regulation by the government forcing banks to give mortgages to people that did not qualify.




Guess the Banks new early on they would get all that "FREE BAIL OUT MONEY"?????????? :censored:

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For the, 'obama messiah', the time has come, to step up and stop blaming, President Bush, and Republicans, and take responsibility for his social/communist actions.


Those actions which Comrade obama has taken , I believe has and will continue to lead the United States, into a Political Divide that will Never Heal.


The only resolution of Comrade obama's actions, is either, impeachment for treason, and reversal of his socialist/communist agenda's or Civil War.


Since Civil War would not, 'appeal' to many people, then, A complete shut off , by ALL 'American Patriots', of paying any tax's AT ALL. A Tax Revolution, is the only alternative.


Shut off all money to Comrade obama, and his Socialist/Communist's agenda's and programs.

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Our current President is smarter than the last one.......... :hysterical:


In order to be a fighter pilot one must be well learned in math, science, aeronautics, engineering, physiology, electronics and much more. That person has to fly at 1,500 miles an hour and make decisions in a micro second at those speeds; considering math, science, aeronatucis, engineering, physiology, electronics and more.

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The only reason banks were handing out mortgages left and right is because of our government getting involved and forcing the banks to give out those mortgages. Sure, the people that took those mortgages should be held responsible, but had the government not gotten involved the banks would have never given most of those mortgages. Banks may be greedy, but they are not stupid! They know most of those mortgages would default. They didn't want to give out those mortgages. They were forced into giving those mortgages. It wasn't DEregulation. It was regulation by the government forcing banks to give mortgages to people that did not qualify.


You're right. I completely forgot about Fannie and Freddie. Once they tanked they pulled the rest of the financials right down with them. I'm not a conspiracy type of person but now that you mentioned this it makes me wonder about this. The Democrats were very persistant in pushing the TARP bill through. The Republicans were very hesitant to get on board with the bailout. Was this a plot to get control of the banking industry? :headscratch: Makes you think, doesn't it?

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You're right. I completely forgot about Fannie and Freddie. Once they tanked they pulled the rest of the financials right down with them. I'm not a conspiracy type of person but now that you mentioned this it makes me wonder about this. The Democrats were very persistant in pushing the TARP bill through. The Republicans were very hesitant to get on board with the bailout. Was this a plot to get control of the banking industry? :headscratch: Makes you think, doesn't it?

Very well said.


Yes, to controlling the Banking Industry.


But far more important to the democrat/socialist agenda, then controling the, Banking Industry', was to crash the economy under the Bush administration.


Marx, wrote that for Socialism to take hold, 'it' needed economic chaos, and the people angry at and blaming the (Capitalist) government. The , 'New Government' would take care of the people and control the greedy, 'Banks, Industry, and wealthy people, of society, to the peoples benifit.


Enter the 'Perfect Strom'. With the war in Iraq, the US economy clearly headed down, (bad loans in housing market main cause), oil prices being manipulated by speculators, (left wing socialist, George Soros and others) provide the Perfect 'Breeding Ground', for a well spoken, young Socialist/Marxist candidate, named barrack Hussein obama.


If any dissenting voices arose about barrack Hussein obama's agendas, his past, his beliefs, experience, honesty or integrity, the Socialist/Marxist, had the perfect candidate, with the perfect answer, You, who disagree with our, Black candidate are Racist.


So, onto the World stage enters the Perfect' Presidential candidate for, The Perfect Strom'.


The Savior, aka 'The Choosen One' ; Socialist/Communist Presidential candidate barrack Hussein Obama, the First Black President, The First Socialist/Marxist, to lead the United States.


If You were ever curious about how Adolph Hitler was elected by so many German people, you have your answer in barrack Hussein obama. With Hitler, he (Hitler) blamed the Jews, and outside sources', for the horrible German economy, and said he would bring, a New Germany' to the German people.



Well Hitler sure brought a whole, 'New Germany, to the peole, and so is and shall, Comrade obama, bring a whole new Socialist America to the United States.


So, some where in Comrade obama's fancy speeches we should hear some thing that sounds like ,'Fascism, because he and his leftist buddies know , not all of us are going to follow like sheep into a Socialist/Communist State.


Ahh, that would be Comrade obama's new 25,000 man homeland security force, to, "help" with Civil protest's , and controlling the Internet, oh and how Bout the ,'Fairness doctrine" to control some more civil unrest and to control free speech.


Can you hear the, Brown Shirts' in the streets ? If you can not , perhaps you sould read some History. History does repeat itself, and it is repeating 'itself' right, (I mean 'Left"), before your eyes. Your going to see change just like millions, of people before you, that were dragged like sheep into Socialism/Communism.

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Very well said.


Yes, to controlling the Banking Industry.


But far more important to the democrat/socialist agenda, then controling the, Banking Industry', was to crash the economy under the Bush administration.


Marx, wrote that for Socialism to take hold, 'it' needed economic chaos, and the people angry at and blaming the (Capitalist) government. The , 'New Government' would take care of the people and control the greedy, 'Banks, Industry, and wealthy people, of society, to the peoples benifit.


Enter the 'Perfect Strom'. With the war in Iraq, the US economy clearly headed down, (bad loans in housing market main cause), oil prices being manipulated by speculators, (left wing socialist, George Soros and others) provide the Perfect 'Breeding Ground', for a well spoken, young Socialist/Marxist candidate, named barrack Hussein obama.


If any dissenting voices arose about barrack Hussein obama's agendas, his past, his beliefs, experience, honesty or integrity, the Socialist/Marxist, had the perfect candidate, with the perfect answer, You, who disagree with our, Black candidate are Racist.


So, onto the World stage enters the Perfect' Presidential candidate for, The Perfect Strom'.


The Savior, aka 'The Choosen One' ; Socialist/Communist Presidential candidate barrack Hussein Obama, the First Black President, The First Socialist/Marxist, to lead the United States.


If You were ever curious about how Adolph Hitler was elected by so many German people, you have your answer in barrack Hussein obama. With Hitler, he (Hitler) blamed the Jews, and outside sources', for the horrible German economy, and said he would bring, a New Germany' to the German people.



Well Hitler sure brought a whole, 'New Germany, to the peole, and so is and shall, Comrade obama, bring a whole new Socialist America to the United States.


So, some where in Comrade obama's fancy speeches we should hear some thing that sounds like ,'Fascism, because he and his leftist buddies know , not all of us are going to follow like sheep into a Socialist/Communist State.


Ahh, that would be Comrade obama's new 25,000 man homeland security force, to, "help" with Civil protest's , and controlling the Internet, oh and how Bout the ,'Fairness doctrine" to control some more civil unrest and to control free speech.


Can you hear the, Brown Shirts' in the streets ? If you can not , perhaps you sould read some History. History does repeat itself, and it is repeating 'itself' right, (I mean 'Left"), before your eyes. Your going to see change just like millions, of people before you, that were dragged like sheep into Socialism/Communism.



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Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country

in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California.




White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third





Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock.



Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped.


Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.


Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years

before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.


France pleads for global help after being taken over by Lichtenstein. No other

country comes forward to help the beleaguered nation!



Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but

President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.



George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.



Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery

to Wednesdays only.




85-year $75.820 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.



Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.



Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in

Mexifornia and Floruba.



Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed they now

can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.


Abortion clinics now available in every High School in United States


Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR even though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per

liter and gas stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays.



Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative..



Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.



Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches.



New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and

rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2030.




IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.





Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.


Now, send this to whomever you want and as many as you want, then, guess

what...NOTHING will happen. No miracles, no money, absolutely nothing, except you

might make someone smile or be very very scared.



I Love This Country...

It's The Government That Scares Me!





Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you.....Jesus Christ and the

American soldier.

One died for your soul; the other for your freedom. Semper-Fi

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Once more..............what are we thinking.......


Read this slowly.


Absolutely the funniest "joke" ever......."ON US !!!"


* Let it sink in.

* Quietly we go like sheep to slaughter.



Does anybody out there have any memory of the reason given for the establishment of

the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY .... during the Carter Administration?


* Anybody?

* Anything?

* No?

* Did ' t think so !



Bottom line . . we ' ve spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an

agency ... the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember.




It was very simple


... and at the time everybody thought it very appropriate...



The Department of Energy was instituted on 8-04-1977









Hey, pretty efficient, huh?????











Ah yes, good ole bureaucracy.



And NOW we are going to turn the Banking System & the Auto Industry over to them?



God Help Us !!!

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O Cmon you guys Obama still has time to see the light.




Oyea what will he tax next. How many times you use the toilet, How many times you fire up the BBQ, Eating at fast foods, How many times you drive your gas guzzler, you will be taxed if you smoke in your house if you have children, Breathing( carbon), Farting, so and so on.

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