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Am I nuts?

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Don't answer as that was a rhetorical question. :hysterical: I was watching the local news yesterday and they said they were going to launch a shuttle to repair the Hubbell telescope. They said it was so dangerous a mission that they have a backup shuttle ready to launch in the event that a rescue is required. This morning on the local news they said that once repaired, they would be better able to study Black holes in the galaxy. NASA has previously confirmed that there is a very large black hole right in the center of our galaxy. On or about 12/21/2012 our planet will be right in the center of the galaxy where the black hole is. The Mayan calender abruptly ends on 12/21/2012. The Mayan calender is far more accurate than any we have yet devised and the Mayans were extraordinary when it came to charting planets, stars and their positions in the sky. Is it possible that the government knows some things they are not telling us? I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if you connect the dots and allow your mind to wander a bit it gets a little scary.

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Don't answer as that was a rhetorical question. :hysterical: I was watching the local news yesterday and they said they were going to launch a shuttle to repair the Hubbell telescope. They said it was so dangerous a mission that they have a backup shuttle ready to launch in the event that a rescue is required. This morning on the local news they said that once repaired, they would be better able to study Black holes in the galaxy. NASA has previously confirmed that there is a very large black hole right in the center of our galaxy. On or about 12/21/2012 our planet will be right in the center of the galaxy where the black hole is. The Mayan calender abruptly ends on 12/21/2012. The Mayan calender is far more accurate than any we have yet devised and the Mayans were extraordinary when it came to charting planets, stars and their positions in the sky. Is it possible that the government knows some things they are not telling us? I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if you connect the dots and allow your mind to wander a bit it gets a little scary.


A bit of a Wacka-Doo maybe, but not NUTS.......... :hysterical:

Actually.....the Center of the Black Hole is a big White House on a Hill in DC. The Hole has been getting BIGGER and BIGGER over the last 150 Days.

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I believe what you meant to say is that an alignment of our solar system with the center of the galaxy will happen at that time; not that earth will be in the center of the black hole. We'd be able to both see and feel it feel the black hole by now if the latter was the case.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if you connect the dots and allow your mind to wander a bit it gets a little scary.


Continue letting your mind wander and you may "shoot yourself"???????


Or become more "Conservative"???????? :hysterical:

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The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral shaped galaxy with "tentacles reaching out. Our solar system is about 3/4 (if not more) out on one of these tentacles. We can not ever be in the center of the Galaxy.



At the equator (which bulges from the rotation) the circumference is ~25,000 miles around and spins at over 1000 mph. It's takes ~24 hours for this to happen. Your speed will vary depending upon your location on the earth.

It takes ~365 days for the earth to complete it's orbit around the sun traveling at ~67,000 mph.

The light that hits our face from the sun was generated ~8 minutes ago after it crossed a distance of ~90,000,000 miles.

If we were to suddenly accelerate to the speed of light (186,000 miles per second or 11,160,000 miles per hour) it would take ~26000 light years to reach the center of the Galaxy, assuming we survived the sudden acceleration. Based on 72 years that is 361+ life times.

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Continue letting your mind wander and you may "shoot yourself"???????


Or become more "Conservative"???????? :hysterical:

I was thinking, maybe;


more drunk :tequila:


more tolerant. :punched:


more drive faster then the speed limit. :peelout:


more play ,'craps', in Las Vegas. :hyper2: :party:


more 'Shelby Cars', all years, all models :speedie:


more time helping, President Obama, with his agenda. :sandbox:


more kind'er, to all of my fellow American's :devil2:


more listen to 60',70's80's 'Rock n'Roll :bandance:


Help, 'TSD', is on 'over-load',


'The Sky is Fallling, We're , doomed


SOS, DDt, DDt, SOS, 'Help me O-be one, O-be-one


:runaway: :tease: :headspin:

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I was thinking, maybe;


more drunk :tequila:


more tolerant. :punched:


more drive faster then the speed limit. :peelout:


more play ,'craps', in Las Vegas. :hyper2: :party:


more 'Shelby Cars', all years, all models :speedie:


more time helping, President Obama, with his agenda. :sandbox:


more kind'er, to all of my fellow American's :devil2:


more listen to 60',70's80's 'Rock n'Roll :bandance:


Help, 'TSD', is on 'over-load',


'The Sky is Fallling, We're , doomed


SOS, DDt, DDt, SOS, 'Help me O-be one, O-be-one


:runaway: :tease: :headspin:



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I think my black SGT is my personal black hole. It sucks up my time (polishing), money(accessories), and thoughts(about buying more accessories) Who says there is nothing alien from outer space outside Las Vegas? :hysterical:

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Great!, :happy feet: now I don't have to worry about my 401k! :hysterical:

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The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral shaped galaxy with "tentacles reaching out. Our solar system is about 3/4 (if not more) out on one of these tentacles. We can not ever be in the center of the Galaxy.



At the equator (which bulges from the rotation) the circumference is ~25,000 miles around and spins at over 1000 mph. It's takes ~24 hours for this to happen. Your speed will vary depending upon your location on the earth.

It takes ~365 days for the earth to complete it's orbit around the sun traveling at ~67,000 mph.

The light that hits our face from the sun was generated ~8 minutes ago after it crossed a distance of ~90,000,000 miles.

If we were to suddenly accelerate to the speed of light (186,000 miles per second or 11,160,000 miles per hour) it would take ~26000 light years to reach the center of the Galaxy, assuming we survived the sudden acceleration. Based on 72 years that is 361+ life times.


Thank you.


Don't forget "conservation of angular momentum".

The Earth could never get to the center of our galaxy.

We ARE converging with M31 in Andromeda, but that won't happen for billions of years...

I wouldn't worry too much, I think there are more pressing problems right now... (DDT etc! :hysterical: )

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OK. I'm not an astronomer. It really doesn't even interest me that much. I just needed to know if I had to get another copy of "A Farewell to Kings" so I could get hammered and listen to "Cygnus X1". :happy feet:


NO......you get STONED and listen to PINK FLOYD Dark Side of the Moon................ :alien:

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I think these people that came up with this 12/21 theory are the same wingnuts that started the Y2K nonsense. Either that or this is a plan to try to get the economy rolling again. Don't be silly and max out your credit cards. You'll be sorry on 12/23. :drop:

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I think this same people that came up with this 12/21 theory are the same wingnuts that started the Y2K nonsense. Either that or this is a plan to try to get the economy rolling again. Don't be silly and max out your credit cards. You'll be sorry on 12/23. :drop:



Wait a minute.........you mean that we will miss Christmas?........ NO Gifts? ..........No Santa? ...........No Raindeer? .............. IT CAN'T BEEEEEEE :cry:

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Hmmm well let's see




Watch as a black man get elected President. Check

Have a threesome with three amazingly hot women.

Get drunk and parade around the city nude. Check

Drive all my dream cars.

Own all my dreams cars.

Own a garage to hold all my dream cars.

Watch one of my friends get arrested on an episode of cops. Check

Race cars for a living.

Love going to work and having fun with it.

Piss off the "Harry Potter" fans by spoiling the ending at the opening event of the last book. Check

Travel the globe and try all of the different types of alcohol from each country.


and finally since I can't remember the other ones


Meet Carroll Shelby and buy him drinks!


Damn, you did say 2012 right? Well I better get to work on that.

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