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The South attacked Fort Sumter, an act of war on the USA. If the CSA was a Soveriegn power, as you say, Lincoln had every right.


Civil War is not really covered in the Constitution, it was an extra-Constitutional crisis. If it was an insurection he had the right to put it down. If the CSA was a nation, it attacked the USA first.


Heres all you need to know: Fighting for your right to own other people is a morally bankrupt idea.


Thats NOT a right. Not then, not now, not ever. If you want to glorify them as some freedom fighters your deluding yourself. Hey the Nazis were fighting for their rights to live without Jews! Its ugly, twisted, BS.


Incidentally, Jeff is right, Lincoln considered it an insurection. I saw a show on Lincoln the other night and in his letters he says it constantly. He did not recognize the CSA as a nation.






IF the south was a sovereign nation then the Union was occupying a fort in Southern territory. BTW- there was only one Union soldier killed in the bombardment. And that was at the surrender of the fort.


Just because Lincoln did not recognize the south as a sovereign nation does not mean they were not. That was his opinion. Certainly not supported by the Constitution.

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