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A new delay for stripes and "quality checks"


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Well..... my Torch Red/ white stripe coupe was to be delivered to the dealer sometime between Nov 5-12. It didn't happen, and I got a call from the salesman today who said they had called to check on the location of the car. It is evidentally still in Flat Rock waiting for "stripes and other quality checks." - I'm not sure what that means?! They guessed it would be at least another 2 weeks, but don't have a firm date anymore.


Anyone have a phone number for the location where stripes are being applied? I did call Ford customer service with my VIN, and they only showed that the car had 'already been shipped.' I'd like to call someone to get a better idea of timeframe.


Thanks for any suggestions.



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Mine too was supposed to be delivered Nov 3-10....still a no show...still shows released from striping and ready for shipment has a ETA of last friday.....customer service in Florida is worthless....need to just lease a rig and we'll all go get our own cars!!! :banghead:

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My dealer was telling me that mine had not yet been assigned a railcar # right up until 1 hour before it was unloaded from the hauler on his lot! :ohsnap:


scgt500, My delivery date (from Cust. Service) also had been pushed back a week from the original est. date (from wk of 10/19 to wk of 10/27). It showed up 10/26.


I know I was ready to fight rpretzel's cat for that gun before it showed up, so hang in there! :grouphug:


Soon it will be time to :shift:

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Looks like we're all in the same boat. My ETA is between Nov 7 - Nov14. Still no word about delivery yet .

I'm in CT. Where are you guys located ?



I'm in the Northwest. I did hear back from Customer service that their information gets updated every Thursday, so I plan to call back at the end of the week for any additional information.

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Mine too was supposed to be delivered Nov 3-10....still a no show...still shows released from striping and ready for shipment has a ETA of last friday.....customer service in Florida is worthless....need to just lease a rig and we'll all go get our own cars!!! :banghead:






I have the same November 3rd to November 10th delivery window. As predicted - a no show with no explination from Customer Service.


If you hear something on yours, let me know.



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Another dealer I talked to today said theirs was due Nov 10 also and it still wasn't there today.

I wonder if the cat will trade with my groundhog? It's kinda heavy for him. Poor guy.




My car due 11/2-4 now i learned it will take maybe two weeks longer to get to my dealer. My build date was also off by a coupel of day 10/16 but built on 10/19 five to six days to strip and than two days on quailty hold. The wait is getting old.

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Built oct.30 /06 Gone for striping E.T.A for shipping Nov.18/06

Talk to c/s no info Veteran`s day try & call tomorrow.

Plant is down for thanks giving starting Nov23/06???????????????????

Gee I can`t wait to put it in Storage.

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Mine was scheduled to arrive 11/10. Nothing at the dealership yet. I called customer service and they took my information and said that they would have their Research Team look into it and respond back to me w/in 48 hrs. I must've read every post in this forum trying to kill time. I think I'll start reading posts on test section. I havent read those yet...sigh :reading:

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I'm in the Northwest. I did hear back from Customer service that their information gets updated every Thursday, so I plan to call back at the end of the week for any additional information.


What part of the NW are you in ?

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Did you call CS today? I called and got through. That's how I know I got 'bucked'.


I called Ford today and got a recording saying they are closed for vets day. Are you sure you talked to "Ford"? :idea: Maybe someone was just playing with you ? :eek5: The cleaning crew ?:gang:


Maybe you should call again tomarrow,just in case. :victory:

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On subject of quality and stripe delay, our white coupe came in last week. Looked great other then a small area on the front bumper stripe that has a notch missing on the edge of it. Not that big of deal to me but thought I'd past it along. good luck with yours, wh

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I have a "NO SHOW". Original arrival date at my dealer was Oct 8th-15th. Then was re-scheduled for Nov 6th -13th. I talked to my dealer this morning, they ordered mine - White w/Blue stripes and a Black with No stripes on the same day. The Black car arrived on 11/08 and mine is "somewhere". I called Ford CS and talked to Ed, not the janitor, and he said it shows my car is scheduled to arrive between the 6th and 13th but does not know if the car actually left Flat Rock. When I called the SVT number I got the recording "Closed for Vets Day". We will see what tomorrow brings. In the meantime I will join everyone else :banghead:

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Geez, you all make me sick! You have to wait maybe 1, 2, or 3 weeks more for your car...boo-hoo! :cry:


Hell, I ordered mine in March and I still don't have a damn VIN #! :banghead: I would be feeling lucky if I only had 2 weeks more to wait. From the memo that my dealer received 2 months ago, the car was to be produced during the 4Q06. Yeah sure. I'll be lucky to get it by March '07. You're right that this wait is getting old, but feel fortunate that your wait will end very shortly!


Rpretzel, I'm thinkin' we'll need an army of combat kitties very shortly! :hysterical:

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