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Water temp gauge install help

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My 2c is I would not worry about a water temp gage. The one in there is accurate enough. I used Fuel, Oil and Boost on my Whipple. I also have a computer plug in reader that will show the computer read out on temp that is just as accurate as any gage. It reads many things, codes and will turn off the engine light.


With that said I believe that fitting on the neck is there to purge the system of air when installed. I would not use that one. I'm not where I can see my car now so not sure another area to tap in to. There must be one where the current sensor is and can tee off that.


This is a different situation, but I bought the remote oil manifold from Shelby Parts and used that for my oil gage and the cars oil gage etc. Works great and can install many sensors there.

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Glowshift has water temp fittings and accessories to install a sensor in-line with the hose near the top of the radiator. There is also a plug on the block right near where the Shelby gauge manifold attaches to the block. You can put another fitting in there that allows you to install the sensor.

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