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looks like CZECH president gets the global warming HOAX why cant we.CZECH president Blast Global Warming.This is what he said.


Czech President Blasts Global Warming Czech President Vaclav Klaus says many global warming advocates are more interested in money than they are in climate change.


Speaking at the opening session of the Second International Conference on Climate Change last week in New York, Klaus — who is also President pro-tem of the European Union — warned that politicians have “succeeded in creating incentives which led to the rise of a very powerful [profit]-seeking group.


“These people are interested neither in temperature, CO2, competing scientific hypotheses and their testing, nor in freedom or markets. They are interested in their businesses and their profits — made with the help of politicians.”


They will profit, he said, from trading the licenses to emit carbon dioxide, and from constructing unproductive wind, solar and similar equipment able to generate electricity only with high levels of subsidies.


They will also make money from doing research, writing and speaking about global warming.


At the New York conference, sponsored by the Heartland Institute and attended by more than 700 scientists, Klaus declared that “there is no fixed and stable relationship between measured temperature and CO2 emissions.


“The believers in this hypothesis are not able to explain why the global temperature increased from 1918 to 1940, decreased from 1940 to 1976, increased from 1976 to 1998 and decreased from 1998 to the present, irrespective of the fact that people have been adding increasing amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere.”


He said global warming alarmists “want to change us and our behavior. Their ambition is to control and manipulate us.”


The global warming debate “has not made any detectable progress and the much needed, long overdue exchange of views has not yet started. All we see and hear are uninspiring monologues.


“It reminds me of the frustration people like me felt in the Communist era. Whatever you said, any convincing and well prepared arguments you used, any relevant data you assembled — no reaction. It all fell into emptiness. Nobody listened.


“They didn't even try to argue back. They considered you a naive, uninformed and confused person, an eccentric, a complainer, someone not able to accept their only truth. It is very similar now.”


Recalling his experience at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, he said he spent three hours at a closed session with about 60 people - heads of state and “experts” like Al Gore, Tony Blair and Kofi Annan.


“It was a discouraging experience. You looked around in vain to find at least one person who would share your views. There was no one.


“All the participants of the meeting took man-made global warming for granted, were convinced of its dangerous consequences, and more or less competed in one special discipline — whether to suggest a 20, 30, 50 or 80 percent CO2 emissions cut as an agreed-upon, world-wide project. It was difficult to say anything meaningful and constructive.”


Newsmax reported earlier that during the Davos conference in January, Klaus said: "I'm very sorry that some people like Al Gore are not ready to listen to the competing theories. I do listen to them.


"Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom. Al Gore is an important person in this movement."


Klaus concluded in New York: “The environmentalists speak about ‘saving the planet.’ From what? And from whom? One thing I know for sure: We have to save it - and us — from them.”

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"Global Warming" - created by democrats (Al Gore) in order to induce fear and bring followers to their party. Unfortunately, it worked! At least these believers aren't a large majority, so I think there is still hope than enough people will see the light of this farce and help remove it as a concern. The amount of wasted money and effort that it has cost the world is incredible - one great example is the Ethanol craze.

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Well, global warming is a reality we have to face.

But don't just blame it on CO2. Other gases contribute to that and I'm sure some other factors too.

We don't have yet enough data to be sure about the causes, but we do know some of them and shouldn't neglet them.

I disagree with the guy regarding "clean" energies. They are subsidize, that's a fact, but soon will become cheaper.

It's like nuclear, how much was it costing 50 years ago and how much does it cost now?

And we mustn't forget oil won't last forever, we need to work on alternatives.

But I do agree that panic leads to bad decisions and we can't panic about this.

Future will prove who's right.

Meanwhile, keep those engines running! :happy feet:

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"Global Warming" - created by democrats (Al Gore) in order to induce fear and bring followers to their party. Unfortunately, it worked! At least these believers aren't a large majority, so I think there is still hope than enough people will see the light of this farce and help remove it as a concern. The amount of wasted money and effort that it has cost the world is incredible - one great example is the Ethanol craze.



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Buy the DVD "global warming or global governance". It will really open your eyes to what is going on. Global warming is a scam created to make money and control people. Nothing more nothing less. There is no evidence whatsoever that the planet is getting warmer and the "blanket" of CO2 that is supposedly causing the pretend warming can not be found or measured. Temp readings taken by satellite (as opposed to old worn out ground based thermometers placed in hot cities) clearly show that the average temp is the same as in 1980. I smell a rat and his name is Al Gore.

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Buy the DVD "global warming or global governance". It will really open your eyes to what is going on. Global warming is a scam created to make money and control people. Nothing more nothing less. There is no evidence whatsoever that the planet is getting warmer and the "blanket" of CO2 that is supposedly causing the pretend warming can not be found or measured. Temp readings taken by satellite (as opposed to old worn out ground based thermometers placed in hot cities) clearly show that the average temp is the same as in 1980. I smell a rat and his name is Al Gore.


I agree there are some politics behind this matter and some people try to profit from it, but how do you explain polar ice melting?

That's a fact.

Something is really happening, again, don't just blame it on CO2.

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I agree there are some politics behind this matter and some people try to profit from it, but how do you explain polar ice melting?

That's a fact.

Something is really happening, again, don't just blame it on CO2.


How do you know that it's never happened before? They don't. That's a fact too. The temperatures they are monitoring now were not monitored at all a little over a hundred years ago. They simply don't have the data to support any of this nonsense.


I notice also that the term "global warming" has been changed to "climate change". Do you know why? I'll tell you. Its to cover their butts in case it starts getting much colder instead of much warmer!


Something is happening - its called NATURE.


Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't do what we can to keep air clean, however this craze is totally out of control. We've had the Clean Air Act since the 70's and that's good enough. But again, with the democrats its about more and more and more government control of our lives.

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Agree with you.

Don't know if it happened before.

But I do know that continuing at this rate 600 000 000 people will loose their homes within the next 50 years.

So, what can we do to prevent this?

Go to the mountains, or improve our technology?

And yes, all governments are pushing a lot, but if they do nothing and :censored: happens what will future generations say?

Doesn't hurt to produce more electricity from sunlight, wind, or water, being it rivers or tides.

That's what I mean.

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Doesn't hurt to produce more electricity from sunlight, wind, or water, being it rivers or tides.

That's what I mean.


Actually, that also is an unknown. By tapping into wind, changing the overall albedo of the planet by erecting huge solar farms and changing the flow patterns of rivers, there is no free ride. Entropy rules forever. The effects of each of these are totally unknown, long-term.

Changing one unknown to another is not neccessarily the right thing to do. A lot more research is needed before there can be absolute proclamations given. (like "Global Warming").

Just my .02

I'm a "global warming agnostic". I don't know, and I don't think you do either...

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You're killing the planet you evil son-of-a-guns with your cars and farting and stuff!


In fact we are polluting so bad it has actually reached Mars!


Scientists from Nasa say that Mars has warmed by about 0.5C since the 1970s. This is similar to the warming experienced on Earth over approximately the same period.



Oh but wait,

The work comes hot on the heels of other research downgrading CO2's importance in climate change. Earlier this year, the Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute issued a study saying CO2 effects had been "grossly overstated." Dr. Steven Schwartz of Brookhaven National Labs concluded that CO2-based warming had been overstated by some 400%, and a pair of Chinese researchers used mathematical modeling to demonstrate the majority of current warming was natural in origin.



But the EPA has recently proposed yet another attack on American Industrialism to monitor GHG emissions and charge us for them with Co2 emissions at the top of the list. Surely it not just about money. Heck I already fill out a report yearly in TX and our AL plant does it monthly. What's yet another report.


And we'll just completely overlook this alltogether. After all it's from California researchers and well, they're not quite right anyway...


Now there is word that all four major global temperature tracking outlets have released data showing that temperatures have dropped significantly over the last year. California meteorologist Anthony Watts says the amount of cooling ranges from 65-hundredths of a degree Centigrade to 75-hundreds of a degree.


That is said to be a value large enough to erase nearly all the global warming recorded over the past 100 years. It is reportedly the single fastest temperature change ever recorded — up or down.



But as been pointed out in the past by another I am only copying and pasting articles from other areas (so obviously for whatever reason that loses merit since I didn't actually do the research myself). Maybe I should go by some beakers and a thermometer and stuff and see if some of that grant money on global warming, errrr....I mean climate change is still laying around.

Heck, with our current admin. there should be ooooodles of it.

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Actually, that also is an unknown. By tapping into wind, changing the overall albedo of the planet by erecting huge solar farms and changing the flow patterns of rivers, there is no free ride. Entropy rules forever. The effects of each of these are totally unknown, long-term.

Changing one unknown to another is not neccessarily the right thing to do. A lot more research is needed before there can be absolute proclamations given. (like "Global Warming").

Just my .02

I'm a "global warming agnostic". I don't know, and I don't think you do either...

So you mean we shouldn't try alternatives to oil?

Solar panels! The energy they absorve from the Sun won't hit the groud, therefore is going to contribute to a cooldown. Ok!

Wind turbines! Do you mean by deflecting the wind it could cause a Typhoon in Asia?

Yes, chenging rivers courses will affect something, but not energy balance.

You know, if in the past everyone would have so many questions, we would be riding horses now!




You're killing the planet you evil son-of-a-guns with your cars and farting and stuff!


In fact we are polluting so bad it has actually reached Mars!





Oh but wait,




But the EPA has recently proposed yet another attack on American Industrialism to monitor GHG emissions and charge us for them with Co2 emissions at the top of the list. Surely it not just about money. Heck I already fill out a report yearly in TX and our AL plant does it monthly. What's yet another report.


And we'll just completely overlook this alltogether. After all it's from California researchers and well, they're not quite right anyway...





But as been pointed out in the past by another I am only copying and pasting articles from other areas (so obviously for whatever reason that loses merit since I didn't actually do the research myself). Maybe I should go by some beakers and a thermometer and stuff and see if some of that grant money on global warming, errrr....I mean climate change is still laying around.

Heck, with our current admin. there should be ooooodles of it.

Hi 5.

First we should stop farting, that's a fact.

All the world is blaming CO2 for the greenhouse effects but cows produce much more nocive gases than all the cars and factorys in the world.

Are you ready to become vegetarians?

I thaught so!

In that case, let's find another solution to the problem.

Of course we only have studies from less than 100 years ago.

But we do know now that population has increased beyound reasonable numbers from then.

We are trashing all our resources and we need to do something about it, that's my point!

Don't be skeptical about this, just analyze all data we have available.

Find a middle term, there's where the facts will be.

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I agree there are some politics behind this matter and some people try to profit from it, but how do you explain polar ice melting?

That's a fact.

Something is really happening, again, don't just blame it on CO2.


How many SUV's are on Mars and Jupiter, because it's happening there too.

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How many SUV's are on Mars and Jupiter, because it's happening there too.


I know Doc, no suv's there.

But I'm not blaming it on the suv's, muscle cars, fast cars, or whatever.

I'm just defending development of energetic technologies!

Methane is worst to global warming than co2. Where does most methane comes from?

Well, there's the answer!

I know we don't have data from thousands of years ago.

But we do know if things keep going like this we'll suffer.

If ice meltdown continues at this pace, by 2050 Manhattan will be reduced to a couple of hills. No offices there, only apartments.

What effect will that have on the economy?

How are we going to relocate 600 000 000 people?

That's my point.

It's better to make some mistakes now, than being sitting and waiting for mother nature.

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I know Doc, no suv's there.

But I'm not blaming it on the suv's, muscle cars, fast cars, or whatever.

I'm just defending development of energetic technologies!

Methane is worst to global warming than co2. Where does most methane comes from?

Well, there's the answer!

I know we don't have data from thousands of years ago.

But we do know if things keep going like this we'll suffer.

If ice meltdown continues at this pace, by 2050 Manhattan will be reduced to a couple of hills. No offices there, only apartments.

What effect will that have on the economy?

How are we going to relocate 600 000 000 people?

That's my point.

It's better to make some mistakes now, than being sitting and waiting for mother nature.



As someone has said, the temp is actually going down but, yes we need to look for better ways to drive our world. Just shouldnt be done by fear mongering. Methane comes from many sources and could be used for fuel if Im not mistaken and, Be gone with Manhatten and, Kalifornia too :hysterical:

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As someone has said, the temp is actually going down but, yes we need to look for better ways to drive our world. Just shouldnt be done by fear mongering. Methane comes from many sources and could be used for fuel if Im not mistaken and, Be gone with Manhatten and, Kalifornia too :hysterical:


Man, you're crazy! :hysterical:

That's the poit!

Don't go wild on co2, try to work on other solutions!

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Agree with you.

Don't know if it happened before.

But I do know that continuing at this rate 600 000 000 people will loose their homes within the next 50 years.

So, what can we do to prevent this?

Go to the mountains, or improve our technology?

And yes, all governments are pushing a lot, but if they do nothing and :censored: happens what will future generations say?

Doesn't hurt to produce more electricity from sunlight, wind, or water, being it rivers or tides.

That's what I mean.


There's nothing wrong at all at improving technology and looking for alternative energy sources. We should be drilling our own oil too, in the meantime, to reduce our dependence on foreigners. The problem is that certain folks have created a monster of fear-mongering, for political gain, and resulting government policies, costs and dependence that far, far outweighs the reality of needs. 600M people are NOT going to lose their homes to this in 50 years, sorry, but I just don't believe that nonsense.

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