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Obama Administration reduces Charity deduction

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It means, they will determine what charity is a real charity or not. PC


OK....this I understand.......To be Honest, you can't deny that there are a lot of so called Charities that are really Businesses.

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OK....this I understand.......To be Honest, you can't deny that there are a lot of so called Charities that are really Businesses.



Then start going after those charities that are not truly chairities. Why hurt the local Churches, food banks, the American Heart Association, the Salvation Army ect ect ect

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Then start going after those charities that are not truly chairities. Why hurt the local Churches, food banks, the American Heart Association, the Salvation Army ect ect ect


I TOTALLY agree.

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Yes, those of you making more than $250,000 may see a change in how your itemized deductions are structured, those hat have been "creative" will need to rethink.


Anyway here is the REAL scoop:




"But while many charitable-giving experts expressed alarm about how reduced rate for charitable deductions would affect giving by wealthy Americans, others say that Mr. Obama’s proposal may be less cause for concern than it initially appeared.


The reason: Many wealthy Americans who would otherwise be in the 33- or 35-percent tax bracket — and thus able to take that same percentage deduction for their charitable gifts — have used mortgage payments and other deductions to qualify for the alternative minimum tax rate of 28 percent, says Robert F. Sharpe, a Memphis planned-giving consultant.


By paying the alternative minimum tax rate of 28 percent, those wealthy taxpayers are already restricted to the same percentage on their charitable deductions, Mr. Sharpe says. “A lot of the rich are already used to the 28-percent deduction,” which means the Obama proposal would not result in any change for them."



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Doesn't matter. As soon as Socialism is in place there will be no more need for charities.


He promised change. At the rate this change is happening this transition will be complete within a few weeks.


"Take from the Rich and give to the Poor". The problem is that the definition of "Rich" (which they set, out of our control) keeps moving closer to "Poor".


I didn't think of myself as rich.

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