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Obamas' take from the rich, give to the poor tax hike

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LOL, I thought it was pretty good but hey, not the first time we disagree. And hey, Im one of the poor ones now!


Hey, "RICH AT HEART" my friend.........Stay Optamistic as we all should be.......... :)

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Claims that President Barack Obama's tax plans are an assault on small business skirt the likelihood that most job-producing small businesses wouldn't feel that pinch at all.


Obama is proposing to raise taxes on households earning over $250,000 by increasing the rate on the top two tax brackets and limiting deductions, starting in 2011.


Republicans and other critics, knowing they will get little mileage from defending the rich, instead are casting the plan as a tax hit on people who run industrious little companies driving job growth.


That's not likely, according to one in-depth analysis, which found that more than 95 percent of small business owners would be off the hook.



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You being from California agreeing with svttim makes no sense to me. California being one of the highest taxed and most repressive( personally I think Ca should secede from the union and do us all a favor) states is bankrupt and why? You tell me. If I say it's because of all the restrictions and taxes on business and individuals, all the feel good liberal programs that help out the less fortunate, the education and health care given to the millions of illegal immigrants, refusing to do off shore drilling cause it will ruin our pristine shoreline and might affect some endangered river rat, then you'll tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about so tell me why Ca is probably in the worst shape of any state in the country? BTW, I fall into the 250K+ category and not by much over that. So SVTTIM, tell me how Bush let me get away with billions? I paid over 100K to the feds last year. Wow, I got away with murder thanks to Bush but not anymore now that Hussein is in charge. You want to raise taxes? Fine, raise em on everyone. No you just want to pick on the ones who have made some financial success because 35% taken off the top just ain't enough.

AMEN Brother, Congratulations on your success, Im sure you have worked harder and made more sacrifices for yourself and your family and aint it a bitch when you feel you are being penalized for being an over the top American. You work for it, you earned it, you deserve it. NOT according to our president which was raised on food stamps. and now lives in free goverment housing


Just the way every other american is heading in the direction.

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