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Sirius Prepares for Possible Bankruptcy!!

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Sirius and XM "merged".


I hate the thought of losing a couple of those stations (like Nascar), but I'm sure they'll come back somewhere.

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I have the six month trial from the dealer, after that is done I will be going back to regular radio.


I do too, and I love the comedy channels. It's the only stations that I listen to anymore. I've thought about subscribing just for those, but not if they're going belly-up!

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Loose Stern...he's a moron anyway...keep NASCAR and some more DECENT channels...I love the 60's and 70's and 80's music channels...about all I ever listen too and I have three vehicles with XM and one with Sirius...I'm going to be totally P.O'd if someone doesn't honor what I'm already paying for....Would make more sense to be able to pay for a certain channel group than the whole thing...I'd never listen to 1/2 of whats on there...but would be willing to do without all of the commercials like what are on TV...

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I think HD radio might just kill off Sirius/XM. Aside from the receiver adapter it is free and by all reports I've read it sounds close to CD quality. It seems it is slow rolling out, focusing on large markets first. I hope it gets to my area so I can hear it first hand.


Anyone here have the opportunity to hear it?

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Yeah I hope Sirius does not go belly up. I paid for a three year membership for the SGT. With a membership you get to listen online for no extra charge. I love it and mainly listen to the Reggae channel. Howard Stern was airing here in MPLS several years ago and then lost the deal, to be honest I couldn't stand listening to him I think he is an idiot so I was glad that he longer was aired in Mpls. I think now the only way you can listen to him is through Sirius.

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I have the six month trial from the dealer, after that is done I will be going back to regular radio.



Maybe not. My 08 Escape came with the free six month package that expired the beginning of January, but I still have it. :happy feet: :happy feet:

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I think HD radio might just kill off Sirius/XM. Aside from the receiver adapter it is free and by all reports I've read it sounds close to CD quality. It seems it is slow rolling out, focusing on large markets first. I hope it gets to my area so I can hear it first hand.


Anyone here have the opportunity to hear it?



Is HD Radio like HD TV, they just flip a switch and broadcast in HD or is it delivered to you in a different fashion? There are to many Trees around here for me to enjoy Satilite Radio. Everytime you go under a cluster of Trees the Radio goes out and takes a few seconds to come back after you clear the Trees then your under Trees again.

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Is HD Radio like HD TV, they just flip a switch and broadcast in HD or is it delivered to you in a different fashion? There are to many Trees around here for me to enjoy Satilite Radio. Everytime you go under a cluster of Trees the Radio goes out and takes a few seconds to come back after you clear the Trees then your under Trees again.


Humm, I don't have that problem in Tennessee, and we have trees coming out our arses. :hysterical:

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Guys, both XM and Sirius were having negative years from inception. However, this was always part of the plan. The satelite cost was spread over several years in order to make it feasible. About a year ago, BOTH Sirius and XM figured out that the demographic for paid subscribers would only facilitate enough revenue for one profitable company. They worked on a merge for over 15 months. Now, while the articles you have read and media paint a dim (or even grimm) picture, this merge had a timetable of finally showing profit for 2010. This number is still based on a few key hurdles still in the way.

1. Stern's contract is not sustainable. His advertising has dropped in value just as his listeners have dropped in numbers. The economy is part to blame too, but Stern may renegociate his contract. (If he is smart)

2. One of the satelites will be sold off eventually for other use, and Sirius/XM will provide a simple transition setup for those who do not have the right recievers. Ones with bells and whistles will be at the the cost of consumer. The merge of XM chaneels over to Sirius and no Sirius channels on XM tell me that transition will move to the sirius satelite.

3. Internet access will be an additional expense to subscribers, no longer free. (This is known information)


If Sirius/XM do get called on their loans, there is a buyout in place from a major communications company that would wipe out all subscriptions and add some additional functionality to the service, but satelite service will still be available for a new subscription plan.


I can say this only because I have nothing to do with these companies and dont know anyone that may work for them :shades:

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There are to many Trees around here for me to enjoy Satilite Radio. Everytime you go under a cluster of Trees the Radio goes out and takes a few seconds to come back after you clear the Trees then your under Trees again.





I have the same exact problem up here in MA. Every time I travel the same roads to and from work I lose the reception in the same exact areas. I never associated it to tree coverage, but there is plenty of branches from trees that cover the road in these areas. In any event while it's free I will continue to listen to the stations, but if I had to pay monthly I will go back to regular radio and CD's.

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not surprised..........paying for radio, no thanks


I drive about 30,000 miles per year for work and couldn't live with out my Sirius! I don't think I'm alone either! In my travels I see lots of traveling sales people, technicians and truck drivers with radio's in their windshields!

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I drive about 30,000 miles per year for work and couldn't live with out my Sirius! I don't think I'm alone either! In my travels I see lots of traveling sales people, technicians and truck drivers with radio's in their windshields!


That's because our local radio stations - how can I say this politely - suck.


I like my Sirius. I have it in two vehicles, plus one portable unit. I do not miss the commercials.

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