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Frugal Congressmen

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I am sure it has not just been Republicans that are doing what is necessary. After all, I understand Bill Klinton slept on a cot in the Oval Office. Right after Hillary found out about Monica.


So why is it all the republican sex scandals are same gender scandals anyway?

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Yes the Repubs had Larry Craig and another whose name escapes me. Involved teenagers. But remember that the dems had a similar scandal with a representative and they welcomed him back with open arms, a party, and a committee. The repubs forced their bad boys to retire. And barney was running or involved with some type of male prostitution out of his office. But then again he is from the peoples republic of massacheussetts. They both have their scandals, both straight and gay. I still wish I was accused of scandalaous actions with Palin. I would have been so flattered I would have plead guilty!

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I am sure it has not just been Republicans that are doing what is necessary. After all, I understand Bill Klinton slept on a cot in the Oval Office. Right after Hillary found out about Monica.


I believe the President should be allowed to sleep with whomever he chooses??????????? :hysterical:


As long as Unemployment is Low and there is a National Budget Surplus!!!!!!!!!!!! :doh:

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So why is it all the republican sex scandals are same gender scandals anyway?




So what your saying is sex scandals are ok as long as its with the oposite sex and you a democrat?

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No, it's because the uptight froot loop Republicans still in the closet???????????????? :hysterical:


So it's ok to do it in public, but not in private. I believe that's called an exhibitionist. Funny how you Libs are all about privacy when it's your privacy that's being talked about.

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So it's ok to do it in public, but not in private. I believe that's called an exhibitionist. Funny how you Libs are all about privacy when it's your privacy that's being talked about.


I guess Hipocrocy swings from both camps my friend???????????? :hysterical:

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