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An Easy way to thank our military men and women

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Something cool that Xerox is doing


If you go to this web site, http://www.letssaythanks.com/Home1024.html you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services.


How AMAZING it would be if all TS members sent one!!! This is a great site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second.


Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them...


thanks, Craig

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There are some other great ways to help such as sending a much appreciated care package!


If you would like to do at this special time of year that check out these programs:














There are no doubt countless others and feel free to post those you may know of! There are many men and women who are deployed around the world to protect us. They are away from friends and family in some cases out of contact for months. I know what it's like to have no communication with anyone for 30-60 days and coming back to something like this, along with your mail, brings a smile to your face. It's a little bit of home...of course it also makes you miss it all the more, but take it from me it's appreciated.


So this holiday season please put a soldier, sailor, or airman on your holiday gift list, it will be the best $25 or so you ever spent!


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Here at Dell we are participating in The Angel Project which essentially adopts military families or their children for Christmas gifts. They give you a wish list for things to purchase for specific people, or you can give general gifts such as WalMart Gift Cards. My team members at work have adopted a family, (trying to get a twin bed for one of the kids), and I've adopted a 3 year old girl just this morning. My wife and I are going shopping for her this weekend. :happy feet:


Not to imply the cards are not cool too! :happy feet:

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