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This countrys been on a slow slide on its way to socialism and now this president will take us the rest of the way fast.

I dont know about the rest of you but on my ballot this time around and for the first time I have seen, there were 3 or 4 other canidates listed in PRINT running on the socialist party(what the F#$%?). THE SOCIALIST PARTY what the FU%* I thought we fought wars to win our independance and freedom and fought wars to unoppress countries that that were oppressed with this type of system.

I just simply DONT get whats happening to our country? This truely makes me sad. Its truely the beginning of the final destruction of our country and being done so from the inside out.



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It is an absolute shame. I can't think of a worse person to lead our country, and I'll never understand why he got the number of votes he got. He:


Has little to no experience

Associates with criminals and terrorists

Promotes abortion and will sign the Freedom of Choice Act

Will fill the Supreme Court with liberal, leftist judges

Has never been fully vetted

Associates with socialists and marxists

Promotes socialism

Will hurt small businesses

Wants to negotiate with terrorists and enemies w/out preconditions

Wants to raise our taxes

Wants to increase the size of government

Willl enact a socialistic health care plan (more taxes, more government control)

Has an extremely oversized ego


Have I left anything out?


I guarantee you that at least 50% of the people who voted for him don't know about the above. They just wanted "change". Well, they're going to get it!!!


Obama will never have my support unless he changes his tune about a lot of the above issues which are critical to me. In the meantime, all we can do is plan and work to oust this guy in 2012, if he doesn't get impreached before then!




















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It is an absolute shame. I can't think of a worse person to lead our country, and I'll never understand why he got the number of votes he got. He:


Has little to no experience

Associates with criminals and terrorists

Promotes abortion and will sign the Freedom of Choice Act

Will fill the Supreme Court with liberal, leftist judges

Has never been fully vetted

Associates with socialists and marxists

Promotes socialism

Will hurt small businesses

Wants to negotiate with terrorists and enemies w/out preconditions

Wants to raise our taxes

Wants to increase the size of government

Willl enact a socialistic health care plan (more taxes, more government control)

Has an extremely oversized ego


Understanding would encompass having to think... but wait, one must have a brain!!!

Have I left anything out?


I guarantee you that at least 50% of the people who voted for him don't know about the above. They just wanted "change". Well, they're going to get it!!!


Obama will never have my support unless he changes his tune about a lot of the above issues which are critical to me. In the meantime, all we can do is plan and work to oust this guy in 2012, if he doesn't get impreached before then!

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Epiphany time...


Einstien, take a look out your window... the whole world is estatic and embracing what has happen as a result of this election. :yahoo:


Hmm... Now why do you suppose that is? :shrug:


It has nothing to do with the color of a man's skin. :headscratch:


In order to understand, one would have to have the ability to think instead of just regurgitating "Russ Limbaugh" rhetoric or what they've heard on FOX News... :huh:


But wait a minute, wouldn't that require one to also possess a brain? :idea:


The divisive comments you and others continue to make not only speaks volumes about your personal integrity as "self-proclaimed Americans", but also, it is highly indicative and transparently reveals to the rest of us who are "Real Americans", which ideals you "truely" represent. :poke:


GET OVER IT... or move a few more clicks further north of the Canadian border!!! :cry:


"...For the people... By the people..." :party2:


R/ 30 year VET... one brother lost in Gulf War.

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Epiphany time...


Einstien, take a look out your window... the whole world is estatic and embracing what has happen as a result of this election. :yahoo:


Hmm... Now why do you suppose that is? :shrug:


It has nothing to do with the color of a man's skin. :headscratch:


In order to understand, one would have to have the ability to think instead of just regurgitating "Russ Limbaugh" rhetoric or what they've heard on FOX News... :huh:


But wait a minute, wouldn't that require one to also possess a brain? :idea:


The divisive comments you and others continue to make not only speaks volumes about your personal integrity as "self-proclaimed Americans", but also, it is highly indicative and transparently reveals to the rest of us who are "Real Americans", which ideals you "truely" represent. :poke:


GET OVER IT... or move a few more clicks further north of the Canadian border!!! :cry:


"...For the people... By the people..." :party2:


R/ 30 year VET... one brother lost in Gulf War.


Thats nice, so gracious in victory. Shows the mentality of the far left. What happened to not attacking members here?


So you got your thnking from Oprah


And the world is celebrating, Iran, Russia, Syria, Venezuala, Cuba!


Obama has won the battle, now lets see how he does in the war before we celebrate.

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Thats nice, so gracious in victory. Shows the mentality of the far left. What happened to not attacking members here?


If Mccain had won the far right would have been 100% worst and you know it! The most vocal and biased people here are the far right crazy sounding people. A Mccain win would have brought out the worst in them...if that were still possible....



:happy feet:

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If Mccain had won the far right would have been 100% worst and you know it! The most vocal and biased people here are the far right crazy sounding people. A Mccain win would have brought out the worst in them...if that were still possible....



:happy feet:



The Republicans lost becasue they got away from who they were. They got that way becasue of the power they amassed in the 80's and 90's. They will get back on track, the question is, will the Dems repeat the same error? If history is a teacher, then yes, they will. I hope that is not the case. I see now that, he is aware of the threat, Obama is backing FISA. They maybe is hope

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Epiphany time...


Einstien, take a look out your window... the whole world is estatic and embracing what has happen as a result of this election. :yahoo:


Hmm... Now why do you suppose that is? :shrug:


It has nothing to do with the color of a man's skin. :headscratch:


In order to understand, one would have to have the ability to think instead of just regurgitating "Russ Limbaugh" rhetoric or what they've heard on FOX News... :huh:


But wait a minute, wouldn't that require one to also possess a brain? :idea:

The divisive comments you and others continue to make not only speaks volumes about your personal integrity as "self-proclaimed Americans", but also, it is highly indicative and transparently reveals to the rest of us who are "Real Americans", which ideals you "truely" represent. :poke:


GET OVER IT... or move a few more clicks further north of the Canadian border!!! :cry:


"...For the people... By the people..." :party2:


R/ 30 year VET... one brother lost in Gulf War.

Albert spells his name Einstein; not Einstien. Perhaps you should get your IQ measured before attacking other member's intelligence, genius. If yours is greater than 140, then you can rightfully claim superiority to mine.

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Albert spells his name Einstein; not Einstien. Perhaps you should get your IQ measured before attacking other member's intelligence, genius. If yours is greater than 140, then you can rightfully claim superiority to mine.


mine is at 138! I am a close second. :happy feet:

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Mine used to be 140. Then I read this thread.....


Now I've regressed to this level.





She needs a Cig in one hand, a Beer in the other and a couple of Teeth missing to be who she truely wants to be.



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If Mccain had won the far right would have been 100% worst and you know it! The most vocal and biased people here are the far right crazy sounding people. A Mccain win would have brought out the worst in them...if that were still possible....



:happy feet:[/quote

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The Republicans lost becasue they got away from who they were. They got that way becasue of the power they amassed in the 80's and 90's. They will get back on track, the question is, will the Dems repeat the same error? If history is a teacher, then yes, they will. I hope that is not the case. I see now that, he is aware of the threat, Obama is backing FISA. They maybe is hope



So you agree the "GOP" became too powerful and arrogant???????????????????


I am sure this is why most of them got booted.............


And I agree.............Hope the "Dems" learn from this....................

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Albert spells his name Einstein; not Einstien. Perhaps you should get your IQ measured before attacking other member's intelligence, genius. If yours is greater than 140, then you can rightfully claim superiority to mine.

Superiority now that's funny....... :hysterical: Be careful your over blown ego might pop. :doh:

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Superiority now that's funny....... :hysterical: Be careful your over blown ego might pop. :doh:


Don't engage in a battle for which you are ill-equipped to fight. He's the one attacking another's intellect; I responded, so deal with it.


P.S. The most common complaint of MENSA members is that if they don't dumb it down they get accused of having an ego. It's called insecurity on your part.

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