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This countrys been on a slow slide on its way to socialism and now this president will take us the rest of the way fast.

I dont know about the rest of you but on my ballot this time around and for the first time I have seen, there were 3 or 4 other canidates listed in PRINT running on the socialist party(what the F#$%?). THE SOCIALIST PARTY what the FU%* I thought we fought wars to win our independance and freedom and fought wars to unoppress countries that that were oppressed with this type of system.

I just simply DONT get whats happening to our country? This truely makes me sad. Its truely the beginning of the final destruction of our country and being done so from the inside out.

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It is an absolute shame. I can't think of a worse person to lead our country, and I'll never understand why he got the number of votes he got. He:


Has little to no experience

Associates with criminals and terrorists

Promotes abortion and will sign the Freedom of Choice Act

Will fill the Supreme Court with liberal, leftist judges

Has never been fully vetted

Associates with socialists and marxists

Promotes socialism

Will hurt small businesses

Wants to negotiate with terrorists and enemies w/out preconditions

Wants to raise our taxes

Wants to increase the size of government

Willl enact a socialistic health care plan (more taxes, more government control)

Has an extremely oversized ego


Have I left anything out?


I guarantee you that at least 50% of the people who voted for him don't know about the above. They just wanted "change". Well, they're going to get it!!!


Obama will never have my support unless he changes his tune about a lot of the above issues which are critical to me. In the meantime, all we can do is plan and work to oust this guy in 2012, if he doesn't get impreached before then!

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It is an absolute shame. I can't think of a worse person to lead our country, and I'll never understand why he got the number of votes he got. He:


Has little to no experience

Associates with criminals and terrorists

Promotes abortion and will sign the Freedom of Choice Act

Will fill the Supreme Court with liberal, leftist judges

Has never been fully vetted

Associates with socialists and marxists

Promotes socialism

Will hurt small businesses

Wants to negotiate with terrorists and enemies w/out preconditions

Wants to raise our taxes

Wants to increase the size of government

Willl enact a socialistic health care plan (more taxes, more government control)

Has an extremely oversized ego


Have I left anything out?


I guarantee you that at least 50% of the people who voted for him don't know about the above. They just wanted "change". Well, they're going to get it!!!


Obama will never have my support unless he changes his tune about a lot of the above issues which are critical to me. In the meantime, all we can do is plan and work to oust this guy in 2012, if he doesn't get impreached before then!


Obama is pretty bad as anyone knows who even did half-a$$ research but Pelosi is who needs to go. My concern is for the next two years we will have Pelosi and the Dems pretty much do whatever they want with no balance at all. Unfortunately the Republican party did this to themselves with the one-sided media adding fuel to the fire. The Republican party has GOT to get back to it's core beliefs.


Regardless, Obama is now the President of the United States and we need to try and unify to keep this country from ripping apart anymore. If Democracy fails it will be internal. As Americans just suck it up and lets move forward as we have no other choices in the matter. Dems have control now. Let them have their cake and who knows, maybe all this manure will make everything come up roses in time.

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How Cold does it really get in Canada?

How much does it Snow there?

How long are the Winters there?

How long are the Sumers there?

How does an American go about moving there?

I grew up in Buffalo NY which is just across the peace bridge from Canada.The weather is not too bad.Summer is at least a couple of months long.Count me in on how the hell do I get in.I imagine it isn't nearly as easy as it is to cruise into the US.............................

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How Cold does it really get in Canada?

How much does it Snow there?

How long are the Winters there?

How long are the Sumers there?

How does an American go about moving there?

Similar to Minnesotta. :hysterical:

As long as you make them. 68 Degrees farenheit today. 4 months, maybe 5. :hysterical:

About 7-8 months. :hysterical:


And we have Health Care. :happy feet: :yup:

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Woo hoo, I get to give up another 3-4% of my income to families who choose not to work... What a country we live in... <_< :runaway:





"Choosing" to work is something NOT in my dictionary :nonono: IMO, I work my single hardworking @SS off and have been for 25 years and for what :shrug: I hope that Obama being as young as he is will focus on our generation, our children's generation and/or the Middle Class who may soon be falling into the lower class category and have nothing, no jobs or homes and no retirement funds available in our future. Everyone should be out there working for this country, providing you are lucky enough to have a job as there are MANY layoffs going on right now in my State. :nonono: I work for a mortgage company and the calls and stories I am hearing all day everyday is just very sad (people losing their jobs left and right) and we cannot wait 1,2 3, or even 4 more years for this economy to turn around. :lurk: I guess for a few people out there that do have everything consider yourselves very fortunate (I don't care how hard you work most of us work just as hard) therefore the "most" of us cannot do this on our own we need a Stable Economy and a Strong Leadership. :spend::spend::spend:

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This countrys been on a slow slide on its way to socialism and now this president will take us the rest of the way fast.

I dont know about the rest of you but on my ballot this time around and for the first time I have seen, there were 3 or 4 other canidates listed in PRINT running on the socialist party(what the F#$%?). THE SOCIALIST PARTY what the FU%* I thought we fought wars to win our independance and freedom and fought wars to unoppress countries that that were oppressed with this type of system.

I just simply DONT get whats happening to our country? This truely makes me sad. Its truely the beginning of the final destruction of our country and being done so from the inside out.


Ahem to that

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Folks I felt the same way when clinton was elected. I just couldnt understand how it happened.


We need to remember a few things. obama has been running for this office for along time. He will contitue to run for this office for four more years. If he doesnt do anything stupid and gets re elected then we might have problems. I dont think he will let the LIBERALS do what they want yet. He wants this office for 8 years NOT 4. I didnt vote for him and like ilmore will not change my opinion unless I see something different from him.


Stump you are dead on. The repubs did this to themselves by wanting more govt not less!


Now when Bush is gone who are the media going to blame for all the problems. Is it going to be Bush that let this and that happen. How long can Bush be the scape goat? Dems its yalls show now, if it fails yall have NO ONE to blame but yourselfs!!!






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Folks I felt the same way when clinton was elected. I just couldnt understand how it happened.


We need to remember a few things. obama has been running for this office for along time. He will contitue to run for this office for four more years. If he doesnt do anything stupid and gets re elected then we might have problems. I dont think he will let the LIBERALS do what they want yet. He wants this office for 8 years NOT 4. I didnt vote for him and like ilmore will not change my opinion unless I see something different from him.


Stump you are dead on. The repubs did this to themselves by wanting more govt not less!


Now when Bush is gone who are the media going to blame for all the problems. Is it going to be Bush that let this and that happen. How long can Bush be the scape goat? Dems its yalls show now, if it fails yall have NO ONE to blame but yourselfs!!!







They will now switch their tactic from blaming Clinton's failures on Bush to blaming Obama's failures on the Bush legacy. All successes, of course, they will take credit for just like Clinton did less than 30 days in office when he took credit for Bush #1's housing market turn around.

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