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Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State

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Though I am sure that even this will not be enough for some the state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.




This is my last post of a political nature, my work is done...it's been a fun diversion from the usual, but then the fun of it too was wearing off.


I still love ya all...and regardless of who you support get out and vote, and if you live in Chicago vote twice! :happy feet:


Three more days!

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Though I am sure that even this will not be enough for some the state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.




This is my last post of a political nature, my work is done...it's been a fun diversion from the usual, but then the fun of it too was wearing off.


I still love ya all...and regardless of who you support get out and vote, and if you live in Chicago vote twice! :happy feet:


Three more days!



Cool! Does this mean the SCOTUS does not have to hear the appeal??

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Though I am sure that even this will not be enough for some the state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.




This is my last post of a political nature, my work is done...it's been a fun diversion from the usual, but then the fun of it too was wearing off.


I still love ya all...and regardless of who you support get out and vote, and if you live in Chicago vote twice! :happy feet:


Three more days!



I've already been twice......a third maybe? :hysterical:

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Though I am sure that even this will not be enough for some the state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.




This is my last post of a political nature, my work is done...it's been a fun diversion from the usual, but then the fun of it too was wearing off.


I still love ya all...and regardless of who you support get out and vote, and if you live in Chicago vote twice! :happy feet:


Three more days!


Ya, it has been fun posting an reading the differant ideas and strong opinians on these political topics

and no hard feelings guys. This is a great forum full of intelegent people and I respect you all even

though some posts fall short.


And Jeff;

You be proud of me(NO CHEATING) as the Adults in my family have all voted by mail one time...........


That includes my parents and I, my wife, daughter and new registered dog and three cats?????????????


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Ya, it has been fun posting an reading the differant ideas and strong opinians on these political topics

and no hard feelings guys. This is a great forum full of intelegent people and I respect you all even

though some posts fall short.


And Jeff;

You be proud of me(NO CHEATING) as the Adults in my family have all voted by mail one time...........


That includes my parents and I, my wife, daughter and new registered dog and three cats?????????????



damn ACORN!



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Though I am sure that even this will not be enough for some the state's Department of Health director on Friday released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.




This is my last post of a political nature, my work is done...it's been a fun diversion from the usual, but then the fun of it too was wearing off.


I still love ya all...and regardless of who you support get out and vote, and if you live in Chicago vote twice! :happy feet:


Three more days!






It merely says a birth certificate exists! It doesn't say anything about what the certificate says.


So does it state he was born in HI? Or is it one that was registered after his birth? Who is the father listed? Who is listed as the doctor that delivered him? What hospital is listed that he was born at? What time was he born?


What about the issue of him giving up his US citizenship when he was adopted by his step father? Where are the documents he filed reinstating his US citizenship?


The ONLY thing that article says is a birth certificate does exist, but it doesn't reveal anything what it says!


At that time in the State of HI you could have been born outside the US and register a birth in the State of HI. They have not cleared this up as whether or not this is the case. This does not clear up whether he is a US citizen or not even if he was born in HI since he gave up his citizenship to become a citizen of Indonesia.


This hasn't resolved anything yet. BTW...where is the copy of this so it can be verified? Or are we just suppose to take the word of someone???


Why wouldn't Obama just provide this to the court and put a end to all this like McCain did when his citizenship was brought into question? Why would Obama just continue to shirt around this issue by motioning the courts for dismissal instead of just providing this birth certificate and end the rumors??? What is Obama hiding? What would the point be to just leave voters having any doubts about this instead of just ending any doubts by providing the documentation to clear this up? It makes no sense unless he has something to hide!

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Andy Martin is the guy that flew to HI to investigate this. This was happening the same time Obama suddenly had to cancel his campaign and fly to HI because his grandmother was gravely ill. They said she was doing fine now, btw! LOL


Here is an email I got this morning from Andy Martin:



Fox News leads the disinformation parade over Barack Obama's birth certificate

Hawai'i Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino adds to the confusion over Obama's birth

"Seattle stinky poo" raises questions about Obama's mother's whereabouts




Executive Editor



"Factually Correct, Not

Politically Correct"




Internet powerhouse Andy Martin calls Dr. Chiyome Fukino's discussion of Barack Obama's birth certificate a waiver of confidentiality


Why do mainstream media persist in creating confusion over where Obama was born? Maybe it's because they have been confused by public officials such as Fukino.


"Seattle stinky poo" undermines Fukino's credibility


Andy's court hearing on November 18th may resolve questions (or maybe not)


The only certain fact is that we know Barack Obama lied to the American people. Why?


(HONOLULU)(November 2, 2008) Here's a little test for you: how many mainstream media have asked to see Barack Obama's original, typewritten 1961 Certificate of Live Birth ("COLB") in Honolulu? As far as we know, none. Only I have actually followed procedures to get access to the document. I have filed a lawsuit seeking access, and have a court hearing scheduled for November 18th in Honolulu.


(Reminder: in 2004, the Chicago Tribune filed a lawsuit to open a stale divorce file of Obama's opponent; this year, the Tribune has been stone cold silent in the face of Obama's intimidation.)


Fox News has led the latest parade of mainstream disinformation. Major Garrett of Fox said Saturday that Hawai'i officials had determined Obama was born in Hawai'i. Whoa. Garrett's claim was confusing, misleading and totally unsubstantiated.


Here is someone else who is in general agreement with my analysis:]



A Hawai'i COLB is only one piece of paper in a complicated evidentiary inquiry involving Obama. No one outside two people from the Hawai'i Department of Health has apparently viewed the original 1961 document. Neither of them has any forensic or legal experience. Health Director Chiyome Fukino is a medical doctor.


She probably dug out the original COLB because the Attorney General of Hawai'i asked her to. Does that make sense? Absolutely it does. After all, his office has to appear at a court hearing in two weeks and respond to my lawsuit. That is the way lawsuits progress. Lawyers (AG) consult clients (DofH) and ask for evidence to prepare for court.


A couple of days ago I asked my readers to participate in explaining the peculiar fact that Barack Obama was supposedly born in Hawai'i, and three weeks later his mother was a college student in Seattle, Washington and the baby was visiting Mercer Island outside Seattle. I thought maybe I missed some concrete explanation or definite facts. I was amazed.


I received an avalanche of theories, suggestions, and links. But no one could point to any definitive explanation for how Obama was born in Hawai'i and three weeks later his mother was a student in Seattle. No one. There is simply no authoritative explanation or source of information.


For someone who was supposedly a poor, 18 year-old student, Obama's mother sure did a lot of traveling. What are the chances that his mother had a baby, somewhere, and was gallivanting three weeks later? The person she visited says Ann Dunham could not even change a diaper. That's also very curious. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/po...0,2258217.story. [second video]


She hadn't learned to change a diaper in three weeks of motherhood? While traveling? Stinky poo.


Who cared for the child while his mother was in class (we know he was with her)?


I have never expressed any opinion as to where Obama was born. The information is still too incomplete and contradictory to make an informed opinion. I simply lack enough credible evidence to do so.


Republicans are equally in the dark; they have been "Waiting for Godot" in the form of a Mombassa birth certificate that was supposed to surface as an "October Surprise," but has not yet seen the light of day. And probably never will.


Into this morass of conflict and confusion waded Dr. Fukino on Friday saying she had determined Obama was born in Hawai'i. On what basis? The secret COLB?


Fukino's strange behavior illustrates why clients drive lawyers crazy. First, Fukino's public discussion of the COLB may have waived the secrecy of the document. Can a public official publicly discuss a document that is not in evidence and yet withhold the evidence? Can Fukino play hide-and-seek and ask us to trust her? No.


Second, why would she be talking to the media if her lawyer, the Attorney General, had not approved such a discussion? Did the AG approve such a discussion? I will be filing a Freedom of Information request to see just what who said to whom, and disclosing these requests at a news conference in Chicago Sunday afternoon.


The whole situation gets curiouser and curiouser. Was this legerdemain the real reason why Obama visited Hawai'i a couple of weeks ago? Did he want to try to manipulate Hawai'i officials? Michelle said Barack's grandmother was "doing fine" by the time he arrived; contrary to his claims his real granny appears ready to make it to election day. So we are left to speculate as to the real reason for his emergency trip to Hawai'i, which came after I started doing street agent investigations in Honolulu.


So why was Fukino expressing an opinion on a fact possibly outside the certificate, or on which she had not verified or conducted any investigation, and a document which is the subject of a pending lawsuit?


Craziness seems to accompany questions about Obama's COLB. In early August I was contacted by an attorney before he filed a lawsuit in Philadelphia. I advised attorney Phil Berg not to file his case because of gaps in his evidence. He went ahead. The results were predictable. Berg fooled a lot of people and had to keep expanding his exaggerations to keep people involved in his charade.


Federal courts simply do not work the way Berg acted. You line up your evidence before you file a controversial lawsuit making legal claims about a candidate for president, not afterwards. "Due diligence" is the term courts use for pre-filing inquiry. True to form, Berg apparently now has affidavits and interviews from Obama's grandmother. Except that she's not Obama's grandmother. She's his step-grandmother.


I have remained silent about Mr. Berg's lack of evidence although he insists he has "evidence." And he wants to enjoin the 2008 election as well. What's next? Stop the world until Berg's lawsuit can be heard? The plain fact of the matter is that any lawyer experienced in federal litigation would have realized Mr. Berg was grasping at straws. Mr. Berg may have not been complimentary to me recently, but he did contact me before he filed. My e-mails are available to confirm the correspondence. I must have known something or he would not have been in touch.


I have not made any claims about Obama's birth because it is impossible to make such allegations without more investigation.


But that lack of evidence or investigation didn't stop Fukino. She issued a legal and factual opinion based on a document that may or may not be accurate. We simply do not know. I can't say the document is inaccurate, because I have not seen its contents. But Fukino says she knows where Obama was born. Phil Berg, meet Chiyome Fukino.


Some questions for Dr. Fukino: Well, what hospital was he born in? Who was the attending physician? What hour was he born (astrologers would love to know that!). Whose names are listed on the COLB? (Any other questions readers want me to ask?) Dr. Fukino, are you going to tell us the contents of the document, and what it contains that forms the basis for the opinion you issued in your official capacity? Or are you going to continue to play games and gotcha?


You get the point. Fukino waded into a controversy that is-as one great sage once said at SaddlebackChurch-was "way above her pay grade."


Fox News has never carried any reporting or done any investigation about Obama's origins. None of the mainstream media has (I am not picking on my friends Fox News). So how can they report out of thin air a "finding" made by someone with no expertise, that has not been tested in any forum, based on conflicting and confusing factors that overwhelmingly create reasonable doubt without further evidence and inquiry? Confused? How could you be anything else?


If you read my lawsuit and my comments about Obama's birth certificate, I have been extremely conservative in what I said because the facts are still elusive. Access to the COLB would be a first step, not the last step, in making a determination as to where Obama entered the world.


That determination remains to be made, and today all we have is people on all sides, from Berg to Fukino, making wild or unsubstantiated or unconfirmed or untested claims without anyone having any access to the full range of conflicting evidence.


That's why I filed my "conservative" (in litigation claims) lawsuit and why I will be in court on November 18th seeking access to Fukino's files and records. She does the State of Hawai'i a disservice when she wades into a controversy without any experience or expertise to express an official opinion. Is it any wonder the mainstream media are confused and any wonder the American people are even more confused by Obama's origins? None whatsoever.


If you would like to support our efforts, please feel free to do so. But I want to make it clear that we are only seeking facts, truth and solid evidence, not pie-in-the-sky nonsense. We will be on the job on November 5th, and 18th, irrespective of the election returns on November 4th. The truth must come out and the truth will come out. It has not come out to date.


In closing, I renew my thanks to Dr. Fukino for what she did confirm: Barack Obama blatantly and knowingly lied to the American people.


My claim that there was an original typewritten, 1961 COLB was confirmed by Fukino. The COLB posted by Obama on the Internet was falsely represented to be an "original." (It was an "abstract" of a laser-printed computer record having no physical connection to the typewritten 1961 original.)


If Obama lied, why? Why is he creating needless confusion when he could avoid all of this doubt simply by asking for release of his original 1961 document?


Obviously, Barack Obama has something to hide. He has something to hide that is sufficiently damaging that he has engaged in this endless charade. What is it he is trying so hard to hide?


If Obama has something that significant to hide, how can any informed voter vote to make him president? How?

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Sarah Obama Interview Transcript (Obama's Kenya grandmother)






Affidavit Ron McRae





Obama Affidavit of Kweli Shuhubia10302008corr[1]






Ron McRae Affidavit Exhibits



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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vice presidential Candidate filing lawsuit against Obama


Contact: Steve Marquis

Telephone Number: 425-698-7084

Email Address: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org

Web site address: http://peoplespassions.org


Wiley S. Drake, Sr. wileydrake@hotmail.com




Vice presidential Candidate Wiley S. Drake Sr. to file in court asking to

de-certify Barack Obama because he has refused to release proof of being a Natural Born Citizen, thereby disqualifying Obama in his bid for the Office of President.


The recent Lawsuit in Washington State demanding their Secretary of State to vet the citizenship credentials of Barack Obama has spawned a slew of similar suits with new lawsuits filed and/or prepared in WA, FL, NC, CO, CA, OH, FL, CT, GA, TX, MI. Related lawsuits HI, US District.


As part of this effort, this group of citizens from states across the union made an outreach to the whole presidential slate asking each candidate for president and vice president to offer up a certified copy of their birth certificates and any related candidate declarations to be placed in a library made available to the public via a non-partisan web site.


At least one VP candidate Wiley S. Drake Sr. went the next step and agreed to file a lawsuit of his own to demand the disqualification of Barack Obama unless he can prove status as a ”Natural Born Citizen” as the constitution and federal statues demand and define.


In another unrelated action, though also aimed at forcing Obama to release proof or step down, 24 potential Electoral College electors are filing action Monday morning in court also demanding proof. A call is herein being issued to any elector in any state, especially democrat electors who would like to join that effort. Electors interested in adding their name to this lawsuit can contact Mr. Marquis who will put you in contact with the attorney handling that case.


Contact: Steve Marquis

Telephone Number: 425-698-7084

Email Address: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org


Wiley S. Drake, Sr. wileydrake@hotmail.com

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If Obama's past record is any indication, Jeff will next be busy making up excuses for Obama's lack of doing anything substantial.



That could be a good thing compared to 8 years of GW Bush.....................

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Guest markham51
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vice presidential Candidate filing lawsuit against Obama


Contact: Steve Marquis

Telephone Number: 425-698-7084

Email Address: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org

Web site address: http://peoplespassions.org


Wiley S. Drake, Sr. wileydrake@hotmail.com




Vice presidential Candidate Wiley S. Drake Sr. to file in court asking to

de-certify Barack Obama because he has refused to release proof of being a Natural Born Citizen, thereby disqualifying Obama in his bid for the Office of President.


The recent Lawsuit in Washington State demanding their Secretary of State to vet the citizenship credentials of Barack Obama has spawned a slew of similar suits with new lawsuits filed and/or prepared in WA, FL, NC, CO, CA, OH, FL, CT, GA, TX, MI. Related lawsuits HI, US District.


As part of this effort, this group of citizens from states across the union made an outreach to the whole presidential slate asking each candidate for president and vice president to offer up a certified copy of their birth certificates and any related candidate declarations to be placed in a library made available to the public via a non-partisan web site.


At least one VP candidate Wiley S. Drake Sr. went the next step and agreed to file a lawsuit of his own to demand the disqualification of Barack Obama unless he can prove status as a ”Natural Born Citizen” as the constitution and federal statues demand and define.


In another unrelated action, though also aimed at forcing Obama to release proof or step down, 24 potential Electoral College electors are filing action Monday morning in court also demanding proof. A call is herein being issued to any elector in any state, especially democrat electors who would like to join that effort. Electors interested in adding their name to this lawsuit can contact Mr. Marquis who will put you in contact with the attorney handling that case.


Contact: Steve Marquis

Telephone Number: 425-698-7084

Email Address: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org


Wiley S. Drake, Sr. wileydrake@hotmail.com


The Republicans have tried this all ready. Thrown out of court.


So, here is yet another last minute "dirty trick" the Republicans are trying to pull off on the public:


Lets try and get some to believe Obama is not elligible to be President!


By the time the election is over it will be too late, but we may have convinced a few voters he shouldn't be there. Things are going to be tight in some swing states. Every little bit helps!


"Wolf, wolf,wolf!"

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The Republicans have tried this all ready. Thrown out of court.


So, here is yet another last minute "dirty trick" the Republicans are trying to pull off on the public:


Lets try and get some to believe Obama is not elligible to be President!


By the time the election is over it will be too late, but we may have convinced a few voters he shouldn't be there. Things are going to be tight in some swing states. Every little bit helps!


"Wolf, wolf,wolf!"



Republicans had nothing to do with this. They along with the media have ignored this subject. In fact, it was a democrat that took it to court which the court has dismissed it claiming no one has "standing" to bring this case to court. It is now pending in the Supreme Court which Scalia has decided to review the case.

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I would think that if he wasn't born in the US, the Republican party would have a vested interest in exposing this by now. Kinda like George W's DUI revelation right before the 2000 election.


If it is true;


Problem is it seems the GOP is only interested in proving "FALSE ACCUSATIONS"................ :hysterical:

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Andy Martin is the guy that flew to HI to investigate this. This was happening the same time Obama suddenly had to cancel his campaign and fly to HI because his grandmother was gravely ill. They said she was doing fine now, btw! LOL


Sen. Obama's Grandmother passed away today.



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If it is true;


Problem is it seems the GOP is only interested in proving "FALSE ACCUSATIONS"................ :hysterical:

Upon further reflection, I should have said if it was true, the GOP would have a vested interest in legally challenging his eligibilty to be President. The fact that they haven't leads me to believe that it's a non issue. i.e. he was indeed born in HI.


Politics aside, my thoughts are with him for the loss of his grandmother. Wherever you stand, you can appreciate that she had a very positive impact on his life.

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