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McCain Wants Control of Female Reproductive Organs!

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Abstinence is ignorant, because it ignores human nature. We will have sex. Period. We need to be smarter about it. That comes from teaching.


It does not ignore the fact. We have kids at what age having sex now because of the so called teachers. Parents need to educate thier children with thier moral values, whatever they may be

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It does not ignore the fact. We have kids at what age having sex now because of the so called teachers. Parents need to educate thier children with thier moral values, whatever they may be


There it is - teaching sex will lead to sex. Unbelievable. That is ignorant. Yes - lets keep our heads in the sand longer.


European kids are much more sophisticated about sex than US kids. Our teenage birth rate is much higher. Now why is that? How's that 'abstinence only' - and 'wait til your married' program working?


Sex is human nature. We are sexual animals. Of course, religion will try to teach you that we're somehow above that. That would be ignoring human nature.

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I agree as far as more parents bucking up to the responsiblity of teaching their children about sex. Education is the key, but is it the governments responsibility to teach it? I think that has been the problem. No one can agree on how it should be taught and by whom.



I agree - but leaving it up to parents isn't getting it done. When they try to bring religion into it and try to turn human nature into some kind of reproductive act only - that's the problem.

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There it is - teaching sex will lead to sex. Unbelievable. That is ignorant. Yes - lets keep our heads in the sand longer.


European kids are much more sophisticated about sex than US kids. Our teenage birth rate is much higher. Now why is that? How's that 'abstinence only' - and 'wait til your married' program working?


Sex is human nature. We are sexual animals. Of course, religion will try to teach you that we're somehow above that. That would be ignoring human nature.



There it is - Teaching abstinance, where has that happened?

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Wow. Didn't think I'd need to spell that one out. Did you not read the paragraph?


You have the right to do whatever you want until you infringe upon the rights of others. Obviously a rapist is infringing on the rights of the one being raped. Obviously a murderer is infringing on the rights of the one being murdered. You can take it to smoking, too. A smoker has every right to smoke, until they infringe on others right to fresh air. Which is why smoking will end up outdoors only - though even there one runs a gauntlet of smoke just walking into a building.


This has nothing to do with "values" that are legislated. Though there are those who may try to conveniently claim it to be. These laws are put there to protect victims rights. The right to choose who one mates with. The right to life. Of course, some will say - aha! the fetus has this right - though again - we need to draw the line somewhere. a fetus has rights at the time of their birth - their birth rights.


Look poverty breeds poverty. Crime breeds crime. Kids are having kids. Unwanted kids. It's not so easy to say just give it up for adoption.


The very people who want to save these fetuses are the ones that want to forget about them once they're born. That is so hypocritical. And they feel they have the moral high ground.


I read just fine, thanks! You used "Values" in the context of forcing one's values upon another. All laws are based on values of the general society such as it's wrong to kill, rape, molest children, steal, etc, but there are those who do not hold your values. For instance, there is a group out there with the slogan, "Sex before eight or it's too late." As much as that wants to make me puke, that's their values, but a child molestation law prohibits that because it's the value of the society - not a few in the society - that matters. As you correctly stated, there are some that believe you are forcing your values on an unborn child when you abort just as a child molester does on a child. But let me point out that those who engage in sexual conduct by their own volition are not victims. I didn't think that I had to spell that out. As far as hypocrisy, I have pointed out that it's hypocritical to be anti-abortion and use the pill or IUD.


And before you get too snippy, go back and read my position on the subject.

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I agree as far as more parents bucking up to the responsiblity of teaching their children about sex. Education is the key, but is it the governments responsibility to teach it? I think that has been the problem. No one can agree on how it should be taught and by whom.


But, generally speaking, the parents are failing to properly teach.

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It does not ignore the fact. We have kids at what age having sex now because of the so called teachers. Parents need to educate thier children with thier moral values, whatever they may be

Like Sarah Palin did with her daughter? This is a prime example of how abstinence and ignorant with no contaceptives ends up. Pregnant


Sarah Palin got rid of sex-ed in Wasilla when she was the mayor. Her own daughter, though steeped in religion, couldn't remain chaste.


Her own philosphy is a failure in practice, and yet she still says its gonna work for the rest of us. Abstinence doenst work.


I STILL havent heard from anyone about whether they have had premarital sex or sex just for fun. None of you have? SVTTim, time to fess up. You were a virgin when you got married? I sure as hell wasnt, but then I'm not trying to force other people to live a life I cant lead myself. Lets hear it Tim, I'm calling you OUT!


I STILL havent heard anyone deal with the issue of women who dont want kids or want to wait.


ANY of you only been with one women? I doubt it. ANY single guys out there "abstaining"? It takes 2 to tango.


Because if you HAVE had premarital sex or sex just for fun, you are being very hypocritical. It was ok for you, but not for women, not other people? Seems pretty self serving to me.



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Like Sarah Palin did with her daughter? This is a prime example of how abstinence and ignorant with no contaceptives ends up. Pregnant


Sarah Palin got rid of sex-ed in Wasilla when she was the mayor. Her own daughter, though steeped in religion, couldn't remain chaste.


Her own philosphy is a failure in practice, and yet she still says its gonna work for the rest of us. Abstinence doenst work.


I STILL havent heard from anyone about whether they have had premarital sex or sex just for fun. None of you have? SVTTim, time to fess up. You were a virgin when you got married? I sure as hell wasnt, but then I'm not trying to force other people to live a life I cant lead myself. Lets hear it Tim, I'm calling you OUT!


I STILL havent heard anyone deal with the issue of women who dont want kids or want to wait.


ANY of you only been with one women? I doubt it. ANY single guys out there "abstaining"? It takes 2 to tango.


Because if you HAVE had premarital sex or sex just for fun, you are being very hypocritical. It was ok for you, but not for women, not other people? Seems pretty self serving to me.




Not bitting man, sorry. I only posted that your assertion that McCain Palin will roll back Roe V Wade is pure political rederick. I have never said how I feel about birth control nor have I advocated an Abstinance only teaching. And, I still have not heard anyone reply where abstinance only is tauget or for that matter, abstinance is taught at all

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Like Sarah Palin did with her daughter? This is a prime example of how abstinence and ignorant with no contaceptives ends up. Pregnant


Sarah Palin got rid of sex-ed in Wasilla when she was the mayor. Her own daughter, though steeped in religion, couldn't remain chaste.


Her own philosphy is a failure in practice, and yet she still says its gonna work for the rest of us. Abstinence doenst work.


I STILL havent heard from anyone about whether they have had premarital sex or sex just for fun. None of you have? SVTTim, time to fess up. You were a virgin when you got married? I sure as hell wasnt, but then I'm not trying to force other people to live a life I cant lead myself. Lets hear it Tim, I'm calling you OUT!


I STILL havent heard anyone deal with the issue of women who dont want kids or want to wait.


ANY of you only been with one women? I doubt it. ANY single guys out there "abstaining"? It takes 2 to tango.


Because if you HAVE had premarital sex or sex just for fun, you are being very hypocritical. It was ok for you, but not for women, not other people? Seems pretty self serving to me.





You cannot pin the daughter's actions on Palin. Or use anyone else as an example. I know i'm probably getting off subject, but a parent can tell their kids not to have sex, drink alcohol, take drugs, etc. until they are blue in the face. Some kids still go against parents wishes. It's like saying "don't touch the red botton". Someone will just because you said not to.

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Not bitting man, sorry. I only posted that your assertion that McCain Palin will roll back Roe V Wade is pure political rederick. I have never said how I feel about birth control nor have I advocated an Abstinance only teaching. And, I still have not heard anyone reply where abstinance only is tauget or for that matter, abstinance is taught at all

You just bit. I think you see my point. Checkmate...anyone else?



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You cannot pin the daughter's actions on Palin. Or use anyone else as an example. I know i'm probably getting off subject, but a parent can tell their kids not to have sex, drink alcohol, take drugs, etc. until they are blue in the face. Some kids still go against parents wishes. It's like saying "don't touch the red botton". Someone will just because you said not to.

I'm not blaming her for her daughters actions, what I'm saying is her policies as applied to her own family failed.



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I'm not blaming her for her daughters actions, what I'm saying is her policies as applied to her own family failed.





Actually you are blaming. You're saying that her policies applied to her own family failed. That's blame, my friend. I don't think they failed. A person makes their own decisions regardless of what they've been taught. Some of the best teachers in the world have students that fail. Does that mean the teacher's instruction failed?

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Anyone mind if I close this thread. Its going NO WHERE!


I understand what you were asking to begin with, but no one can answer to your approval unless they argree with you.


I feel this topic has ran its course and they only thing left is silly banter about who got lucky before they got married. Personnely I dont care about other folks private life. I do understand why your asking, but I dont think it makes your point. What someone thought 20 years ago might be complete different from now. So asking what I did in college to prove a how I feel now doesnt really apply.


Now for the anti aboration folks. Trying to debate religion or beliefs with someone that doesnt share yours doesnt make much sense. I have sat around ALOT with folks and talked religion. The first thing I always say is "according to MY belief in the christian Bible", because this is what I base MY beliefs on. Im not saying if you dont believe like me your wrong, just want them to know where Im coming from if we are talking religion. Im sure a Jewish person is going to believe different from me and thats fine.


Its time to let this topic close and move on. If yall want to keep it open thats fine, but its only going to get worse.


Believe what you want, but as my wife said Im stuck in my ways and Im NOT changing!!!




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Anyone mind if I close this thread. Its going NO WHERE!


I understand what you were asking to begin with, but no one can answer to your approval unless they argree with you.


I feel this topic has ran its course and they only thing left is silly banter about who got lucky before they got married. Personnely I dont care about other folks private life. I do understand why your asking, but I dont think it makes your point. What someone thought 20 years ago might be complete different from now. So asking what I did in college to prove a how I feel now doesnt really apply.


Now for the anti aboration folks. Trying to debate religion or beliefs with someone that doesnt share yours doesnt make much sense. I have sat around ALOT with folks and talked religion. The first thing I always say is "according to MY belief in the christian Bible", because this is what I base MY beliefs on. Im not saying if you dont believe like me your wrong, just want them to know where Im coming from if we are talking religion. Im sure a Jewish person is going to believe different from me and thats fine.


Its time to let this topic close and move on. If yall want to keep it open thats fine, but its only going to get worse.


Believe what you want, but as my wife said Im stuck in my ways and Im NOT changing!!!





Michael - we are a product of our education and our environment. That process of learning never stops.

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Anyone mind if I close this thread. Its going NO WHERE!


I understand what you were asking to begin with, but no one can answer to your approval unless they argree with you.


I feel this topic has ran its course and they only thing left is silly banter about who got lucky before they got married. Personnely I dont care about other folks private life. I do understand why your asking, but I dont think it makes your point. What someone thought 20 years ago might be complete different from now. So asking what I did in college to prove a how I feel now doesnt really apply.


Now for the anti aboration folks. Trying to debate religion or beliefs with someone that doesnt share yours doesnt make much sense. I have sat around ALOT with folks and talked religion. The first thing I always say is "according to MY belief in the christian Bible", because this is what I base MY beliefs on. Im not saying if you dont believe like me your wrong, just want them to know where Im coming from if we are talking religion. Im sure a Jewish person is going to believe different from me and thats fine.


Its time to let this topic close and move on. If yall want to keep it open thats fine, but its only going to get worse.


Believe what you want, but as my wife said Im stuck in my ways and Im NOT changing!!!





Yep I mind, I think it will show tremendous bias since all other political threads have been allowed.



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Yep I mind, I think it will show tremendous bias since all other political threads have been allowed.



This isnt a political thread. I think its more religous, but I will let it run until the insults and bashing starts back up.


Im not being bias at all. I just dont want it to get out of hand. I dont have to ask to close it, but I was making sure everyone knew where this is going.


Keep it civil and it will roll on!



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This isnt a political thread. I think its more religous, but I will let it run until the insults and bashing starts back up.


Im not being bias at all. I just dont want it to get out of hand. I dont have to ask to close it, but I was making sure everyone knew where this is going.


Keep it civil and it will roll on!






I wouldnt worry about it too much, the worst thing that can happen is some of these guys might have to confront their own hypocracy.



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"We The People"


Greetings Folks,


Within 72hrs people all across this great land of America will awaken and head out to the voting booths to elect the next President of the United States of America. When I step into that booth I will cast my vote for an individual that it the right person at this time to lead our nation. Yes, agreed, plenty can be said for “making history” or “being a part of history”; however, making history for the sake of making history may mean all the things we hold close to our hearts and minds(our basic, precious freedoms and our sacred, beloved Constitution of the United States of America as we now know it) may become history, because we drank too much from the “being a part of history” cup. Change is a good thing, but change for the sake of change is akin to a hockey coach who changes goalies late in the game and his team is already leading by three goals.


One candidate has served his country bravely and honorably in a time of war; one candidate is dangerously close to sparking another civil-war if a specific segment of society decide that somehow he may have been cheated out of what is already his if one believes the biased Mainstream Media.


One candidate has said all along, “what you see is what you get”; one candidate has exhibited that when his own actions or those actions of individuals that he has chosen to associate with for most of his aldut life becomes a political liability, then he decides to distance himself from them, not for the right reasons but because it’s merely a political ploy for the time being.


One candidate couldn’t make the Top 1,000,000th list of great orators, yet speaks the plain and simple truth in any setting he encounters; one candidate can seemingly be all things to all people, yet doesn’t stand for anything(an occasional “present” vote in the US Senate seems to suffice though). Moreover, this same candidate and a teleprompter can make people swoon, faint and otherwise forget the real issues facing our great nation.


One candidate said I would rather “lose an election” than deny our fellow Americans in Iraq the benefit of a troop Surge strategy; one candidate said I'm bringing the troops home, essentially saying forget about saving our fellow Americans, nor the lives of the Iraqi people who could potentially slide into an ugly civil-war of their own without proper management of the war.


One candidate says if I lose I lose graciously; one candidate says smugly that I never lose, and if I do be prepared that we get in your face and shut down Washington, DC, our country's capitol.


As some of you wrestle with how you will vote next week, please consider protecting our Constitution and basic freedoms from a candidate I have tabbed “Teleprompter & His Puppet Masters”. For all the talk of change and for all the smiles and pretty speeches, remember this candidate is merely dangling from a puppet-string, beholden to entities still lurking in the dark shadows until after the election.


God Bless America, not god**** America





Lee Greenwood---"I'm proud to be an American, Where at least I know I'm free. I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. I'll proudly stand up next to him to defend her still today, Cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land. God Bless The USA" (From the song, "Proud To Be An American")


Calvin Coolidge---"Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong".


John Quincy Adams---"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost".


Benjamin Franklin---"Where liberty dwells, there is my country".


Al---"The United States of America is a democracy, and isn't for sale to the highest bidder(s)"


John Wayne---"Sure I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure I love my country with all her faults. I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be".









:happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

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I wouldnt worry about it too much, the worst thing that can happen is some of these guys might have to confront their own hypocracy.





I imagine everyone, including yourself, has at one time or another, given in to temptation on something, even though you knew you shouldn't or that is was wrong, or that you could get into trouble for or whatever.


So I guess we are all hypocrites! :happy feet:


I'm a hypocrite, he's a hypocrite, she's a hypocrite, wouldn't you like to be a hypocrite too??? :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

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I imagine everyone, including yourself, has at one time or another, given in to temptation on something, even though you knew you shouldn't or that is was wrong, or that you could get into trouble for or whatever.


So I guess we are all hypocrites! :happy feet:


I'm a hypocrite, he's a hypocrite, she's a hypocrite, wouldn't you like to be a hypocrite too??? :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:



i thought hypocrite refers to a wise ancient man ..i thought it was a good thing :hysterical:

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I imagine everyone, including yourself, has at one time or another, given in to temptation on something, even though you knew you shouldn't or that is was wrong, or that you could get into trouble for or whatever.


So I guess we are all hypocrites! :happy feet:


I'm a hypocrite, he's a hypocrite, she's a hypocrite, wouldn't you like to be a hypocrite too??? :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:


This is the definition of Hypocrisy:


Hypocrisy (or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief, religion or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself.


If the shoe fits, wear it.



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