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McCain Wants Control of Female Reproductive Organs!

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This is a distastful subject, but the fact is, McCain and Palin would put Justices on the Supreme court who will force a women to bear an unwanted baby. Palin has stated she would make no exceptions for rape or incest (unless it's her own daughter I'd wager). Do you really want this to happen? You vote for McCain, IT WILL HAPPEN.


I think this is sickening. What do you think? Does this concern you? :headscratch:



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This is a distastful subject, but the fact is, McCain and Palin would put Justices on the Supreme court who will force a women to bear an unwanted baby. Palin has stated she would make no exceptions for rape or incest (unless it's her own daughter I'd wager). Do you really want this to happen? You vote for McCain, IT WILL HAPPEN.


I think this is sickening. What do you think? Does this concern you? :headscratch:




See the "Calling all lawyers on this site" thread where we're discussing the probability of overturning Roe v Wade.

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This is a distastful subject, but the fact is, McCain and Palin would put Justices on the Supreme court who will force a women to bear an unwanted baby.


Those Justices are already there as SnakeDoctor points out.


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See the "Calling all lawyers on this site" thread where we're discussing the probability of overturning Roe v Wade.

They dont have the votes to overturn it now. If McCain gets in they will. But your saying your in favor of women being forced to bear children from rapists? I'm just wondering YOUR position. Now , today, do you HAVE one ? Scared to sound off? Lets hear it Doc. I think its pretty scary that ANYONE in the govvernment would claim that kind of power, and yet you are backing people who are doing just that.



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Guys and Gals, let's not go there, please? Each person has the right to their view. There have been enough threads on this Forum that have generated more heat than light. Let's not add another one. My two cents.


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Well, how is it that one persons beliefs should control the body of another person, how is that fair? You don't want to discuss real subjects and issues? Just name calling and slogan shouting? No, we are going there, in fact we are there NOW. You scared to comment?


Maybe you guys should talk to the ladies in your lives about this. Women need to have options because this is an area of concern. You people are advocating putting people like McCain in office that would strip that away. THINK ABOUT IT. Do you really want this to happen?


I would invite any ladies on the site to sound off as well.




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This will turn into a HEATED debate.Chances are that opinions on this will run wild,Tempers will flare etc.My opinion is that I am against abortion in any form.BUT,I will not tell folks how to live their lives.I choose to be with a woman that views abortion in a way similar to mine and that is what matters most.My opinion is based on MY religious beliefs.

How you choose to feel is your right.Abortion has many opinions for and against.Abortion as a form of birth control is my biggest concern.

Now you know and I will not change how I feel about it based on your opinions so a debate is unwarranted.Thanks in advance.

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What the hell are you smoking 666?

You need to step back from the pipe and think about a much bigger problem.

You're addition to stupid thoughts.

The question of this topic is, do you think the government should be FORCING women to have unwanted children, even in the instance of rape or incest? I would love to hear your opinon, if you have one of your own.


This IS the issue. What are we going talk about that more important than freedom and rights? People on this site want to play politics until reality sets in. Well this is it.


These are the views held by John McCain, Sarah Palin and any Supreme court justice they put on the bench. We will live with those mistakes for a long time. They are EXTREMIST views, not relected by many that had spoken so glowingly of McCain Palin. Why vote for this ?


I'm saying think about what if it's one of your kin or a loved one. These are tough descisions, but we need to seriously THINK how this will affect everyone, not just us or our pocket books.



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You're misrepresenting McCain's view on this subject. He has repeatedly stated that he would not apply any type of "litmus test" regarding abortion to the appointment of any Supreme Court Justices. Roe v. Wade pretty much settled the issue.

I think your fooling yourself to justify some self serving interests.


McCain said he would put "conservative" judges like Scalia, Roberts and Thomas on the bench. These men are in favor overturning Roe v Wade. One more conservative on the bench and IT WILL HAPPEN.


That will be a dark day for women in this land. We probably all have women in our lives we love. Don't do this to them. They NEED US to STAND UP for them, even when its hard and doesn't always suit us. Don't be selfish. Don't be foolish. We have the power to stop it from happening.


I agree it's none of the governments business, but people like McCain and Palin will MAKE it their business.




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This will turn into a HEATED debate.Chances are that opinions on this will run wild,Tempers will flare etc.My opinion is that I am against abortion in any form.BUT,I will not tell folks how to live their lives.I choose to be with a woman that views abortion in a way similar to mine and that is what matters most.My opinion is based on MY religious beliefs.

How you choose to feel is your right.Abortion has many opinions for and against.Abortion as a form of birth control is my biggest concern.

Now you know and I will not change how I feel about it based on your opinions so a debate is unwarranted.Thanks in advance.

I appreciate what your saying, but I doubt in reality you could live your views in the unfortunate event it would come to pass. I think anyone can change their views when confronted with the reality of it.


The point is, it's not for you , or me or anyone else not directly involved in the baby making process, to tell a women what to do.


McCain and Palin will FORCE women to give birth...ALWAYS.


I dont think any tempers will flare, its good to examine ones views to make sure they are based in reality.

If what I'm calmly saying makes anyone mad, take a deep breath. We are just discussing ideas. If your ideas are sound, reality should line up nicely. If it doesnt, you might pause to think about it.


I dont think McCain or Palin have done that and thats the whole problem. Sarah Palin talked about her daughter making the "right choice". Well in Sarahs perfect world there would be no choice, even if her daughter have become pregant through a violent crime.



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Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are fundamentally built on the principle that you have the right to do anything, until you infringe upon the rights of others. You have the freedom of religion, for instance, and may practice it in any way you wish. But there is nothing that says you can push your beliefs or legislate your 'values' onto anyone else. You may choose for yourself that abortion is not your choice, but you don't get to choose for the general population. To outlaw abortion is to do just that - push your values on someone else's body. You take away their right to choose. As stated above - you don't have the right to take away someone else's right. I don't believe Roe v. Wade will be overturned ever on this principle alone. Though I'm not willing to take a chance. We just came as close to an American theocracy as we ever should. There's a reason why we have a separation of church and state. That's not to protect the church from the state, but rather protect the state from the church. Bad things happen when the church has power. i.e. the Inquisition; the Dark Ages; Galileo was considered a heretic.


Feel free to have your beliefs and values. Don't try to legislate them for the rest of us.

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This is a distastful subject, but the fact is, McCain and Palin would put Justices on the Supreme court who will force a women to bear an unwanted baby. Palin has stated she would make no exceptions for rape or incest (unless it's her own daughter I'd wager). Do you really want this to happen? You vote for McCain, IT WILL HAPPEN.


I think this is sickening. What do you think? Does this concern you? :headscratch:




What concerns me is how selfish some men and woman are, and how they can't control themselves, and then when the woman gets pregnant they can decide to kill a baby, a helpless, innocent human being. THAT is what's sickening, distastful and in fact, completely disgusting.


Edit - as for Constitutional rights, it does not give anyone the right to kill. Our Forefathers never envisioned that people would become so low as to slaughter babies - a million a year, I think, is happening.

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Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are fundamentally built on the principle that you have the right to do anything, until you infringe upon the rights of others. You have the freedom of religion, for instance, and may practice it in any way you wish. But there is nothing that says you can push your beliefs or legislate your 'values' onto anyone else. You may choose for yourself that abortion is not your choice, but you don't get to choose for the general population. To outlaw abortion is to do just that - push your values on someone else's body. You take away their right to choose. As stated above - you don't have the right to take away someone else's right. I don't believe Roe v. Wade will be overturned ever on this principle alone. Though I'm not willing to take a chance. We just came as close to an American theocracy as we ever should. There's a reason why we have a separation of church and state. That's not to protect the church from the state, but rather protect the state from the church. Bad things happen when the church has power. i.e. the Inquisition; the Dark Ages; Galileo was considered a heretic.


Feel free to have your beliefs and values. Don't try to legislate them for the rest of us.



And you want Obama???? Incredible!

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This is a distastful subject, but the fact is, McCain and Palin would put Justices on the Supreme court who will force a women to bear an unwanted baby. Palin has stated she would make no exceptions for rape or incest (unless it's her own daughter I'd wager). Do you really want this to happen? You vote for McCain, IT WILL HAPPEN.


I think this is sickening. What do you think? Does this concern you? :headscratch:






You can talk about this subject forever and there will always be a split opinion on this.


I would be much more worried about the radical beliefs of Obama than over this one subject, which you are blowing way out of proportion.


Palin has already made it perfectly clear that while she may have certain beliefs on certain things she does not have any intentions or desires to force her personal beliefs onto others.


Now Obama has made it clear that he thinks his personal beliefs should be forced on everyone just because that is what he thinks should be! THAT is scary!!!!

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I think your fooling yourself to justify some self serving interests.


McCain said he would put "conservative" judges like Scalia, Roberts and Thomas on the bench. These men are in favor overturning Roe v Wade. One more conservative on the bench and IT WILL HAPPEN.


That will be a dark day for women in this land. We probably all have women in our lives we love. Don't do this to them. They NEED US to STAND UP for them, even when its hard and doesn't always suit us. Don't be selfish. Don't be foolish. We have the power to stop it from happening.


I agree it's none of the governments business, but people like McCain and Palin will MAKE it their business.




Justice Scalia is NOT for abortion. Look up the 60 minutes interview. He said its NOT a baby until its born! He does NOT agree with Roe because its NOT constutional. Doesnt say anywhere in it about aboration. NO WHERE. He said to change the constatution we the people should do it like we do all amendments and VOTE on it, not let a judge make the law. Its a great interview with Scalia and you should watch it before you decide that you dont agree with him.



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Justice Scalia is NOT for abortion. Look up the 60 minutes interview. He said its NOT a baby until its born! He does NOT agree with Roe because its NOT constutional. Doesnt say anywhere in it about aboration. NO WHERE. He said to change the constatution we the people should do it like we do all amendments and VOTE on it, not let a judge make the law. Its a great interview with Scalia and you should watch it before you decide that you dont agree with him.






It's ashame all our politicians don't follow the constitution like Scalia does! He is a diehard constitutionalist that separates his personal views and sticks with just what the constitution says as it is written based on his understanding of how the founding fathers framed it! :happy feet:


Now we are about to elect a guy that believes it is outdated and will do anything he can to over write it!

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What concerns me is how selfish some men and woman are, and how they can't control themselves, and then when the woman gets pregnant they can decide to kill a baby, a helpless, innocent human being. THAT is what's sickening, distastful and in fact, completely disgusting.


Edit - as for Constitutional rights, it does not give anyone the right to kill. Our Forefathers never envisioned that people would become so low as to slaughter babies - a million a year, I think, is happening.


It's not killing babies - that's just rhetoric to stir the right. These are fetuses that couldn't survive on its own outside of the womb. Nor is it 'partial birth' abortion. It's late term - which I don't support either - unless the health of the woman is at stake. I thought it unforgivable when McCain used the 'air quotes' when referring to the health of the woman. As if that's what women use to get a late term abortion. Unbelievable. To think that a woman is seen as simply a vessel for birth - with no choice in the matter - even in a case of rape or incest. Simply ignorant.

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would you please elaborate more on those radical beliefs?



There are hundreds of posts here in numerous topics that bring up all kinds of his radical beliefs!


But the short version is, his desire to take over government from within, do away with our constitution, and go from a free capitalist nation to a marxism-socialism nation! That is Obama's beliefs! This is why all the close friendships and associations with all his radical friends and organizations he has had for 20 - 30 years!


You don't honestly believe someone could have that close of a friendship with that many people that all share the same basic beliefs and not share in any of those beliefs themselves, do you? Of course a lot of the kool-aid drinkers seem to think you can!

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There are hundreds of posts here in numerous topics that bring up all kinds of his radical beliefs!


But the short version is, his desire to take over government from within, do away with our constitution, and go from a free capitalist nation to a marxism-socialism nation! That is Obama's beliefs! This is why all the close friendships and associations with all his radical friends and organizations he has had for 20 - 30 years!


You don't honestly believe someone could have that close of a friendship with that many people that all share the same basic beliefs and not share in any of those beliefs themselves, do you? Of course a lot of the kool-aid drinkers seem to think you can!


can you name few?

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It's not killing babies - that's just rhetoric to stir the right. These are fetuses that couldn't survive on its own outside of the womb. Nor is it 'partial birth' abortion. It's late term - which I don't support either - unless the health of the woman is at stake. I thought it unforgivable when McCain used the 'air quotes' when referring to the health of the woman. As if that's what women use to get a late term abortion. Unbelievable. To think that a woman is seen as simply a vessel for birth - with no choice in the matter - even in a case of rape or incest. Simply ignorant.



So because a living fetus can't survive on its own without the life support of getting its oxygen from the mother it is not considered alive nor a living being? OK, got it! LOL


As far as choice...everyone has a choice to prevent themselves from getting into the situation in the first place! Excluding rape of course, which in that case I agree it should be the woman's choice and also when her health is at risk it should be her choice.


But once you begin the process of life you now have two lives at stake and one is an innocent life that has no way to protect themself. Our constitution does protect their life!


The argument is at what point is it when life begins once the egg has been fertilized? There are many arguments and theories as to when that occurs.


Personally, it does not matter what I believe or how I feel about the matter, unless of course I happen to be the father, then it would....other than that, it is not my choice and I have no desire to force my beliefs on anyone. In the end God will be the one that passes judgement on them and they will have to deal with that when the time comes! So to each their own!

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can you name few?


All he can list is what he gathers from the right wing blogs, or Hannity, or Rush, or O'Reilly. It's not worth asking since it's all just right wing wacko talking points. The only real trusted resources, CNN, NBC, CBS, LA Times, Washington Post, etc. he considers wholly unreliable.

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can you name few?



William Ayers,

Bernardine Dohrn,

Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis,

Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”,


Wade Rathke a member of the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS),

Soros' Open Society Institute,

Service Employees International Union,

Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation,

SDS member Carl Davidson,



Earth Justice,

Institute for Policy Studies (KGB spy nest),

National Lawyers Guild (oldest communist front in U.S.),

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and practically every other radical group there is,

Carl Davidson and the New Party,

George Soros,

Aryeh Neier,

Ahmed Yousef, Hatem El_Hady Terrorist Fundraiser,

Louis Farrakhan,

Chicago Young Communist League,

Communist Party USA,

Joelle Fishman,

The New Party (The New Party is an unabashed Marxist “fusion” party from which Barack Obama actively sought out and received an endorsement for his state senate candidacy.),

Black Panthers,

Jodie Evans,

Rashid Khalidi,

Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panthers,

Ayham al-Samurai,

Saul Alinsky,

Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's Communist "Poet",

Gerald Kellman a disciple of the late Saul "The Red" Alinsky, a hard-boiled Chicago socialist who wrote the "Rules for Radicals" and agitated for social revolution in America,

Martin Klonsky,

John L. McKnight,

Dr. Khalid A-Mansour,

Madeline Talbott,

Dr. Quentin Young,

Tony Rezko,

Mohammed Hasan Chandoo,

Steven Farber,

Markos Moulitsas,

Father Michael Pfleger,

Dorthy Tillman,

Jim Wallis,

Reverend Wright

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What concerns me is how selfish some men and woman are, and how they can't control themselves, and then when the woman gets pregnant they can decide to kill a baby, a helpless, innocent human being. THAT is what's sickening, distastful and in fact, completely disgusting.


Edit - as for Constitutional rights, it does not give anyone the right to kill. Our Forefathers never envisioned that people would become so low as to slaughter babies - a million a year, I think, is happening.

We are not talking about abortion on demand, we are talking about forced birthing of babies that have been concieved during criminal acts etc. I think the point is not about personal beliefs but whether we should elect McCain and Palin who have stated they intend to appoint "conservative" Supreme Court Justices who will outlaw abortion. Do you want the government to make that descision? Do we really need more interference in our lives by the government?


A women that is raped will have NO CHOICE but to bring that rapist baby to life. I dont think rapists or their babies rights trump those of a woman who has been victimized. How many victimized women will kill themselves rather than have that happen? This is what McCain and Palin are in favor of, stripping away the rights of women. I would say those views are WAY outside the mainstream. Even rightwingers on this site seem to have a hard time stomaching that. They should.


Shelby Dude: Actually, it seems many of the McCain folks here dont actually support their canidates views on this matter. Its hard to tell, seems like you dont think it would happen or you want those rights stripped away. I suppose to you its not as important as taxes and guns, but to women it is. It is McCain and Palin who want THEIR views shoved down every tax paying womans throat in the country.


Scalia believe that no right exists except that which is SPECIFICALLY stated in the constitution. Here's the problem with that view. The Constitution says any rightsand power not granted specifically to the government, shall remain with the people. I believe that a womans womb is her's not McCains, not Scalias. Scalia would overturn Roe if he could. If McCain gets in, IT WILL HAPPEN and this country will go back to a bad time for women.




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