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Speeding Ticket #1


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Well, got the first speeding ticket since I got my GT500. Wish it was something exciting but really was just a speed trap in a 30 mph zone. Was barely out of 1st to second gear and got zapped at 49 mph, didn't have my detector on.....duh! They were set up in a parking lot totally out of sight.



So the female officer was like "nice car". I'm like I was going how fast? I had no idea this was a 30 mph zone and just played dumb.


Oh well, the price of admission I guess!


Traffic school here I come!




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Hey Wilmmr, I got mine a couple of months ago. 80 in a 55! The fine was $150.00. I hired an attorney and had it changed to a non-moving violation. Illegal parking of all things. Total cost...$360.00. Well worth it IMO.

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Hey Wilmmr, I got mine a couple of months ago. 80 in a 55! The fine was $150.00. I hired an attorney and had it changed to a non-moving violation. Illegal parking of all things. Total cost...$360.00. Well worth it IMO.



Good thing that wasnt in California - that would have been a sizeable ticket here :)

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+1 25 mph over and they start talking about taking your car away in the republic of CA.





missouri is great..............


my youngest got a 84 in a 55 a couple of years back; I think the cop dropped it a bit so he didn't have to tow the car and arrest my son.....


125 plus the lawyer got me a defective brake light; worth every penney; plus the lawyer was an insider so we were the only ones in the courtroom who didn't have to go before the judge. Lawyer went up to the side, a minute worth of whispers, and we walked out.

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Your lucky you didn't really have your foot in it after shifting into 2nd. You know how tempting it is to just keep the RPM's up in that power range. You should of told her you were in a hurry because you had to pee! :hysterical:

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Got a 67 in a 55 at a "speed detail" 2 months ago. Laser from behind, hence the RD never went off. Just paid the $75 and moved on. Not gonna spend 4 hours in a classroom being lectured on "safe driving".


When the officer started telling me when/where the court date was, I asked him, "Will you be there"? Like I was looking forward to seeing him again. He hesitated, squinted and then smiled, realizing I was messing with him and said, "Probably not".

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Wife's birthday, took her out to lunch at her favorite restaurant, on the way back home, on a 6 lane divided highway I got ticketed for doing 60 MPH on a 45 MPH zone! ..... and I was not even driving my GT500!

Went to lawyer and got it Witheld for $260.00.....worth every penny! Easy to do if you haven't had a ticket in the previous 12 months.

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Only the Alloy GT500's have Stealth Mode!


I wish..mine is Alloy and I got zapped, a bunch of crapp too. I was going through a gate and got zapped for...get this...25 in a 15, can you believe that $h!t?? Little pencil necked turd too, didn't say two words to me the entire time, and as soon as he handed me my ticket said"nice car, these are expensive" $75.00.

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I got mine in Terlingua, 63 in a 45 (in the park). I had all my stuff on, and none of it went off until after the cop turned his lights on, did a u-turn and got behind me. I think maybe HE was going 63, because I wasn't, I had just pulled onto the road after a stop (I was lost).


He had just pulled somebody over for doing 87 and was really pissed off. I think he was just pulling anything over that had stripes at that point. The ticket doesn't specify how he clocked me, which is interesting.


I think he was trying to impound my car because he was insisting that my tag expired in September 2009. He was getting very angry when I kept agreeing with him, when I finally said, "Yes, you see, if I had NOT mailed in the renewal fee, and they had NOT sent me the new tag, then the tag would have expired last week. But since I did all that, the tag expires a year from now, in September, 2009, just like you've been saying."


Then he got a little bit more polite. He got his years mixed up.


Anyway, it was $50, and probably not worth travelling to federal court, which is in North Carolina, of all things.

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I wish..mine is Alloy and I got zapped, a bunch of crapp too. I was going through a gate and got zapped for...get this...25 in a 15, can you believe that $h!t?? Little pencil necked turd too, didn't say two words to me the entire time, and as soon as he handed me my ticket said"nice car, these are expensive" $75.00.

You must of been going too slow. :hysterical:

Stealth mode only kicks in at high speed! :happy feet:

25 in a 15mph? Now you know why crime is so high in the US. :cry:

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I got mine in Terlingua, 63 in a 45 (in the park). I had all my stuff on, and none of it went off until after the cop turned his lights on, did a u-turn and got behind me. I think maybe HE was going 63, because I wasn't, I had just pulled onto the road after a stop (I was lost).


He had just pulled somebody over for doing 87 and was really pissed off. I think he was just pulling anything over that had stripes at that point. The ticket doesn't specify how he clocked me, which is interesting.


I think he was trying to impound my car because he was insisting that my tag expired in September 2009. He was getting very angry when I kept agreeing with him, when I finally said, "Yes, you see, if I had NOT mailed in the renewal fee, and they had NOT sent me the new tag, then the tag would have expired last week. But since I did all that, the tag expires a year from now, in September, 2009, just like you've been saying."


Then he got a little bit more polite. He got his years mixed up.


Anyway, it was $50, and probably not worth travelling to federal court, which is in North Carolina, of all things.


Yeah, that cop was running out in the street in front of cars yelling at them....sorry VorpalBunny! We were the 87 in a 45...105.00.


I was doing the math in my head and thought, lets see 42 over....hmm is that going to be like a thousand? He started quizing us how many cars, and where we were entering the park from, so we sent him past all our cars so he couldn't get more.. :hysterical:


The funny thing is when he said I clocked you at 87, I said to myself, good thing we slowed down before the hill...

Meanwhile my brother, who was driving, had that nagging feeling just before we saw him. And yes, the radar he used was all in his head....my RD never went off.



I think he pulled you over cuz he saw us flash you, like you said. Or he was just looking to stop everyone.


Best quote from a federal policeman- "This isn't your own personal race track!" Wasn't funny then, but it brings a smile to my face now...


Vorpalbunny says he is a really nice guy though, and I beleive it...he could have thrown the book at us!

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Traffic school is a given since these 4 points would put me at 8 (got a ticket last summer before the GT500) so I'm at 8, one more 4 and I lose my license for a month.

Which is ironic because before that I had not gotten a speeding ticket in years, funny how these things come in bunches and how BOOM all of sudden you could have your license

SUSPENDED (12 points in 12 months). So I'll do the 4 hour on line and get the points waived.


Sucks because that 49 in a 30 was such a speed trap and really ticky tac to tell you the truth. One of those wide open areas that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE goes

30 mph in. Was obvious that in these financial times government needs their money and will get it one way or the other. Had the assembly line going and just motioned

everyone to a parking area while the tickets were being written. And even though I got the smirks from the ham and eggers that didn't get caught, I could have been in a

Pirus and would have gotten the same ticket.


Really frustrating because I've really driven this thing like an old woman, am aware I am in a car that shouts TICKET ME PLEASE. One of my business partners was making fun of me over this the other day and I get nailed in a 30 mph zone. UGH. Karma I guess.


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I have to say, the cops really lock in on this car. Only had mine a few days (Black, red stripes), but the color alone is so unique that every officer I pass does a head swivel. No tickets yet (knock on wood). I have to believe it's a mixture of the usual suspicion that anybody driving a car like this must be speeding (and let's face it...we did not buy these things to go slow) and a fascination with such a mesmerizingly gorgeous vehicle, plus the desire to see it up close.

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Traffic school is a given since these 4 points would put me at 8 (got a ticket last summer before the GT500) so I'm at 8, one more 4 and I lose my license for a month.

Which is ironic because before that I had not gotten a speeding ticket in years, funny how these things come in bunches and how BOOM all of sudden you could have your license

SUSPENDED (12 points in 12 months). So I'll do the 4 hour on line and get the points waived.


What is this point system crap you people have to deal with :headscratch: ....Texas you just get a lawyer and have the ticket taken off...no stupid point system that I know of...if you wanna speed through Texas, they are happy to surcharge you to the poorhouse... :hysterical:


Yeah, Easyjet...I get those looks too...Black/Red is the BEST!

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Last Saturday I took the Shelby (red w/black stripes) and two of my children to a college football game. We didn't get two miles from my home and I got pulled over. The cop saw me in his rear view mirror as I was pulling out of a side street. Pulled over, and waited for me to pass him. Since he initially was ahead of me as I made my turn, I saw him immediately and definitely was not speeding. He asked to see the registration only, not my drivers license. Then stated that he just wanted to let me know that I am supposed to have a front plate, to which I played dumb. As he was letting me go, he mumbled something about "not putting a front plate on such a nice car if it were his". I think that he honestly just wanted to check out the car. Luckily no ticket was issued. However, it is just a matter of time! :censored:

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Another thing that's nice about the GT500 is you can shoot up from say 35 mph to about 70 mph in seconds and then drop back down to normal speed again before anyone even notices or has time to clock you. You really can get away with going way over the speed limit if you do it small bursts and movements.


I personally feel i've mastered these techniques quite a bit over the last year. I refuse to get caught again, especially after doing jail time for speeding in Virginia.

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Another thing that's nice about the GT500 is you can shoot up from say 35 mph to about 70 mph in seconds and then drop back down to normal speed again before anyone even notices or has time to clock you. You really can get away with going way over the speed limit if you do it small bursts and movements.


I personally feel i've mastered these techniques quite a bit over the last year. I refuse to get caught again, especially after doing jail time for speeding in Virginia.

Jail time?


Do tell... :lurk:

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Knock on wood.... 9,800 miles so far in my Red/White Stripe and no tickets! Been on the high side of 140 and was stopped on I-10 in West Texas for cruising along at 95. Only 10 over in those parts.


The officer appreciated that I pulled over and waited for him as he got turned around, we had a friendly chat and he gave me a warning.



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I got mine in Terlingua, 63 in a 45 (in the park). I had all my stuff on, and none of it went off until after the cop turned his lights on, did a u-turn and got behind me. I think maybe HE was going 63, because I wasn't, I had just pulled onto the road after a stop (I was lost).


He had just pulled somebody over for doing 87 and was really pissed off. I think he was just pulling anything over that had stripes at that point. The ticket doesn't specify how he clocked me, which is interesting.


I think he was trying to impound my car because he was insisting that my tag expired in September 2009. He was getting very angry when I kept agreeing with him, when I finally said, "Yes, you see, if I had NOT mailed in the renewal fee, and they had NOT sent me the new tag, then the tag would have expired last week. But since I did all that, the tag expires a year from now, in September, 2009, just like you've been saying."


Then he got a little bit more polite. He got his years mixed up.


Anyway, it was $50, and probably not worth travelling to federal court, which is in North Carolina, of all things.



I received my ticket in Terlingua, 98 in a 75 going from Alpine to Marfa. I had just passed VorpalBunny and others. I was PO'd so I bailed on the rally and returned to the resort. Later I saw the Shelby's on the rally as they were traveling through Big Bend National Park.


Ticket cost $230 + $100 to defer the ticket. Yesterday I received an 'Order of Probation' that I'll sign and return to Presidio County. If I receive another moving violation in 90-days, both tickets will show a conviction and be entered on my driving record. If no ticket for 90-days, the Court will enter a dismissal on the charge of SPEEDING.



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I received my ticket in Terlingua, 98 in a 75 going from Alpine to Marfa. I had just passed VorpalBunny and others. I was PO'd so I bailed on the rally and returned to the resort. Later I saw the Shelby's on the rally as they were traveling through Big Bend National Park.


Ticket cost $230 + $100 to defer the ticket. Yesterday I received an 'Order of Probation' that I'll sign and return to Presidio County. If I receive another moving violation in 90-days, both tickets will show a conviction and be entered on my driving record. If no ticket for 90-days, the Court will enter a dismissal on the charge of SPEEDING.





Maybe you should loose your keys for a while!

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  • 3 weeks later...

got my first ticket 2 months ago.... coming back from the dragstrip. I had my radar detector in the trunk. I still had my car number and dial-in time on the front/rear windows from the competition. i'm sure that made a big target for cops even bigger. 79 in a 55... :censored: the cop gave me a break and wrote me up for 74.


I have had the car for over 2 years so i am fortunate to only have one ticket.... more to come, i'm sure......



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I received my ticket in Terlingua, 98 in a 75 going from Alpine to Marfa. I had just passed VorpalBunny and others. I was PO'd so I bailed on the rally and returned to the resort. Later I saw the Shelby's on the rally as they were traveling through Big Bend National Park.


Ticket cost $230 + $100 to defer the ticket. Yesterday I received an 'Order of Probation' that I'll sign and return to Presidio County. If I receive another moving violation in 90-days, both tickets will show a conviction and be entered on my driving record. If no ticket for 90-days, the Court will enter a dismissal on the charge of SPEEDING.




It may have changed but it used to be called deferred adjudication or so I was told by the clerk. I average a ticket about every year-and-a-half to two years but I still have a clean record thanks to this. They only want the money anyway. Pay the "ticket" plus deferral fees and it goes away after 90 days. I have to admit I have never payed $100 for deferral fees though. Wow! I think my last one was $10 plus the ticket but then I was only doing 46 in a 35 on a country road.

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