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10/4/2008 Peak to Peak Highway Leaf Peeping Tour


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We really missed having Melissa and Mick along. We would have had a "mob of Shelbys". As it was it was only two.


The Peak to Peak highway is the name for the road (Highway 72) that goes from Nederland to Allenspark, and included Ward. It is Colorado Mountain Views at the best.


Herewith some of the best shots.


All of my trips with the Shelby through Boulder end up coming up along side of an exotic.




I had the Ferrari the last time. If we take it to Gateway next weekend I'm sure I'll see a Lambo. Or maybe a ZR1.

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This is from St. Malo - A Catholic retreat that Pope John Paul stayed at before his appearance at Mile High Stadium.






This is a Photoshopped Panorama of the site taken with my wife's camera. She asked me to get a picture with hers, and all of a sudden I was sitting in the perfect pano location. Not as much light stitching here.


I have some others that I'm not putting up because I'm already overloading, but this was one of the best photo ops of the day. The little pond was purely reflective. Every pic was great.



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One more pano of a location between Nederland and Ward.


I've got to go to a Photoshop class. It did a good job of stitching them together, but the difference in exposures of the overlaps are obvious. I see that the new version of Photoshop Elements has a fixup that might take care of these irregularities.



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Oh, I forgot these (they were on Photobucket Page 2).


Most importantly I forgot our copilots. Ricks wife and my wife also came along. I think both of us were so enamored with the leaves that we forgot to get pictures of us.


Rick said he needed sunglasses because the leaves were so bright.


My other observation is that the center stripe paint must be made from aspen leaves.


Anyway, we had lunch at the Grumpy Gringo because when we were going into town the traffic was backed up so that we would have gotten to downtown about supper time. We ducked in the back side by the east side of the lake and went back up to 34 towards the park where the GG is. Finished lunch and headed to the park.


There is always a bunch of elk running around town, but this herd was in a residential area. There was a guy (you can see him in the background) with a video camera filming this 5 or 6 point bull. He got really p***ed. Get out of my way and stay away from my girls. He was pawing his hooves in the ground and waving his antlers at him and HE JUST KEPT FILMING. A goring hasn't happened for, maybe, a year. THESE ARE NOT PETS!






Trick quesiton": At what altitude to deer turn into elk?


We got to the park entrance and traffic was backed up and it was raining and inside the park traffic didn't look any better. So we turned back and left. I got home in time enough to wash the bugs and take pictures of the 2.055'th Shelby before going to my daughter's 28'th birthday party. (All you'all with kids, their birthdays won't really add up until they hit 21. Think about it.)


The rain apparently didn't stop, and turned to snow on Trail Ridge Road last night.


Hope you all had a swell weekend! We sure did. Off to the Gateway Car Museum next weekend! (This weekend there was snow, 5-12" about 9000' in that area.)

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Oh, and somewhere along the way I had to nix a deal where co-pilot was trading my Shelby with an awesome supercharger for a Corgie. :) I went to take some pictures and there was a secret trading deal going on in the background.


There was also a Mercedes CLK Kompressor nearby. I wanted to see under the hood but they were off taking pictures of leaves too.

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Tony, Rick sorry we didn't hook up. I and the wife must have been ahead of you guy's we got into the park around 1030 drove up to the top of the pass and came back into town traffic was so bad in town we got thru and headed back via 36 to Boulder and then went to dinner with our son's.

I spent the day today cleaning the bugs and the dirt off and out of the Shelby, she was dirty after 300 mile trip but I acomplished what the wife wanted to do we saw the Aspens we sat and watched the Elk in the park and heard the Bulls bugle and I got to drive the shelby!


Thanks for posting pics, we had to use our cell phones, we still havn't decided about a camera since our's broke.



I'm not sure if we will be there next Saturday, I am starting a project on Wensday and I won't be finished until the end of December. I will be working 7 days a week unless things are running smooth then I can back off and take a weekend of here and there.

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Tony, Rick sorry we didn't hook up. I and the wife must have been ahead of you guy's we got into the park around 1030 drove up to the top of the pass and came back into town traffic was so bad in town we got thru and headed back via 36 to Boulder and then went to dinner with our son's.

I spent the day today cleaning the bugs and the dirt off and out of the Shelby, she was dirty after 300 mile trip but I acomplished what the wife wanted to do we saw the Aspens we sat and watched the Elk in the park and heard the Bulls bugle and I got to drive the shelby!


Thanks for posting pics, we had to use our cell phones, we still havn't decided about a camera since our's broke.



I'm not sure if we will be there next Saturday, I am starting a project on Wensday and I won't be finished until the end of December. I will be working 7 days a week unless things are running smooth then I can back off and take a weekend of here and there.


If you came back 36 through Lyons you drove right by my place! Wish we could have hooked up.


I know exactly what you mean about work. This was my first weekend off since the first part of the year. Just finished one thing and starting another. Next weekend is the tour by Durango (including the Gateway museum). I really don't like that it's getting dark so early.

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These are gorgeous pictures, Tony, thanks for sharing! I love the church - I've never seen it before and it looks really cool. Sorry again we missed you guys. I love caravaning with other Shelby's and was bummed it didn't work out for us.


I noticed the beetle kill doesn't look too bad in your photos, just tiny spots here and there. Is that a fair sampling of the destruction or did you weed out the brown photos? It's pretty bad along I-70. I hope they figure out a way to stop the beetles before we lose everything. I hear the Canadian logging industry is currently suffering from all their beetle kill. Ugh.

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