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Mustang Mondays


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I mentioned this in the 40th Anniversary thread, but because of the range of cars, it's probably better here. Now pretend I wrote this first post last week. Because I did...


I started Mustang Mondays at my place about a month or so ago. I've invited some of the Calgary GT500 guys that I've met on the forum, as well as my friend with his Mustang GT, now Whipple-ized. And yes, that's a real word... now.


So the idea is just to come over Monday evenings and talk about whatever. I have my 40th done, some are waiting for their SS call, and so on. Turnout's been low, mainly due to scheduling conflicts, but it's a start. Monday should have:


Mike - Blue coupe Mustang GT; 425HP Whipple

Nuker - Blue coupe GT500 - SS waiting list

BChorney - Blue coupe GT500 - SS waiting list

Joe Frito - Hard to tell from Avatar, but maybe vapour(?) GT500

Dan - Blue coupe 605HP 40th

Neil - Blue vert 605HP 40th (consecutive numbers; neighbours on same street)

me - Blue coupe 725HP 40th


Txcobra, looks like you'd fit right in with your blue vert. Who knew there'd be so many in Calgary, and 3 blue 40th's must be some kind of record, for a population of just over 1 million.


Actually, Dan and Neil may only make it over Tuesday, as Monday's booked. Brett also knows another guy in Calgary with 2 GT500's, and will invite him.


It's getting dark in Calgary by 7:30pm these days, and the temp drops quickly when the sun goes down. We're getting overnight lows near freezing, so this gathering won't be happening much longer, until spring.


We have lots to talk about and compare, like 605 vs 725, funny noises, rear-ends that tanked 4 miles after getting off the transport (Dan), drag strip adventures, SS's selling for $175K in Calgary, and so on. Like a live forum...


And for those that are really desperate for news, I'll let you know that I drove my 40th in the pouring rain yesterday - first significant rain its seen. Very dirty today, almost made me cry.


It will be good to meet the guys I've only met online. Should be fun... and a good photo op :camera:

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Monday went about as planned, except the 2 mystery GT500's didn't show. I did invite my neighbour from across the street, though, and he felt he should ride his Harley over. Sweet looking ride, lots of new chrome. We aren't the only ones getting extensive mods...


It was too dark too take any photos, by the time anyone got here. But still, there were 4 blue coupes (3 with white stripes, and mine with Silver), plus Joe Frito's vapour with black stripes. He also has the red inserts, which is probably a rare combo. I didn't realize that there some of these guys would be Edmonton Oiler fans, Calgary Flames mortal enemy. There have been some classic "Battle of Alberta" hockey games between these two teams, and I obviously need to screen better.


I had my take-off parts in my garage, and Mike tried the original strut brace on his Mustang GT, with the Whipple. Fits the towers perfectly. Fits over the Whipple perfectly. Oops, can't close the hood... :banghead:


It was good to meet people I've only "talked" to on this forum, or on the phone. I'm hoping next spring this becomes a regular event. Once lots of people show up, it's hard to talk to them all, so many meetings will help.


Mike and Brett had a bit of a roll-on after leaving, once they hit the divided highway. Sounds like the whipple did a good job of keeping up with Brett's stock GT500. At least, that's Mike's side of the story. He also had his son and a friend in the car, so more weight. But still lighter than the Shelby I expect.

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Dan and Neil showed up in their 40th's tonight, and a little earlier than last night's gathering. I was able to get some pictures this time, but I'm not happy with them. They need to be done in a better location, with a nicer background, but I'm going to share them anyway. Hopefully you don't find them too dark.


Here's my 725HP 40th, just waiting for company:




Arrival of 2 more 40th's. I've never met these guys before, but have spoken with Dan a few times on the phone. I also saw his car in the service shop at the dealership, which is how I got in touch with him:


Coming up the street:



Coming up my driveway (sun is just going down):



My dog (Indy) really needs to be blue to be in this picture:



I didn't take the time to get the cars lined up well, because we spent too much time talking. Still:





Dan has added some Shelby bling to his car. Note the gas cap:





And also his shorty (and I mean short) aluminum antenna:



He's also added some aluminum bits in the engine compartment, like battery hold-down bar, fuse box cover (this looks really good, with the red cobra), and caps for the strut nuts.


We also took each for a drive in our cars, to compare the 605 and 725 power. Poor Neil, he jumped in the back seat both timesI noticed that the KB sound comes up much sooner, while the 605 is quiet until at higher rpms (I wasn't watching his tach, tho). It feels strange to be in the passenger seat, so comparing the 2 without driving them both myself is difficult. But I'm glad I opted for the bigger blower. :rockon:


Their 40th's are consecutively numbered, which is pretty neat.


One last thing: my wife drove up just when Dan was taking me for a drive. She was quite surprised: "You're letting someone else drive your CAR?!!" I pointed to mine across the driveway: "THAT's mine! They all look the same!" :P


Too funny...

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So, are you still going to have one this coming Monday? I have my Blue 40th, 605 HP home in Red Deer now, if the weather is fine I just may have to whip it down the highway? Maybe I can find some Z06's to tease on the way down!

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So, are you still going to have one this coming Monday? I have my Blue 40th, 605 HP home in Red Deer now, if the weather is fine I just may have to whip it down the highway? Maybe I can find some Z06's to tease on the way down!


How many blue 40th's are there in Alberta? Do you know of any others? It will be interesting to see when SAI releases the data, if they do, where these cars are. Maybe that's asking too much...


I can't do this the next 2 Mondays, so Oct. 20th would be the next one, weather permitting. Pardon the pun, but that would be cool if you could make it...

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