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SAAC Board of Director changes


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Our friends over at SAAC asked us to post this. You can view the original post here.


Many have asked about the new names and faces.


At the SAAC-33 Saturday dinner, Ken Eber spoke about the club and it's future...now, with the agreement in place and the strife behind us, that we all would continue to work to make things better for the members and to maintain the world-class stature of the club.


To keep pace with all the new things present and planned, additions to the SAAC Board of Directors were announced.


Welcome the new Board members:


Marisa Carson

Ron Richards

Jay Talbott

Curt Vogt

Dave Winkler


Short personal biographies will be added to the HQ Staff page on the website shortly.


In addition, Ken announced that, after nearly four decades of guiding the club, it was time for him to retire from his management role of the club. Ken passed on his legacy and myriad responsibilites to Board Member Marisa Carson, who was appointed to the position of National Director, replacing Ken in that role.


Marisa has been second in command for over 10 years, handling much of the Convention logistics, making this transition an easy one.


We all thank Ken for his dedication and accomplishments within SAAC over the last 33 years.

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The event was an incredible experience. I look forward to next year.

For anyone interested, I recorded most of the speeches and have begun posting them on my blog with pointers to my photobucket site. Some of the videos were longer than the photobucket limitation of 100 MB so I need to trim them before posting. I will update this post when available. I'm also burning DVDs of the recordings and sending to SAI and SAAC so they can post the full videos on their more powerful servers.

The experience was also very positive for the renewed relations so we can all take a big sigh of relief and become one fun family again.

By the way, anyone with a new Shelby, watch out for Curt V on the track. He gave me a good whooping in his Competition Model Shelby. I had a blast though. Those videos will be posted soon too. I'll try to get them posted by the weekend.

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Yes my car was at SAI most of the weekend. Roger's car was as well. Both of ours are pretty similar. His has the red fender stripes with the Hertz hood and CS69 wheels while I have yellow stripes with the regular SGT hood and silver Razors.

Roger and I drove down together Thursday night and we got caught in the down-pours most of the way. When we arrived our cars looked like hell. I didn't clean my car at the event that was probably Roger. We did meet Saturday night after most people left. I think I was talking with Curt Vogt.

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Yes my car was at SAI most of the weekend. Roger's car was as well. Both of ours are pretty similar. His has the red fender stripes with the Hertz hood and CS69 wheels while I have yellow stripes with the regular SGT hood and silver Razors.

Roger and I drove down together Thursday night and we got caught in the down-pours most of the way. When we arrived our cars looked like hell. I didn't clean my car at the event that was probably Roger. We did meet Saturday night after most people left. I think I was talking with Curt Vogt.


Who had the Shelby Guitar next to their car?



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