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Fay Makes Landfall


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We here in Homestead FL. just got a lot of rain....I'm happy we South Floridians dodged another one....it's still raining so my SGT stays in her room(garage).....I want to drive her so bad but I'm not risking getting hit by odd ends debris....North Florida be safe up there!!!!

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As a life-long resident of the Sunshine State, I've seen hurricanes do some weird things, and almost NEVER as forecast! Here's hoping Fay stays minimal and or passes us by! Maybe I'll crank up the Shelby and use the exhaust to blow it away!


(On the other hand, I'm a half-mile from shore - maybe I'll have beach front property!)





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Here in Palm Beach it seams we can't get a break on these storms last few years, I'm tired of rebuilding my tropical landscape. We got around eight inches of rain and some wind a little damage to soft rooted plants. But will have to clean up pool and walks of leaves etc. Hope this is last one for the year. :fear:

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As a life-long resident of the Sunshine State, I've seen hurricanes do some weird things, and almost NEVER as forecast! Here's hoping Fay stays minimal and or passes us by! Maybe I'll crank up the Shelby and use the exhaust to blow it away!


(On the other hand, I'm a half-mile from shore - maybe I'll have beach front property!)






Forecast i just saw has her headed for Jax thur afternoon as a Cat1. You guys hang in there!



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Fay's eye is now just to the east of Sebring / Highlands County... I'm in Winter Haven (Polk County) to the northwest of the eye. We're getting the outer bands... just moderate rain and a fairly gusty wind. No hail or Thunder or Lightning on the western edge of the storm. We're not out of the woods yet though as Fay has spun off a couple tornadoes (at least on radar). It's incredibly slow moving. Word is that Palm Beach area got hit with a ton of rain over the last 18 hours... Sorry Hans. Yep - Shelby's in the garage for a couple days! It's headed for either Jacksonville or the Savannah (GA) area tomorrow morning when it makes landfall again on the Atlantic side after exiting near Daytona Beach.


Stay Safe! :hide:

- Matt

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