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"Rufs Garage"

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Thanks 90 -


But I'm not into competition except at stoplights - in - a - straight - line for a while!


No more circles... :hysterical2:


However - during our upcoming gathering on the Outer Banks - I don't think the Shelby guys will be losing ol' Ruf in any major way... :rockon:


As my grandaddy said, it's not the size of the man in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the man.


You dig?



I hear ya!!!


I just got my suspension done by Evolution and what a difference!!! I only got to drive it for two days before we had another ice storm but the difference is dramatic. The car now sticks to the road like glue!!! :happy feet: With the Tokico D Spec shocks I can go from a full race to a nice comfortable ever day ride. Well worth the extra loot in my opinion.

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I've got your brick wall, right here, smart azz! :hysterical2:

I only kid the people I like... :finger:


Do you drive the PT like you stole it?


Do you use the 1ST and 2ND gear in that automatic?


Do you try to spin tires around corners?


Have you tried to mod it?


Is it Zaino'ed?


How many coats?


Do chick's check you out in it?


Does wifey say you look cute in it?


Do you Rev on Ricers?


Do you try to power slide it?


Does the stereo crank?


Do you cruise with the A/C on and the windows down?


Do I ask too many questions?

You're a bad dog... bad dog!


I'd PAY to be there when the payback comes!! :hysterical: Sand, crabs and salt water... dog boy's going to be finding stuff in misc. crevices for weeks!!

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Hey now, Dan!


I'm trying reaaallll hard to remain calm.


My baby got tore up pretty good - but I realized it gave me an op to take it to the next level.


I think it's gonna come across as meaner - stronger - even more stealth - and sound like nothing but trouble! :rockon:


The guys at my Ford store will see it when I take it there to be aligned. I can't wait to see their reaction.


The bodyshop gang loves it. Shoot - the paint guy apologized for not getting the left front fender "perfect" the first time!


I wish I could have you with me when I take it for the first ride. It's not as fast as some of these Shelby's - but it makes up for that with how it looks and sounds, Daddy.

I think I just may take Friday off and burn me some 93 octane! Maybe a ride to the beach. :happy feet:

YES. YES. YES. :happy feet:

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

:yup: The Rufstang is comming back :yup:

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I think I'd better keep the full-time gig for now....!


But somtimes, this site makes me feel like I'm doing stand-up!



Bodyshop update:


Stopped by this afternoon. They were wet sanding the right front. The front end looks super. I love the badge-free fenders. The spoiler is on and looks great. Very low-key - but "fitted." They washed it - finally - and I just about drooled on it. It's been dirty for weeks.


One of the guys in the shop told my guy he forgot to put in the bulbs in the marker lights! You can't see the Stealth bulbs until they're on! Very cool.


The 1/4 windows are out - and my guy's waiting for a template to mask the new louvers before painting and installing them.


Tomorrow is alignment day - we're taking it to my Ford store where I had the engine work done. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see the car. The techs there were very sad when I whacked the Wall. I'm sure they'll feel better to see the Rufstang looking good.


One of our maintenance guys at my College has bought my rear tires/rims! He's got a '60's Mustang and wants to give it a fresh look. (he bought my OEM front springs, too) And - we're going to see if we can fit my Bassani's on his car, too.


Will I sleep tonight? Nope.


The car is looking very good. Can't wait for the car show on the 31st. :happy feet:

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hey ruf, i just wanted to say hi and i wish u the best on the "new" rufstang. I have been one of those members who read and dont write much but i have been reading every posting with enthusiasim for you with your stang and also your home life . just wanted to say that you are one of the main reasons i stay with this site and for that matter u all dont know me but i feel like part of the "stang" family as well. even tho , for now i only own an 04 sonic blue v-6 ( that i wrecked last week and no total :censored: ) but hopefully this summer i will be able to pull the trigger on a new/used 07 or even and 08 gt of my dreams ! :stats:


sorry for the rambling but just thought i would share. i read a posting once that people were dropping off, but there are us silent members who live our dreams thru all of you !


Keep rockin :shift:


Phil in Kentucky

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Phil - thanks for posting!


You've made my day, man.


I've posted my troubles and my victories to help inspire and perhaps save some folks from making the mistakes I've made!


I appreciate the kind words. We have a great group of members here - some of whom I've met and befriended.


Very sorry to hear about your troubles. "only a V6??" Man - a Mustang is a Mustang, you hear? :happy feet:


We'd love to have you spend more time here with us. You "know" us already.


Share some with us and join the party.


I think your state is one of the prettiest I've driven through, by the way. Just wonderful.


Thanks again for introducing yourself. Don't be a stranger, you hear?



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will do ruf will do ...


hey 2 postings in one day !


thats a new record for me !


when the time comes i'm sure u guys will get tired of me with all the questions ...lol j/k no really . thats why i come here . no question is considered "dumb" and most of dealers are clueless so this is my un-limited resourse of info .


thanks again !


Phil in Kentucky


p.s. i just would like to add that i am about 10 mins from kobra II but never have met him just to give u an idea of where in ky i am ( 10 mins from cincy too , not that i claim it )

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Ruf: Borrow what money? LOL


Phil: Dude, I'd be more than happy to meet up with you some time. Just shoot me a PM sometime and we'll setup a date. Word of caution, I'm 17, so anytime before 3 is out of the question!

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Will do. I think I might either clean out the Explorer, or take some pics of it in some good scenery. Either way, I gotta get to the grand opening of the new Guitar Center in town

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man! you are killing me in suspense. Is the frankenstang ready!?!? The way you describe it sounds intense. Dont tell me your gonna keep us guessin or well IMAGINING until the 31st. Cant wait to see your car. CONGRATS that she is back....i will be the first to say it...even before she is ready.



ok well back to drinking tequila since I cant see your stang yet.





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Sorry, Mad!


I've just been trying to share my wait with y'all.


The car's not going to look "in your face."


Since the wreck, I had a chance to refine/rethink the stealth look - you know - removing badging - adding a discreet spoiler or two - the window louvers - that sort of thing.


It's just going to have a very minimalist look. All business maybe?


I hope the photos I post on Sat or Sun do it justice.


Less is more, my friend. Except under the hood! :rockon:

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Sorry, Mad!


I've just been trying to share my wait with y'all.


The car's not going to look "in your face."


Since the wreck, I had a chance to refine/rethink the stealth look - you know - removing badging - adding a discreet spoiler or two - the window louvers - that sort of thing.


It's just going to have a very minimalist look. All business maybe?


I hope the photos I post on Sat or Sun do it justice.


Less is more, my friend. Except under the hood! :rockon:


WHAT!? You disappoint me. I thought you were going to at least put in a shark tank or two like Pimp My Ride! I am going home to cry now.

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Sorry, Mad!


I've just been trying to share my wait with y'all.


The car's not going to look "in your face."


Since the wreck, I had a chance to refine/rethink the stealth look - you know - removing badging - adding a discreet spoiler or two - the window louvers - that sort of thing.


It's just going to have a very minimalist look. All business maybe?


I hope the photos I post on Sat or Sun do it justice.


Less is more, my friend. Except under the hood! :rockon:



Everytime I glance at the pic of your car in your avitar the front end of that almost looks like the front end of the shelby! I think it would look very cool and sleek with that front end! Front shelby nose with chrome grill!!! WOW!!!

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Dude - thanks.


I thought about a Shelby front clip. I love the design.


I just didn't want people to think I was trying to be a Shelby.


I love your color, by the way. Your car Rocks!



The GT/CS front end would look hot on your car Ruf. :happy feet:

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Alas - too late!


My baby is coming home in 1 or 2 days!


Man - you have no idea how much I've missed my car. Perhaps you do. I'm gonna ride ALL DAY SATURDAY.



Take her out and drive all day!!! Then come back home and clean her off. It will feel good to be back in the seat again and now you will appreciate the car even more!!! :happy feet:

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Dude - thanks.


I thought about a Shelby front clip. I love the design.


I just didn't want people to think I was trying to be a Shelby.


I love your color, by the way. Your car Rocks!



Your painted miirors stand out really well in that pic! I was thinking of having mine painted. I ordered the partial covers. Body shop should be done with getting my upper and lower side scoops on by the end of the week. They just finished preping, sanding and priming them today. So hopefully tomorrow he gets them painted after wet sanding them and mounted Friday so I can take her out by Sat., whether permitting. They have to sit for 24 hours before driving once they stick them on.


I can't get over how much prep work was involved! You would think they would come better prepped than what they did, and Cervini's claims their parts are the best as far as less prep work required than most companies out there! Hope they turn out good and make the car stand out even more!

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90 - Weather permittting - on Sat, I'll pack up the wife and some beverage and we'll just head East. Windows down - ZZ Top in the CD (low - so we can hear the Bassanis) - and just ride. We'll glance around at the farms and the farm houses - just lean the seats back and ride....



Dude - please post some pics of your paint work! Man - I had no idea how much prep work was involved until I had my ride in the shop! These guys are my heroes!


I just need a day to ride - just ride. You dig? I miss the groove.

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Man, I know how you feel. I saw a GT with your style of stripe Ruf, and it looked sharp. It was a silver GT with a red stripe. Can't wait to see some pics of your Mustang. I can't wait to have mine. My dad was wanting to have it completed for my senior pictures, but I don't think that'll happen. Oh well, maybe I can get the 69 instead :spiteful::rockon:. I can't wait to hear that sweet symphony that's played by 8 wonderful musicians, from your Stang, as well as mine

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90 - Weather permittting - on Sat, I'll pack up the wife and some beverage and we'll just head East. Windows down - ZZ Top in the CD (low - so we can hear the Bassanis) - and just ride. We'll glance around at the farms and the farm houses - just lean the seats back and ride....


I just need a day to ride - just ride. You dig? I miss the groove.


East ...hmmmm.... 264 looks like a nice road ;-)

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