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"Rufs Garage"

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Thanks, Dan.


Talked to my buddy downtown - he said don't give up hope. Sometimes these cases get dismissed.


Hopefully my driving record and standing in the community will perhaps be helpful.


Off to the bodyshop to look at what's going to be parked all next week in the driveway...

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No joke.


The cop said someone called on me - I wasn't driving erratically or speeding - he claimed I "rolled" thru a stop sign (got a warning ticket for that) and he stopped me. (He's an ex-student of mine)


Then he cuffs me (!) and takes me downtown where I blew a .14.




Apparently, I can get a provisional license to drive to and from work, etc - until the court date - then it's probably a year of the same.


I'm talking to my attorney next week - we may have some wiggle room based on how the cop pulled me over (or why he did).


What next?


Car comes out tomorrow - and I can't drive it.


Might be time to up the meds a few clicks.


You have got to be kidding me!!! Some one called you in??!! Sounds like he's BS'ing you. I'd fight this one tooth and nail. If he can't prove he had probable cause to pull you over then this is a bull sh....... stop. I bet if you get an attorney he won't even show up in court. :banghead::redcard::censored:


Hang in there Ruf, it will all get worked out in the end.

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My heart just dropped into my stomach when I read this. Along with the rest, I did not take you serious when you first posted, or at least I was fervantly hoping that it was not serious. This is one of those situations where hiring a well connected lawyer is a very important thing. The investment will pay off bigtime.



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RUF, I normally don't read this thread...so I'm late to the game. Sorry to hear about this. I know you've been through a lot lately...seems like one bad thing after another. Typically bad things come in threes...and this is your third...so maybe things will get better now.


Get the help you need, in whatever form that is.



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Thanks, John & 90 -


Rest assured I'm doing what I can to get this worked out.


Young cop - etc.



Edit: Thanks, Dave. I'm not a bad guy!



Edit: John - I've got the Man for an attorney, rest assured.

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I don't know what to say Ruf.

1) Hope your suspicion is wrong... there were better ways if she did need to stop you.

2) I'm sure many of us have had bad judgement and gotten away with it. I used a DUI by a good friend to make it a point to NOT drive past 2 drinks a few years ago. Reflection said that it could have been me more than once.

3) I'm sure you're feeling bad enough right now so I won't go into the whole "potential outcomes on others" story.


I feel for you friend. Like the stone wall incident I'm sure this will be another learning experience - you're never too young!


Best of luck and hope everything works out in the end.

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Knowing your tie to Andy Griffith, would it be too much to call you Otis Campbell?


You know my theory on who I choose to tease, Ruf.


I got one of those back when I was 21. Oddly enough, I took out a stone retaining wall (sound familiar?). Broke my nose when it split the steering wheel, otherwise no serious injury. The car was an Audi 200 wagon. Front wheel drive. While the front axle was still under the car, it was relocated behind the front seats. Needless to say, the car was totaled. This car was pretty special to my dad. Limited Edition - around 250 made, no badges, turbo, quattro, pretty damn quick for 1987 - and imported from Germany by my dad, as they weren't available here. This was Dec 22, 1987. You can imagine what Christmas was like that year.


Since I live in a glass house, I can't throw any stones. You'll get past this.

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Meantime, there's a red Shelby inbound that's sure to cheer me up.


Say "Hi" to Bill for me. If you guys want to start thinking about next month, I'll be down either 4/10 to 4/13, or 4/12 to 4/15. I'm assuming the latter would work better for you, as you have class during the week (unlike me who rarely has any class at all).

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Most excellent.


We had a great time today - I started a thread over on the Shelby OffTopic board.


Yes, 4/12 - - would be much better if you can make that happen.


This comes at a good time for me.


Bill and Donia's visit today really gave me a lift.


Christine's eager to meet the guy who sent the Big Photo to me! And got me hooked on micro-fiber towells!


We all rode over to the bodyshop to look at my car. Apparently, my guy isn't satisfied with the paint job on my left front fender and wants to shoot it again.....better to have it right and wait I guess.

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The Ruffstang sounded really good. The body shop had it pulled out of the garage so Ruff could fire it up. Engine is in excellent order. Now, the body when finished, will surely need much pampering with the Zaino. Ruff is the man with a plan for that job I'm sure. He'll have the Ruffstang in order very soon.


Thanks for the wonderful day. Very well planned out. As always never enough time when good friends get together. We will do this again soon, very soon.


Tell Wifey I will try to get some directions to her soon. Bill's on the faster computer where all my files are. :banghead: I'm going to try to get her a little goodie package in the mail with a few items to get her started. I'll follow it up with a phone call and run her through some fun, step by step. She'll love it I'm sure. Just keep her away from that store for a few days.

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I got "driven" to visit mom today and we stopped by my buddy's house with his new C6.


He'd done some appearance mods and wanted me to check them out.


Out of pity, he gave me a ride in it.


It's very strong, but nothing - and I mean nothing like SCGT's Monster. The C6 pulls seamlessly, but it's in a different race than a Shelby with 600 h.p. I felt comfortable in the Vette - Bill's car scared me a bit. But that might have been because I'm used to being behind the wheel and in control. Matter of fact, during the ride in Bill's Shelby, my n*ts tingled like they do on the first drop of a major roller coaster!! :hysterical2:


I've got a car show coming on March 31st that C6 guy and I are going to. Man - oh man, do I need THAT DAY.

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