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"Rufs Garage"

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The S197 is an Icon.


I've never had more response to a car I've driven.


It's far more than how fast it goes.


It represents so many memories to so many people.


This Mustang will be remembered for generations to come.


I just feel lucky to have one and to be able to do what thousands of us do - make it "our own."


Thanks, Bill Ford! You Rock! :happy feet:



We go on 3, you hear?

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That's what the Mustang's all about, making it your own. Hopefully I can talk my father into putting a ratchet-shifter in the Cobra. We have one in the 69 and it rocks

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The S197 is an Icon.


I've never had more response to a car I've driven.


It's far more than how fast it goes.


It represents so many memories to so many people.


This Mustang will be remembered for generations to come.


I just feel lucky to have one and to be able to do what thousands of us do - make it "our own."


Thanks, Bill Ford! You Rock! :happy feet:

We go on 3, you hear?


You know, it would be cool to start a "Thanks Bill Ford, HTT, and everyone at AAI" thread over on the employees forum, but no one we hang out with would see it!


But, yeah... what an icon -- this car WILL be history ...part-II -- more than any of the other retros coming, I think.


And this is the first mustang since back-in-the-day that really looks 'right' imo. The foxes were ok and SN95 were nice, but this car has the wheels in the right place, the overhangs are right, it sits right... it just screams RIGHT to me. Even tho I liked the '01 Cobra a lot, it just doesn't have the magnetic/iconic appeal of this sweet baby.


<sigh> maybe some day...


in the meantime -- RUFstang will ride again!!! :happy feet:





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Here's a few more pics from yesterday.


Right front fender is on - and the front end mechanicals.


I'm off to stop by there and see what's been done today.


YES Mustang is an awesome CAR

It's coming together

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Yeah - It's not easy to see it sitting there with a layer of filler dust all over it!


Engine mechanicals are complete - we cranked it up a few minutes ago - sounds sweet.


Front tires/rims are on! I think the ride is going to be much improved with the 18's. Perhaps better launching traction, too.


Tomorrow - the rear's come off for the springs/muffler and the new rears.


We decided to not change the front springs - and I'm glad - it would have been real close with the Sportlines in front.


I need to find a spot for my old right front fender! Maybe the wall in my office?! :happy feet:


Next time I post pics - it will be the finished product.

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Are you kidding? The Rufstang has this bodyshop pumped! :happy feet:


Everyone is excited about the transformation.


Every day, my main guy there keeps bugging me to let him shave off the door handles! And put a hydraulic hood lift system in! :hysterical2:


He's done too many big dollar custom rods.


He's loving this makeover!

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:redcard: Yer gonna need a bigger chin spoiler 'til you can get a good 40-50 coats of Zaino on that thar new front end, sonny ;)


Shave the door handles? -- Ooo ...Oooo ...Coool!!!!


I've seen on TV where they put a sensor thingy in a secret spot (like the drivers sideview cavity) and you just wave a key-fob thingy near it and **POOF** the door pops open!!!! Keeeeeewwwwwlllll!


:hyper: :headspin: :hyper: :headspin: :hyper: :headspin: :hyper: :headspin: :hyper: :headspin: :hyper:



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I think shaved door handles would be going a little too extreme, but shaved door handles are always cool.


Man, you need to show that dust who's boss, best hope you got the hose, bucket, drying materials, towels, and Zaino ready when the Rufstang-II makes her home debut, again

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Yeah, yeah - no door handles are cool.


They're also a grand each!


Not anytime soon! :hysterical2:


Acorn boy - the FENDER ISN'T PAINTED YET, fer cryin' out loud!


Ease up on the Zaino jokes, y'all, until I GET THE CAR HOME :redcard:

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Hey Ruf, all jokes aside, I've been meaning to ask you a question about Zaino. Do you know if Zaino help keep fingerprints off the car? I think my senior year I might drive the Cobra up to school a few times, but I'm def. afraid of fingerprints, or anyone touching the car when I'm not there, so any help on that would be great.

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Snoop Dog - does your new avatar mean you're putting on a Kenne Bell?



Kobra - remember how I said my body shop guy almost fell off the rollback because my car was so slick? :hysterical2:


It's called ZAINO!!

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Now - there's an idea!


I could sell pieces of the wall and sign them. :hysterical2:


Just came back from the shop.


All 4 tires/rims are on. The rear Sportlines worked perfectly! Dropped the rear like the front. Sa-weet!


Bassani's are on - and - Oh, Daddy! What a sound. I've got to get a video camera and post the sound.


Hitch is mounted. Very discreet.


Rear spoiler is fitted and ready for paint - which will happen on Monday as well as the louvers.


It's gonna be a long weekend... :banghead:


More pics tomorrow.

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Gee - great to hear from you, Commander... :finger:


Hey, you tossed up the softball. I just happened to be standing in the batter's box.


I let MM know on another thread, but I'll put it here so you'll see it, too. If I make it down there this year at all, it will be sometime in early to mid April. I'll be sure to let you know.


Oh, and for the memorabilia, it worked with the Berlin Wall so it should work for the Bryan "Stonewall" Rufstang Wall.

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Most excellent.


Give us as much notice as possible so we can be sure to have some free time then.


This time, we'll have 4 Mustangs terrorizing traffic on Route 12...


We need to find some better locations for photos, too.



Just pulled the trigger on a CDC Traditional chin spoiler. The front end needs to balance with the rear end!


I keep hearing those Bassani's....is it Wed yet?

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I had to take my 3rd brake light chrome piece off for the spoiler - so if anyone would like it - just PM me your address and I'll send it to ya!


Also have 2 new Eibach Sportline front springs - 2 Ford Racing rear springs (4k miles on them) - and the Bassani axle backs with 4k on them (the bottom of the tips are scratched).

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What charity is the check written out to?

The Rufstang Rebuild fund. Just think, for 80 cents a day.... Oh lord, that sounded like the Christian Children's Fund, or whatever it's called... Hey, that sounds like a great idea

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