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"Rufs Garage"

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Don't you have some pool work to do? :hysterical2:


I'm trying to finish cleaning the van over here. :finger:

Does it take an entire day to clean a Honda minvan?? You're probably taking breaks every 15 mins to go in your A/C garage and Zaino your bra. :hysterical2:

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Do you have any links to any more pics of your other cars? Like the Sprint? Or vids? Or sound clips? I'd love to hear that thing.

Here's a sound clip for ya'.





Oh, and here's a game to play.



Rice 'er up baby. :hysterical2: Here's my creation. :hysterical: Check out the yellow calipers. I went for the 40 ounce fart can too. :banghead::redcard:






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Do you have any links to any more pics of your other cars? Like the Sprint? Or vids? Or sound clips? I'd love to hear that thing.

I don't have a video of the Sprint in an electronic format, got it on tape, really scarey. I have some more pics, I will need to scan them. I have to look.

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I went to the Men's Luxury Toy Expo and Auction today. I'm all tuckered out. Carroll Shelby was there supposedly, I never did see him. Few nice cars, and before you ask, I forgot the damn camera.


It was not for me, selling everything from funeral plots to jet skis. The car part was poorly represented.


I took the Shelby and put on display, it was hot.


Walked all around the stadium, its new and huge. My feet hurt.


I tried to get a bidder number for the car auction, stood there in line for 20 minutes and no one would acknowledge my presence. Missed the car I was interested in.


They were supposed to have a high dollar cigar booth and smoking lounge. Cheap honey flavored crap and no lounge.


Undercooked hot dogs at 4 bucks and the relish dispenser didn't work. A coke was nearly 4 bucks.


Went up to check on my car outside, security harassed me about smoking to close to the building. The law is 20 feet from the entrance. I was at least fifty feet and 30 feet from the building. :rant:


That was the last straw. I broke formation, and left 3 hours early.


I doubt if I will be back. :banghead:

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Here's a sound clip for ya'.


Oh, and here's a game to play.



Rice 'er up baby. :hysterical2: Here's my creation. :hysterical: Check out the yellow calipers. I went for the 40 ounce fart can too. :banghead::redcard:



Dave - I'm worried about you. Please call me as soon as you can. We need to talk about this. :hysterical2:

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I went to the Men's Luxury Toy Expo and Auction today. I'm all tuckered out. Carroll Shelby was there supposedly, I never did see him. Few nice cars, and before you ask, I forgot the damn camera.


It was not for me, selling everything from funeral plots to jet skis. The car part was poorly represented.


I took the Shelby and put on display, it was hot.


Walked all around the stadium, its new and huge. My feet hurt.


I tried to get a bidder number for the car auction, stood there in line for 20 minutes and no one would acknowledge my presence. Missed the car I was interested in.


They were supposed to have a high dollar cigar booth and smoking lounge. Cheap honey flavored crap and no lounge.


Undercooked hot dogs at 4 bucks and the relish dispenser didn't work. A coke was nearly 4 bucks.


Went up to check on my car outside, security harassed me about smoking to close to the building. The law is 20 feet from the entrance. I was at least fifty feet and 30 feet from the building. :rant:


That was the last straw. I broke formation, and left 3 hours early.


I doubt if I will be back. :banghead:


Did you have a good time? :hysterical2:


What car were you interested in?

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Tana and I just came back home for a bit to have a bite to eat. Her brother and sister are with Barb. She knows we are there & can hear us, but does not open her eyes. It seems she is shutting down. This place gets my mind off it temporarly.


I about had a melt down over there.

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Rob - use your faith now. You'll gain strength from that.


And keep telling yourself you have all these people caring for you, right here.


You need to be there for Tana. Now is when she needs you most.


Call me if you'd like to talk.


We're all here for ya, Rob. Ya!



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I remember when you flew out to the Right Coast to be with us in Nag's Head.


Christine collasped on the grounds at Roanoke Island Festival Park during our photo shoot.


Do you remember your instinctual reaction to that?


You knelt down next to her on the lawn - took her hand in your's - and prayed with her.


That's what Tana needs from you now. Strength and compassion.


You have it. Show her.


You're the Man!

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I remember when you flew out to the Right Coast to be with us in Nag's Head.


Christine collasped on the grounds at Roanoke Island Festival Park during our photo shoot.


Do you remember your instinctual reaction to that?


You knelt down next to her on the lawn - took her hand in your's - and prayed with her.


That's what Tana needs from you now. Strength and compassion.


You have it. Show her.


You're the Man!

I need to go back over there in a few minutes and do that. I was trying to do that earlier but could'nt because I was on the verge of a melt down. Thanks.

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Did you have a good time? :hysterical2:


What car were you interested in?

64 Falcon Sedan Delivery.


Gotta go to cruise in now.


Rob, haven't forgot about you and Tana. You got in you, remember you are a good man, thoughts are with with you, Tana and Mom.


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I saw firsthand the amount of compassion you have inside.


I'm sure you'll dig deep and be there.


As will all of us be with you.

I am heading over there now.


Grabber Out.



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I am heading over there now.


Grabber Out.



A Psalm of David. The LORD [is] my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul:

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death,

I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:

thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.


– King James Version.

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Just thought Id share a few. I know....I know, its just a vette.


Ruf good thing you werent getting the business when you hit that wall, or else youd be one of those medical stories on the discovery channel (ala John Wayne Bobbit)


Ive been converted to the Zaino way that stuff is cool.


Enjoy the pics, see you guys tomorrow.










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Lookin good, bro!


Can't wait to see your crib tomorrow and meet the boys.


I'm going to John's first around 11:30 - then we'll roll over to your place.


Then we can decide which Bojangles to go to for lunch.


Love those calipers! :headspin:

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Just thought Id share a few. I know....I know, its just a vette.


Ruf good thing you werent getting the business when you hit that wall, or else youd be one of those medical stories on the discovery channel (ala John Wayne Bobbit)


Ive been converted to the Zaino way that stuff is cool.


Enjoy the pics, see you guys tomorrow.





You must have washed the car when you got home from my house. Looking good! :happy feet:


BTW Amy commented at dinner tonight how much she likes your red calipers. She actually brought it up. Sounds like Bryan does as well.


Also my neighbors can't stop asking about all the Corvettes at my house. Apparently someone saw your car in my garage last week and thought I had bought another Corvette.


You are going to love the Zaino.

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