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Another "Rare" GT500 for sale at Dealership


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Hey everybody, check it out!

Here we have another "RARE" GT500!

According to these guys, it is car #21, AND it is one of only FOUR G O convertibles built so far!

(Didn't the 1st 50 have VIN's in the 19XXXX series?, not the 20XXXX series?)

Line up and bring your wallets!


Seriously, take a look at what these idiots have in their ad.

E-bay item number is 180027721532


Quick poll here:

How many G O verts have already been bought by those of us on this forum?

This car is Identical to the 'vert I have being built RIGHT NOW (this week) except the Sirius option.

I'm betting that there are a few more than four G O verts out there.

Wouldn't this fall under false advertising?


We ought to get a snap shot of how many have been delivered, and then call them to the mat on this one.


The greed and deception from some of these guys never ends, so I am, of course, instantly suspicious...



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We ought to get a snap shot of how many have been delivered, and then call them to the mat on this one.


The greed and deception from some of these guys never ends, so I am, of course, instantly suspicious...




It's going to be difficult to prove. Even if there are 10 members in our forum that already have them, they will just claim that there's was BUILT prior to 7 of those 10. It would be nice if there was an authoritative source on this. Someone ought to call them and say they want to buy the car, but only under the condition that they would sign a document stating that if it turns out after research through Ford that it was not really the 4th one made, they could get their money back...that would show their true colors.



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I've been watching all the posts since I started this thread.

In case ANY of you have looked at the E-bay listing, it's not in Texas.

The dealer is in Illinois.


By the way, text below of e-mail I sent the dealer.


"I am interested in bidding.

However, are you willing to provide documentation that substantiates the rarity of this vehicle?

I know that Ford could build any number of Orange convertibles after today, what do you have that PROVES it is one of only 4 up to this date?

Please reply with evidence. The car is only worth bidding on if your claims are true.


Please reply.






Let's see what they reply with.

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I called the dealer to the mat on this one.

His response to the statement that it was "(one of only 4 in the country right now)" was "I ran a all dealer inventory on grabber orange vert's and there was only four in the whole U.S. right now."

At which point I responded "If you're referring to only 4 being for sale on E-bay right now, that would make it one of the most common colors, NOT one of the rarest colors, wouldn't it? and I don't think that takes into account any that may be for sale elsewhere (other than E-Bay)."

Also asked where he gets the impression that this is #21 built, as it is on the 20XXXX series, not the 19XXXX series, which is is the VIN sequence where the 1st 50 were built.

I asked him to substantiate the claim with documentation or revise/pull the listing.

Let's see what he says when/IF he responds.

If not, I'm going to forward the e-mail string to E-bay and request they pull it for false advertising, based on the written response received that contradicts the listing on their site.

This may actually turn out to be a little bit of fun...



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I called the dealer to the mat on this one.

His response to the statement that it was "(one of only 4 in the country right now)" was "I ran a all dealer inventory on grabber orange vert's and there was only four in the whole U.S. right now."

At which point I responded "If you're referring to only 4 being for sale on E-bay right now, that would make it one of the most common colors, NOT one of the rarest colors, wouldn't it? and I don't think that takes into account any that may be for sale elsewhere (other than E-Bay)."




His response also doesn't take into acount any that have already sold and no longer show up on dealers' inventory. Four for sale does not mean only four exist.


Maybe he meant only four GO available for sale right now? I did a quick inventory search and found five GO Verts in dealers' inventories.

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His response also doesn't take into acount any that have already sold and no longer show up on dealers' inventory. Four for sale does not mean only four exist.


Maybe he meant only four GO available for sale right now? I did a quick inventory search and found five GO Verts in dealers' inventories.



If you can swing it without any grief I'd love to have the list with VIN''s to send to him, and to e-Bay.

We won't even go into the Lonestar ADM's thing ( notice I stayed out of that one),but this is flat out deceptive advertising.

This dealer needs to be put in their place, they're flat out lying to make the sale, and somebody is going to get screwed if they're left alone on this one.



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The auction that started this thread ended yesterday.

Winning bid was $67,450.

I tried to get the dealer to modify / correct their post, they ignored the request.

Soooo, I sent an e-mail to the "winning" bidder letting him know what the errors were.

Would be interesting to see what happens when he goes there to pick it up, or during their next phone conversation.

Would love to be a "fly on the wall"...



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