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Rumor has it that my unicorn will be here at 2pm.


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I won’t bad mouth the transport company by name while they’re still in possession of my car, but I can’t say I’m too pleased with their performance. I say this after they picked up the car from Quantum performance four days after the stated pick up day; they put the car in storage for seven days without telling me; and now if the driver does show up at 2pm, he’ll have taken 46 hours to complete a 23 hour drive (not including breaks). All the while, I’ve been fed unrealistic timelines to keep me on the hook.


I will say that the guys that handle the cars are top-notch; it’s the dispatchers and main office personnel that I have issues with. Should the need arise to transport a car again, I’ll think more than twice about using these guys.


Thanks for letting me vent,


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Are you standing outside watching for the truck?? Looking down at your watch, looking up at the road with no truck in sight. . . . . . . . Something must have happened. . . . . . like the driver took the 4th off or something. . . . . .


On a side note Kevin, I'm sorry that I didn't get back to you about the Hood Pins on my original hood that was still down at Q.P. when you were there. I guess my txt msg response only made it to the drafts in my phone and didn't actually send . . .


I hope you get your car soon! You need to get someone to take a picture of your face when you get to take your first look . . . . . and then after you get back from your first drive!!!! :D



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So I waited until 3pm befoer I called the driver


The good news is that the tow truck is on the way.


The bad news is that the transport is broke down on I-85N in Durham, NC.




Ok, I feel a little better. And I gotta say, you guys make a great support group!




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So I waited until 3pm befoer I called the driver


The good news is that the tow truck is on the way.


The bad news is that the transport is broke down on I-85N in Durham, NC.




Ok, I feel a little better. And I gotta say, you guys make a great support group!





I'd be having someone drive me to his location so he could roll that puppy off of his demon possessed truck and I could have my car!!!! Geezzzz They had the darn thing in storage for 7 days? What the heck was up with that? Did they forget where they were supposed to take it? You should ask for some if not all of your shipping costs back with that kind of service...Be sure to let us know who it is AFTER you get your car so we can avoid them!!!


We all know you are anxious, but if it were me, I'd be having someone drive me there and unloading my car on the side of the road! Good Luck! Enjoy her when you are finally re-united with her! Kinda like a first date all over again! LOL

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So I waited until 3pm befoer I called the driver


The good news is that the tow truck is on the way.


The bad news is that the transport is broke down on I-85N in Durham, NC.




Ok, I feel a little better. And I gotta say, you guys make a great support group!






This is nuts!


This reminds me of the old days when we were all waiting for our cars, and posting arrivals like morning Christmas gifts, only worse!




But I would get a friend and start driving! I mean so what a tow truck is coming. We don't even know what's wrong with the truck which could mean a part and then an order, then another day, something doesn't seem right with this.


No transport company puts a car in storage for FREE when a customer is willing and able to take it. Storage = cost + increased possible liability. I would be inspecting that car with a fine tooth comb and have a camera ready! A lot of damage can be repaired in a week!


I don't mean to sound like a "sky is falling" but this all seems surreal and just doesn't add up.

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This is nuts!


No transport company puts a car in storage for FREE when a customer is willing and able to take it. Storage = cost + increased possible liability. I would be inspecting that car with a fine tooth comb and have a camera ready! A lot of damage can be repaired in a week!


I don't mean to sound like a "sky is falling" but this all seems surreal and just doesn't add up.


Yeah, I thought it was strange too (the storage thing). I would be looking that car over real well.


Sorry to hear about your misfortunes Kevin. Hopefully you will have it by the end of today so you can start driving it (and posting pics)! :happy feet:

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So I waited until 3pm befoer I called the driver


The good news is that the tow truck is on the way.


The bad news is that the transport is broke down on I-85N in Durham, NC.




Ok, I feel a little better. And I gotta say, you guys make a great support group!







May be a good thing, it's been raining here at the beach the last 2 hours. :banghead:



So much for clear skies....

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Go see if he's lying? :waiting:







It broke down over two hours ago, who knows where he's at now? There are areas of Durham where I wouldn't go even WITH a police escort.



But for another SGT brother, I'll go look if he wants, just need and exit number.

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Ladies and gentlemen:


The good news is that the tow truck came out and fixed the transport truck and the driver continued on his journey.


The bad news is that the driver pulled over at a truck stop to get a good night's rest - 18 MILES FROM MY HOUSE!!!


Realizing that I had not received a phone call during the night, I woke up at 4am this morning and started to call the transport driver's cell phone at 4:30. I finally woke him at 5am, found out he was just down the road, and drove off to meet him. I knocked on the cab of his truck at 6am and had him follow me to my house. We arrived here at 7am.


The best news of all: MY CAR IS HERE AT MY HOUSE!!! I HAVE MY SHELBY GT/SC!!!

:happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

Pics will be posted soon.


Some minor bad news: It's raining right now, but that's fine. I need to clean her up, take some pics, and stare at her for a while.


Thank you all very much for your support and putting up with my whining. My Team Shelby family is the BEST!!!



(aka Dig-It)

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No one is more impatient than Kevin I bet! I know what he's doing right now...................... :banghead::sos: :tequila:

Roger, if patience is a virtue, I need to find another angle. Otherwise Saint Peter ain't ever gonna call my name!

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