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Can't drive Shelby 55!


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Well I am an old dude, and drove 55mph in the 70's. I had a ford courier and that was no problem. Now I have a SGT and I will be dammed if I will drive it 55. I hope the Gov. has a few Shelby owners and not pass the new,{old} speed limit to save gas. It is like a bad reoccuring nightmare with this gas thing. SUDDEN. :banghead:

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There is an effort in the US Senate to go with a new national 55 limit on all roads.




Here in New York our spend limit was always only 55. So it dont matter to me if they make a nationwide change to a 55 mph speed limit. If I went 55 on the Long Island Expressway, I would get honked at, get dirty looked at and literally pushed off the road by every car and truck. Just changing a number isnt going to change peoples driving habits. 55 means 75 here.

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Here in New York our spend limit was always only 55. So it dont matter to me if they make a nationwide change to a 55 mph speed limit. If I went 55 on the Long Island Expressway, I would get honked at, get dirty looked at and literally pushed off the road by every car and truck. Just changing a number isnt going to change peoples driving habits. 55 means 75 here.





It is nice to have 65, as we have here, or 75 as is in some states and not have to worry about getting a ticket, but I hear ya!

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80 MPH on I-10 pretty much from El Paso, TX all the way to San Antonio, TX which is a pretty fur piece of road....


I just got back from Corpus Christi...got a ticket for doing a whopping 68 in a 55 going down hill on a bridge in my Hyundai Sonata Rental Car!!! What a freakin speed trap!!! I should have asked the cop if I could go back and try for a higher number!


I do know that the Sonata will do at least 135 MPH as I have done that in one before... (V6 of course) They are about the only car that I want to rent any more...wife just bought a 2009 Sonata last Saturday...traded in the 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee that was getting 11 MPG...

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80 MPH on I-10 pretty much from El Paso, TX all the way to San Antonio, TX which is a pretty fur piece of road....


I just got back from Corpus Christi...got a ticket for doing a whopping 68 in a 55 going down hill on a bridge in my Hyundai Sonata Rental Car!!! What a freakin speed trap!!! I should have asked the cop if I could go back and try for a higher number!


I do know that the Sonata will do at least 135 MPH as I have done that in one before... (V6 of course) They are about the only car that I want to rent any more...wife just bought a 2009 Sonata last Saturday...traded in the 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee that was getting 11 MPG...



Oh man that sucks!!!! I hope you'll take it to court for some points off if you go to some class,I heard that works sometimes.....that is funny, ask the cop to go back and try for a higher number :hysterical:

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Back in 1987 I had a 1986 Mustang GT and was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. I had to attend the NCO Academy at Bergstrom AFB in Austin Texas. The trip to Austin the national speed limit was still 55 mph. Man, that was one long trip across New Mexico and Texas. It seemed to last forever. The week before the school ended the states were given permission to raise their speed limits. Texas went to 65 mph. It still was one long trip back to Nevada. I don't think the western states will want to go back 55 mph.

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55 is ungodly slow - if they must do this, they should at least make it 60 mph. I think the difference in fuel mileage would be negligible.

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65 mph here....so thats around 75 legally...lol


I remember out in Colorado when there was no speed limit durin the day and 75 at night...


ah yeah...wishin for the good ol days..




Well, its still 75 out here day or night and I don't see how anyone would ever get anywhere if it wasn't! Of course, 75 out here is 85 to 90! Let the good times roll . . . :happy feet:

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As I understand it, the speed limit was lower to 55 mph in the 70's because someone determined that that was the speed at which the average car of the day got the best gas mileage (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Now, I may not be an automotive expert but it seems to me that the auto industry has progressed in leaps and bounds in areas like fuel efficency and aerodynamics from where they were in 1970's. I have serious doubts that the 55 mph figure is still the optimum speed for best efficency given all of the improvements car makers have made since that figure was established. I'd like to believe that someone in the government would think along those lines and commission a new study to determine what that speed is for today's average car before passing any legislation. But alas, we're talking about our government so I doubt any of them would be able to get past the "What's worked in the past is sure to work in the future" mentality.



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Well, its still 75 out here day or night and I don't see how anyone would ever get anywhere if it wasn't! Of course, 75 out here is 85 to 90! Let the good times roll . . . :happy feet:


My wife and I went from Lyons to Colorado Springs for a GOG photo shoot and to ride the cog railway. I got 25.9 on the way down and 25.8 on the way back. Trip report (with mandatory photos) to follow later.

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As I understand it, the speed limit was lower to 55 mph in the 70's because someone determined that that was the speed at which the average car of the day got the best gas mileage (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Now, I may not be an automotive expert but it seems to me that the auto industry has progressed in leaps and bounds in areas like fuel efficency and aerodynamics from where they were in 1970's. I have serious doubts that the 55 mph figure is still the optimum speed for best efficency given all of the improvements car makers have made since that figure was established. I'd like to believe that someone in the government would think along those lines and commission a new study to determine what that speed is for today's average car before passing any legislation. But alas, we're talking about our government so I doubt any of them would be able to get past the "What's worked in the past is sure to work in the future" mentality.




They'll probably base their decision on the stockpile of 30 year old rusty 55 mph signs they have stored up.

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Here in New York our spend limit was always only 55. So it dont matter to me if they make a nationwide change to a 55 mph speed limit. If I went 55 on the Long Island Expressway, I would get honked at, get dirty looked at and literally pushed off the road by every car and truck. Just changing a number isnt going to change peoples driving habits. 55 means 75 here.


I moved to Long Island 5 years ago, and the 55 thing was a shock until I realized no one cared. :rolleyes:

BTW, Before I moved here, a NY friend warned me that there's a reason the LIE spells out the word "lie". Because there's nothing "Express" about it.



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I gotta rant here. Forgive me.


1. To do it for energy reasons is insane. I buy my gas, they tax me blind on it, end of story.

2. "Speed Kills" has been proven as a fable years ago. RECKLESS DRIVING at ANY SPEED kills.

3. Insurance companies buy radar guns and donate them to law enforcement agencies in the guise of "public safety", then charge you a bunch of extra $ when their employee (the cop) busts you for speeding. Do you think the insurance industy has a lobbying presence is Washington? Hell, that stupid little gecko himself probably has a parking spot at the Capitol, next to the Aflac duck.

4. Speed limits should be set by scientific method based on what the public (in a blind survey) feels is comfortable and safe. Track drivers' speeds on any stretch of road (NOT with the huge lit-up sign that says "YOUR SPEED IS:___", but with a HIDDEN method, so drivers act naturally). Then, throw out the top 5% and lowest 5% (maniacs and grandmas). The average of what's left is what the public law needs to be.




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That would change the rear end gear discussions. "I do a lot if highway driving. Should I get 4.30 or 4.56 gears?"


That's funny. :lol:



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Whats worst is now some states have incorporated these cameras with radar guns built in which takes a picture of your licence plate and if you go a pretermined speed over the speed limit, they mail you a speeding ticket. Look out!! Big Brother is watching!!

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Oh man that sucks!!!! I hope you'll take it to court for some points off if you go to some class,I heard that works sometimes.....that is funny, ask the cop to go back and try for a higher number :hysterical:


Actually, it's more money to take the driving safety course to keep the ticket off of your record...so screw that! I haven't had a ticket in over 15 years...last one I got was for 120/55 on my Kawasaki ZX7R Sport Bike when I was going to Odessa from Dallas to be at my mothers side before she passed away.


I'll just pay it and say to heck with it...if the Ins. co wants to raise my rates, so be it...I'm sick and tired of them too...Recent Hail storm here caused a lot of damage to my step son's new 2008 Sonata that we bought him for Graduation...Ins. Co. gave us $3300 to have it fixed and called for Paintless Dent Repair on everything but the hood and they said they would replace that...Body shop did everything but replace the hood...they did PDR on it and didn't bother to tell us...I started seeing dings in the hood that were very small, but had clear coat over them...body shop claimed to have not replaced the hood to save us our 100.00 deductible...so they pocketed over $600.00 in replace and repaint costs...I'm not happy with them, and haven't dealt with that yet, but will next week...Insurance Fraud is the reason we pay such higher prices now...and I want a new hood and I want it done right! I would think that the Insurance Company would rather take this fight up but NOOOOOO! I'm not happy with them either!


OK, OK, I'll get off of my soap box now.....Sorry for the Rant! But Geeezzzz we just keep taking it in the shorts and do nothing about it!!!! When is it going to stop????


:censored::banghead::soapbox: :tequila: :beatdeadhorse: :chairshot::angry22:

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My wife and I went from Lyons to Colorado Springs for a GOG photo shoot and to ride the cog railway. I got 25.9 on the way down and 25.8 on the way back. Trip report (with mandatory photos) to follow later.

You should have told me you were in town! I would have stopped by GOG and said hello. Look forward to the photos. Don Beson had a shot of his SGT under the GOG balancing rock published in Mustang Monthly, which was pretty cool.



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Driving in Western states at 55 sucks (in this case, west of the Mississippi). Try driving across Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada... at 55. It makes a two day trip into 3 or 4...



Don't forget Arizona...We have 70 & 75 now on the freeways. If it goes back to 55 I can see many tickets in my future. Driving across this desert is about as boring as it gets...I don't want to see it any slower....

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55 on interstate would suck. my SGT lugs at 55. if i hit an uphill grade at 55 i'll have to drop to 4th gear. kinda defeats the purpose of trying to save gas. just lowering it to 60 would be better and easier on the tranny. or better yet 65.

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Here's an interesting point: The US Congress cannot pass speed limit laws that apply to states (when was the last time you got a ticket from the FBI?). It's out of their jurisdiction.


They pass a law that says, "We will only give transportation funding to states that have a maximum speed limit of XX."


The last time they had this "federal" 55 horsecrap, several states, Arizona, Oregon, Montana, Texas and others, if I recall correctly, finally told the feds to stuff their federal highway money up a dark place near their wallet area, and raised their state speed limits anyway.


The feds, not wanting us to realize they couldn't do a damn thing about it, eliminated the "federal" speed limit. Highway money was NOT withheld from those states.


So, to avoid a repeat, in addition to writing your Federal Representative, I think we would get the BEST RESULTS by also persuading our local State Representatives to explain to our Federal Representatives that our particular State is not going to submit to Federal Blackmail on this matter by raising our speed limits.


IMHO, we need to spend more time and support strengthening our State governments, so they have better reason to stand up to extortion levied against them by the Federal Government.

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Well I am an old dude, and drove 55mph in the 70's. I had a ford courier and that was no problem. Now I have a SGT and I will be dammed if I will drive it 55. I hope the Gov. has a few Shelby owners and not pass the new,{old} speed limit to save gas. It is like a bad reoccuring nightmare with this gas thing. SUDDEN. :banghead:



I agree !!! I have wrote to Congress with a better idea to save gas , making a law that will save around 20% of the fuel usage of united states ! change the full time employment from (40hrs) 5 - 8 hr days to (40hrs) 4-10hr days , now everyone only commutes 4 days every week ! Also lowering crime rate in the process becuase it will create more jobs by employers that want to overlap and have employees working different days hence making USA's production from company's more productive ! Plus USA would be less stressed for the working class cause they would have 3 days of free time with the family !!! Anyways i had a list of about 20 pluses and cant think of any negatives to it at all !!! I should have added the fact of then SHELBY owners can drive faster and USA will still save fuel !!! LOL !!! Haven't gotten a response back yet from then but i heard it takes awhile !!!

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I agree !!! I have wrote to Congress with a better idea to save gas , making a law that will save around 20% of the fuel usage of united states ! change the full time employment from (40hrs) 5 - 8 hr days to (40hrs) 4-10hr days.....



Good Luck!


In my work I work either 3 or 4 days a week. Of course they are 11.5 hour shifts and then I have "other work obligations" I have to do sometimes working up to 20 hours straight, about 2-3 times a month.

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