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I guess everyone knows about the damage that happened during delivery. The fender is fine, the sticker has little acne bumps that could only be seen at 6", and the front two bottom skirt fiasco is not right right now but I am still working on it. I just feel that this car no matter how good it looks it just has bandaids underneath. I just will always know there was some sort of refinish work. I'm trying to make myself just say, It's not that bad" and in reality it really isn't. The car wasn't wrecked or anything. But I just wanted it brand spanking new, and to keep it that way. And the wrinkled stripes under the scoop don't help either. And I must say if I walked into the dealer and saw that, I would of never bought this one. I am heavily contemplating selling it. I'm sorry if I sound real anal but this is how I feel. Would you sell it? Having feedback on this really makes me think better.

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Would you sell it? Having feedback on this really makes me think better.




I have almost the same same problems...the stripes are really getting terrible and slowly but surely the scoop is lifting off of the hood...


would I sell it..




somehow, someway...I'll get it lookin better...


my plans are ta get a new hood and a supercharger and just get rid of the stripes


even with the 'blemishes'...it's performance is so.....great


n yesterday driving down the highway a van went by n people were lookin out the window n giving the car the thumbs up..


I'm keeping mine...








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You'd take a huge dollar hit to sell it. I think you'll just need to fix it up best you can, put these issues behind you and enjoy the car. Go drive it!!!

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When I first got my car I could not have stood if something happened to it. It cost more than twice as any car I had purchased before. If something happened to it in the first few months of owning it I would have probably got rid of it, because I couldn't stand to know it wasn't factory. Now a year and a half later it would not be that big of a deal unless it was in an accident and have extensive damage and put back together.


I would say w/ some time it will get better to live with. In the meantime perhaps do your best to make it as new, and try to forget about what has happened. You have a great car, try to enjoy it for what it is...but remember it is just a car.

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I've always dreamed of a Shelby and when I finally picked it up I was a bit dejected as well as mine had scratches on the hood from the hood pins and around the tail-lights from the SAI sequential installation---dealer didn't notice either until after they washed half of the Vegas desert off of it. They made it right and I never once thought of selling it... your issues are all very fixable (even if you took it to the best body shop around and paid out of pocket, you'd be money ahead of the hit you'd take trying to unload it). My $.02, keep the car, have it fixed, forget about it's initial looks and enjoy it.

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If I was putting the car directly into a time capsule I would fix the "problems". If my plans were to drive the car I would leave much of it alone as its going to pick up other blemishes from the road.


I'm not sure selling the car and buying another will be the solution either. You do realize that tons of new cars have delivery damage that is repaired by the dealer during the nu-car prep service. How will you know that if you purchase another car that it wont have damage that was already fixed?



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I think you need to put the top down and take it for a ride and start enjoying it. Most of the SGT's have one issue or another if you look real close and sadly, trying to solve these often doesn't work out so well. This is why I choose (at least for the time being) to live with an imperfect hood scoop and spotted stripes. And probably most of us with over a couple thousand miles have probably kissed a curb at one time or another...

Why not have SAI take care of the hood stripe, and the transport guy take care of the valance and side stripe (which you need to do to sell it anyway) and then go drive it and see if you fall in love with it all over again.

Just my thoughts...

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I guess everyone knows about the damage that happened during delivery. The fender is fine, the sticker has little acne bumps that could only be seen at 6", and the front two bottom skirt fiasco is not right right now but I am still working on it. I just feel that this car no matter how good it looks it just has bandaids underneath. I just will always know there was some sort of refinish work. I'm trying to make myself just say, It's not that bad" and in reality it really isn't. The car wasn't wrecked or anything. But I just wanted it brand spanking new, and to keep it that way. And the wrinkled stripes under the scoop don't help either. And I must say if I walked into the dealer and saw that, I would of never bought this one. I am heavily contemplating selling it. I'm sorry if I sound real anal but this is how I feel. Would you sell it? Having feedback on this really makes me think better.


Dude....you can't take it with you when you are dead and gone so what the hell does it matter in the grand scehme of it all? You will be much happier in the long run relaxing and enjoying it instead of acting like it needs to be up on some pedastal so it can be worshipped or idolized.

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I feel the same way about my car, when I first picked mine up I had a couple of issues and one was the lower valance. I emailed bud at SAI and found out the front facia was a standard Ford part that I could easily order and replace if I wanted. The dealership had just the bottom part of the facia painted and never looked back. I drive mine daily and love every minute of it, I have a few rock chips and other assorted minor scratches and I obsessed until my wife looked at me and said "it is still a Shelby, just well used"


Have it fixed and after driving it for a few weeks you will hardley remember the damage



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When they painted the bottom fascia. Did they match the dull factory finish?










I feel the same way about my car, when I first picked mine up I had a couple of issues and one was the lower valance. I emailed bud at SAI and found out the front facia was a standard Ford part that I could easily order and replace if I wanted. The dealership had just the bottom part of the facia painted and never looked back. I drive mine daily and love every minute of it, I have a few rock chips and other assorted minor scratches and I obsessed until my wife looked at me and said "it is still a Shelby, just well used"


Have it fixed and after driving it for a few weeks you will hardley remember the damage



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Thanks guys for all the faith. I'm just crazy with all my cars. This Shelby is my toy. It's not a daily driver. I have my Caliber SRT4 for that. I want to replace the side SHelby GT letters because of small bubbles, but i'm afraid that it will leave a light Shelby mark because of fresh paint.

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Thanks guys for all the faith. I'm just crazy with all my cars. This Shelby is my toy. It's not a daily driver. I have my Caliber SRT4 for that. I want to replace the side SHelby GT letters because of small bubbles, but i'm afraid that it will leave a light Shelby mark because of fresh paint.


Sorry to say this guy but you are too over the top about this whole thing and I really do feel extremely sorry for you.

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There are no perfect cars in existence, period. Mine had flaws from the factory, they all do. People are not perfect either, we all have flaws.


It's all about acceptance..... learning to accept things makes ones life much easier to live


Enjoy your Shelby, you are one of the lucky few that has one....

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Yes it was a great shop and it was perfect, plus it is at the bottom of the car a well placed rock can do damage there. I used to obsess over the car but also met a man who had a 67 shelby and that was his 50% driver, he figured he might as well enjoy the shelby since we was lucky enough to have. one.


Don't worry about the stripes or the paint, take it took a shop that has the same detailed point of view as you and it will come out great, I usually don't post much but there are many people here that have had to get damage repaired, stripes, scoops, and quite a few with bumps and bruises on the front facia (it is easy to do)


I hope this helps.






When they painted the bottom fascia. Did they match the dull factory finish?

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Dude, what happened sucks but read the first page of your shelby manual. Carroll says they are meant to be driven! If you wanted to spend 40k on a collector car that would appreciate in value quickly, PM me and I will give you my top picks. The SGT is not one of them (long term maybe). I am careful with my car but I drive it almost daily, in the rain too. I met a guy who keeps his old real GT500 under a tarp in the driveway in the rain. If its not fun its not worth doing. Fix it and do a big fat burnout or enter it in a track day event and DRIVE it! You will have way more fun.

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Dude, what happened sucks but read the first page of your shelby manual. Carroll says they are meant to be driven! If you wanted to spend 40k on a collector car that would appreciate in value quickly, PM me and I will give you my top picks. The SGT is not one of them (long term maybe). I am careful with my car but I drive it almost daily, in the rain too. I met a guy who keeps his old real GT500 under a tarp in the driveway in the rain. If its not fun its not worth doing. Fix it and do a big fat burnout or enter it in a track day event and DRIVE it! You will have way more fun.





These cars, and the GT500's, are not going to be worth many big money in our lifetimes. I have said this many times but the reason the older cars are $$$$$ is because they made so few, and since no one knew of their future value, they beat them, handed them down, and many got crushed and turned into razor blades. So finding a really good car, all original, is really hard. Add to that these were popular cars at the time and lots of older guys with money today want to buy the car they couldn't afford as a kid. These and many other factors drove the prices up and up!


The new Shelby's are different. They have made a lot more and those that are out there are pretty well taken care of. There are a lot of people that just put them in a garage and are keeping them. Finally no one but us knows or cares about our cars. There is no HUGE unsatisfied bunch of people unable to buy that will one day pay BIG $$$ for these.


Even if you think I am wrong and there is a direct relationship in the old vs. new the fact is even me at 36 I will be dead or too old to care buy then. In truth I take great care of my car not because I think it will be worth $$$ but because I want to enjoy it for many years to come. My goal is that one day 40 years from now my car is at some classic auction and some guy is pissed that it has so many miles.


It's MY car and I will enjoy the heck out of it until I can't anymore....there is a difference between price and value. I value my time driving and enjoying the car that is far more valuable to me than the price and why my paying only $500 under over a year ago doesn't bother me. The value of the past year means far more to me than the few thousand I could have saved buying today.


Anyway...a bit long...but it comes down to this is a car meant to be driven not stuck in a garage and being so it's going to get a scratch, a pit, a bump, etc. So you fix it and move on.


This is just my opinion, your milage my vary...


Good luck, you have a beautiful car!

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My feelings exactly Jeff. The true value of this car, for me at least, is in the pleasure I get driving it as often as I can. My first love for the past 40 years has been motorcycles. I still enjoy them but after getting the SGT last August the bike does a lot of sitting in the garage. This thing rocks my world. I know everyone has their own ideas about this but I say Drive It and enjoy :shift:



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I totaly understand whereyou are coming from, BUT...you wouldnothave bought this vehicle if Shelby didn't mean something to you that holds a special place in your heart! For me it is about driving it enjoying it and even thou I have stipe issues just like everyone else and the dealer has to replace the entire front facia/bumper due to a manufactuer defect I want the car to lok perfect all the time but I want to drive it so I know that I will have road damage. FIX it, love it, and drive it and hopefully you can give it to your son or grandson one day and teach him the same!!! It is a Legacy!


my $.02 worth

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The first scratches or damages to a new car are always the hardest. However, SAI has been selling SGT's for 2 years with defective hood scoops, tape stripes and hood pins. So, if you have an SGT, you might as well get used to defects. :(

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I hear where u guys are coming from. But this is not my daly driver. I had 4 cars as of last week. 2 93 Mustangs, an 08 SRT4 Caliber and a Jeep. I sold off the 2 mustangs and purchased this one. Now I have 2. One for pleasure and one for DD. I did not buy this car for value in the future. I juts bought it because I also have a US patent on the 05-09 Mustangs and I already had the 06 Vista. I just want to take the wife and kids on cruises and when the kids grow up maybe some car shows. I also take it 33 miles one way to the Firehouse where I work and as long as it's not busy I have 24hrs. to do what I want to it. SO I will enjoy it. I just cannot take damage that was stupidity. But I just came back from a ride and it is great.

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I hear where u guys are coming from. But this is not my daly driver. I had 4 cars as of last week. 2 93 Mustangs, an 08 SRT4 Caliber and a Jeep. I sold off the 2 mustangs and purchased this one. Now I have 2. One for pleasure and one for DD. I did not buy this car for value in the future. I juts bought it because I also have a US patent on the 05-09 Mustangs and I already had the 06 Vista. I just want to take the wife and kids on cruises and when the kids grow up maybe some car shows. I also take it 33 miles one way to the Firehouse where I work and as long as it's not busy I have 24hrs. to do what I want to it. SO I will enjoy it. I just cannot take damage that was stupidity. But I just came back from a ride and it is great.


get it fixed quick, Brother. you did not mention you were a firefighter before. you REALLY gotta get her fixed quick. It has been my experience with mine that I now get that adrenaline rush, you know the one, driving my car as that when those tones come accross the radio.

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Tones? Speaking of the same tongue. Where r u brother?







get it fixed quick, Brother. you did not mention you were a firefighter before. you REALLY gotta get her fixed quick. It has been my experience with mine that I now get that adrenaline rush, you know the one, driving my car as that when those tones come accross the radio.
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I'm not a big fan of these. I really dislike the ones on the Saleen. Looks cheap to me.


But like so much of this stuff it's personal preference I guess! I mean seriously some people actually like super chargers!


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