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SHELBY lettering

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Has anybody else had an issue with the Shelby lettering on the rear deck lid? (08 SGT) I was polishing the car last night and the "Y" fell off! After checking the others I noticed the L was also lose. I did call the dealer and they said they would reattach.

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Thinking about it for about an hour after I spoke with the dealer I went to the local auto store and got 3M molding tape. I removed the L, cleaned the area with rubbing alcohol, removed the old tape from the letters and reattached. The whole thing took me about 90 minutes. Cutting the 3M tape to fit the letters took the longest. I used a strip of painters tape to line up the bottoms of all the letters and the spacing seems to be a litte of 4 1/4" c-c. So far so good. They seem very firm and in place. I would have hated to lose one on the highway.

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Has anybody else had an issue with the Shelby lettering on the rear deck lid? (08 SGT) I was polishing the car last night and the "Y" fell off! After checking the others I noticed the L was also lose. I did call the dealer and they said they would reattach.


no problems with my lettering, but my passenger side door sill plate is popping up. Need to retape it I suppose. Mine is an 07 though, don't think that makes a difference.

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I have not had a problem with my lettering, but I can tell it's just a matter of time. It's like walking on egg shells everytime I polish around them. I am a strong promoter of this vehicle, but i cannot believe some of the issues that we deal with. It is the year 2008. Car companies have been putting on lettering for 100 years. Whats the deal with these? The same goes for all the aftermarket interior parts they are selling. They are all held on with that cheap tape. Everytime I go into the car i have to reapply some of their aftermarket trim.

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Neither have I had any problems with my Shelby lettering across the trunk lid. But, it's not a "Shelby only" problem.


I also own a 2008 Mercury Gran Marquis LX with the same style of lettering across the driver's side of the trunk lid. It says "Gran Marquis LX" and the "L" in LX came off.


My dealership's body shop fixed it with a likewise solution...More/different 3M tape.


F.Y.I. gents, drive safely.

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We had the letters on a 07 SGT coming off that sitting in the showroom. Brand new car!


I have not had any issues with the GT500 letters. They are a lot wider which may have a lot to do with sticking better.


I'm surprised SAI didn't use the letters with the pins on the SGT since they do sell those.

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When I got home from the dealer (9 months ago) the Y in Shelby was just barely hanging on.The dealer ordered a new "Y" and tape. Rather than replace it I reattached the loose one using a hair dryer to heat it. It's still firmly attached and...I've got a spare if it does come off. Don't know why the Y's seem more like to come loose than the others.



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Yep I too have fallen victim to the falling Y. My buddy was helping me wash the car when the Y fell off after a slight tap. Better then than on the highway. Why the Y is the common offender? My guess it party because it's the the outside letter and because it has the least surface area to stick of all the letters. I was considering getting some adhesive and stick it back on but I like the hair dryer idea. I guess until then I own a Shelb.



Whenever I encounter imperfections on my car I just tell myself it because it's American built. If I wanted better quality I'd buy a Camry or Accord but I'd have a car with no heart or soul.


No matter what I still love this car.

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I would imagine that they switched from the pin type to self adhesive in 07 due to the time it takes to install. The 06 Hertz cars have the pin type as I have replaced a couple letters on mine that were broke and somebody at Hertz, I imagine used some thick tape to re-apply. The holes for the pins are off-set for each letter, so I imagine that the time it took to stencile and drill the holes for application took a bit. They probably saved 1/2 hour per car on going to the adhisive letters.

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Has anybody else had an issue with the Shelby lettering on the rear deck lid? (08 SGT) I was polishing the car last night and the "Y" fell off! After checking the others I noticed the L was also lose. I did call the dealer and they said they would reattach.



I had the same problem. When John Walker was at SAI he sent me a new set ...Free!

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Of the 5,632 07 SGT cars, 3,373 were black.

2,865 of the black ones were manual transmissions.


Below is a photo showing that neither the dealer or myself noticed the missing trunk letter kit when I purchased the car. Later received the kit from the dealer but did not install them. I kept it as the dealer received it from Las Vegas. Kind of like an f*&^ed up penny. The letters are still in the package in the glove box.




I have noticed the people in passing cars look low to see the Shelby side stripe.


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This was a whole thread in the old SAI site (now in the discussion area) and the "Y" has for what ever reason the biggest offender. The solution has been to use the 3M auto tape. As has already been pointed out these are thin letters so it only takes a few catches of a rag etc., and POP! I avoid the area at all costs when cleaning and do it carefully.

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Of the 5,632 07 SGT cars, 3,373 were black.

2,865 of the black ones were manual transmissions.


Below is a photo showing that neither the dealer or myself noticed the missing trunk letter kit when I purchased the car. Later received the kit from the dealer but did not install them. I kept it as the dealer received it from Las Vegas. Kind of like an f*&^ed up penny. The letters are still in the package in the glove box.




I have noticed the people in passing cars look low to see the Shelby side stripe.


I think the letters on the back are one of the best looking things about the car. I'd put them on ASAP, IMHO!

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I think the letters on the back are one of the best looking things about the car. I'd put them on ASAP, IMHO!


I totally agree!!!! Which is why i got IRATE when the dealer (after replacing the stripes) put the letters back on and they were spaced incorrectly. They told me that it wasn't noticeable to them. IT WAS THE FIRST THING I NOTICED!!!!!! SHE LBY. It looks like two words!!! Fortunately they are gonna redo their mistake, and thanks to Bud, I have the correct spacing and I am going to be there in person to ensure the dealer puts them on correctly this time!!!

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Thinking about it for about an hour after I spoke with the dealer I went to the local auto store and got 3M molding tape. I removed the L, cleaned the area with rubbing alcohol, removed the old tape from the letters and reattached. The whole thing took me about 90 minutes. Cutting the 3M tape to fit the letters took the longest. I used a strip of painters tape to line up the bottoms of all the letters and the spacing seems to be a litte of 4 1/4" c-c. So far so good. They seem very firm and in place. I would have hated to lose one on the highway.


This is a good fix. Some of the 3M tapes are very good. I have used the 3M emblem adhesive to fix my "Y" and it is now solid. The other letters are good but I also keep an eye on them. I bought an extra set of letters to have in case I ever lose one.

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Every time I walk by my car I have to press each letter to see if they're still tight yet. Force of habit since I've been reading stuff like this for the last year.

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Every time I walk by my car I have to press each letter to see if they're still tight yet. Force of habit since I've been reading stuff like this for the last year.


lol.........I do the same thing.......


no problems yet........after almost a year


kinda paranoid about losing them on a bumpy road...so I'm always checking to make sure the are there and giving them a press...



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Whenever I encounter imperfections on my car I just tell myself it because it's American built. If I wanted better quality I'd buy a Camry or Accord but I'd have a car with no heart or soul.


HRRRRGGGHHH! :slapfight::banghead::poke::censored:

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