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This thought just popped into my head.


How many think that their order was sold to someone else willing to pay an ADM leaving you on the waiting list?



How dare you bring up such a horrible subject with so many of us still sitting in Material Hold hell. Do really want me to end up in a clock tower with a high powered rifle?


Now I'm going to have to drink more. The liver is evil and must be punished. :baby:

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How dare you bring up such a horrible subject with so many of us still sitting in Material Hold hell. Do really want me to end up in a clock tower with a high powered rifle?


Now I'm going to have to drink more. The liver is evil and must be punished. :baby:


Count to 10 and back away from the sniper rifle.

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Guest evilchris

This thought just popped into my head.


How many think that their order was sold to someone else willing to pay an ADM leaving you on the waiting list?



If you have an order you should have a VIN so should be easy to check...

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OK, I've got my first G&T down, so I feel much better. I'm down from sniper to postal worker. Hopefully one more G&T will get me down to normal.


Fox/ 20th aniv. :eek5: And I know I was thrown overboard...And tried to offer 15k in a fit of benzene fueled madness. PS Dave; I'm an aircraft structural engineer who questions everything. Chemistry? Well, just what I picked up in the service ;)
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Fox/ 20th aniv. :eek5: And I know I was thrown overboard...And tried to offer 15k in a fit of bezene fueled madness.


I LOVE the benzene jokes from the Chemistry dude. :hysterical:


Want to hear a hilarious one?


I had a brother in law that wasn't too bright. He had a 1974 Ford truck up until 2000. He went to look at a 1998 Ford pickup to replace it. When he came back, I asked if he bought it. He said "Hell no. I'm not buying that thing." I said "Why not, what was wrong with it?". He said "Those things are dangerous...the guy told me it had plutonium in the muffler." :hysterical::hysterical2::hysterical2:


I started to say something...but decided the rest of the night would go much better if I just drank a beer with him.



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"Those things are dangerous...the guy told me it had plutonium in the muffler." :hysterical::hysterical2::hysterical2:







See, that's how Ford reduces emissions: the Plutonium ionizes the oxides of nitrogen in the exhaust and they break down into nitrous-oxide, which elevates the mood of everyone near the truck and reduces pain and suffering. But the plutonium has to be retrieved all the way from Pluto -- a long trip, so they get it when earth and pluto's orbits are closest. Sometimes he's in Orlando with Micky and Minnie.. oh, nevermind.. but that is what you told him, Dave, right? :lol:


Yeah, having the beer was the best thing.




I know a seemingly bright and successful gal (friend of my wife and friend of a mutual friend), who swears that when she duct-taped this big-ass crystal (gotta be 4" x 1") to the gas line in her car she get's 10% better mileage. I asked her if she actually measured it over some period of time. She said: "Why would I bother doing that, I'm sure it's the same size as when I taped it on."


I asked her if she'd like a drink.



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A retail sales order which its supposed to be will have persons name at bottom of DORA.


If you order a car and get a DORA with your name its pretty much yours. Especially once you get a VIN number.


Orders are moving much faster now than in beginning of June.


My second car was ordered 2 months after first yet it will be built within days of me picking up the first one


Second car build is less than 30days from order


Supposed to pick up first car this thursday if all goes as planned.

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Count me in as another sucker that got screwed. I thought I had my ducks in order, along with a little trust, and I'm still left feeling naucious after last nights visit to the dealer to pick up my car.


I called many a dealer back in March while looking to get an order placed. I called Lasco Ford in Fenton, Michigan and was told they were gauranteed 3. The owner and buddy had the first 2 locked up. If I came in with a sizable deposit, I could order the car I wanted and buy it at MSRP. Well the car came in yesterday and I was given the call to come pick it up. I went down there and was told that for $25k over sticker I could have the pleasure of owning this vehicle. I pulled out my deposit receipt that had the MSRP price only note on it and was told that was no good. It wasn't approved by a manager. Shame on me for only getting a verbal from the manager on this point. They keep telling me about fair market value and how all sales personal were coached on this. yesterday was the first time I heard the words fair market value. If I had known this, I would have simple found another dealer.


Well, I say good luck and good riddance to Ford. I hope you file bankruptcy and go out of business as an automobile company. I'm even going to give away my '86 GT convertible. I just want to throw up for the way I was treated.

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Count me in as another sucker that got screwed. I thought I had my ducks in order, along with a little trust, and I'm still left feeling naucious after last nights visit to the dealer to pick up my car.


I called many a dealer back in March while looking to get an order placed. I called Lasco Ford in Fenton, Michigan and was told they were gauranteed 3. The owner and buddy had the first 2 locked up. If I came in with a sizable deposit, I could order the car I wanted and buy it at MSRP. Well the car came in yesterday and I was given the call to come pick it up. I went down there and was told that for $25k over sticker I could have the pleasure of owning this vehicle. I pulled out my deposit receipt that had the MSRP price only note on it and was told that was no good. It wasn't approved by a manager. Shame on me for only getting a verbal from the manager on this point. They keep telling me about fair market value and how all sales personal were coached on this. yesterday was the first time I heard the words fair market value. If I had known this, I would have simple found another dealer.


Well, I say good luck and good riddance to Ford. I hope you file bankruptcy and go out of business as an automobile company. I'm even going to give away my '86 GT convertible. I just want to throw up for the way I was treated.




First of all, let me say I don't blame you for wanting to puke; and I would want to "go postal" as well. I'm no expert, and I'm sure there are others connected to this post you can give better advice, but I can't help but wonder if you don't have some legal avenues to pursue. Also, I'd get a hold of Ford Customer Relations and start raising hell.

I simply can't believe how much bad PR Ford is getting from experiences such as yours; maybe I'm just a dim-whitted idealist and our numbers (Shelby & Mustang freaks) are too small to be noticed, but somehow I can't see how this is good for Ford's image and I'd hope someone (Bill Ford, etc) would care.

CC :rant:

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Well, I say good luck and good riddance to Ford. I hope you file bankruptcy and go out of business as an automobile company. I'm even going to give away my '86 GT convertible. I just want to throw up for the way I was treated.



Topdown50, let me know where to come pick up the '86 GT Convertible since you're going to be giving it away. Please don't throw up in it .

-Chip in SC

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Count me in as another sucker that got screwed. I thought I had my ducks in order, along with a little trust, and I'm still left feeling naucious after last nights visit to the dealer to pick up my car.


I called many a dealer back in March while looking to get an order placed. I called Lasco Ford in Fenton, Michigan and was told they were gauranteed 3. The owner and buddy had the first 2 locked up. If I came in with a sizable deposit, I could order the car I wanted and buy it at MSRP. Well the car came in yesterday and I was given the call to come pick it up. I went down there and was told that for $25k over sticker I could have the pleasure of owning this vehicle. I pulled out my deposit receipt that had the MSRP price only note on it and was told that was no good. It wasn't approved by a manager. Shame on me for only getting a verbal from the manager on this point. They keep telling me about fair market value and how all sales personal were coached on this. yesterday was the first time I heard the words fair market value. If I had known this, I would have simple found another dealer.


Well, I say good luck and good riddance to Ford. I hope you file bankruptcy and go out of business as an automobile company. I'm even going to give away my '86 GT convertible. I just want to throw up for the way I was treated.


Lasco is the dealer that has had the same Rousch cars there for like 6 months to a year. I also noticed that when they got some '05's in, they sat for so long, that they were still there even when the '06 models were already being built. Classic example of a gouging MF'er dealership. I only deal with them when I have to exchange my company van. The leasing company goes through them, not my choice. I will not place my order through them though, I already knew they were greedy a holes just by my observations of how long they are willing to sit on a car, when there are lots of people willing to buy it at the fair price. I think we can all agree what the fair price should be, that is set by Ford. Now I am sure some greedy a hole dealers will come on here and post some bull shit about fair market value, go f yourself, and go bankrupt while you are at it.

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Guest evilchris

Count me in as another sucker that got screwed. I thought I had my ducks in order, along with a little trust, and I'm still left feeling naucious after last nights visit to the dealer to pick up my car.


I called many a dealer back in March while looking to get an order placed. I called Lasco Ford in Fenton, Michigan and was told they were gauranteed 3. The owner and buddy had the first 2 locked up. If I came in with a sizable deposit, I could order the car I wanted and buy it at MSRP. Well the car came in yesterday and I was given the call to come pick it up. I went down there and was told that for $25k over sticker I could have the pleasure of owning this vehicle. I pulled out my deposit receipt that had the MSRP price only note on it and was told that was no good. It wasn't approved by a manager. Shame on me for only getting a verbal from the manager on this point. They keep telling me about fair market value and how all sales personal were coached on this. yesterday was the first time I heard the words fair market value. If I had known this, I would have simple found another dealer.


Well, I say good luck and good riddance to Ford. I hope you file bankruptcy and go out of business as an automobile company. I'm even going to give away my '86 GT convertible. I just want to throw up for the way I was treated.



As stated above, see a lawyer. You might have them here....

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As stated above, see a lawyer. You might have them here....


Probably right, go see a scumbag lawyer to take on a scumbag dealer. Isn't America beautiful. Oh, and since most of us will not get the chance at a GT500 at a fair price, here are some beautiful things to take your minds off it. Later :beerchug: That bud's for you Rufdraft, if you read this, later























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Count me in as another sucker that got screwed. I thought I had my ducks in order, along with a little trust, and I'm still left feeling naucious after last nights visit to the dealer to pick up my car.


I called many a dealer back in March while looking to get an order placed. I called Lasco Ford in Fenton, Michigan and was told they were gauranteed 3. The owner and buddy had the first 2 locked up. If I came in with a sizable deposit, I could order the car I wanted and buy it at MSRP. Well the car came in yesterday and I was given the call to come pick it up. I went down there and was told that for $25k over sticker I could have the pleasure of owning this vehicle. I pulled out my deposit receipt that had the MSRP price only note on it and was told that was no good. It wasn't approved by a manager. Shame on me for only getting a verbal from the manager on this point. They keep telling me about fair market value and how all sales personal were coached on this. yesterday was the first time I heard the words fair market value. If I had known this, I would have simple found another dealer.


Well, I say good luck and good riddance to Ford. I hope you file bankruptcy and go out of business as an automobile company. I'm even going to give away my '86 GT convertible. I just want to throw up for the way I was treated.


Sounds VERY similar to the line that my dealer started with me. Same thing, signed deposit with MSRP clearly stated. My only leverage is the fact that I ordered 2 cars. Hoping I end up with at least 1 at MSRP when it all settles out.

Do me a favor, let me know what happens, and if you win the battle, what the lynch-pin was for the dealer, and I'll do the same as my deal(s) progress. Maybe we can help each other out with a little info.



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Sounds VERY similar to the line that my dealer started with me. Same thing, signed deposit with MSRP clearly stated. My only leverage is the fact that I ordered 2 cars. Hoping I end up with at least 1 at MSRP when it all settles out.

Do me a favor, let me know what happens, and if you win the battle, what the lynch-pin was for the dealer, and I'll do the same as my deal(s) progress. Maybe we can help each other out with a little info.




I don't understand the leverage by ordering two cars. Doesn't that just mean that they have twice the opportunity to screw you :headscratch::censored: ing aholes should rot in ADM hell.


:beerchug: man I need another, drunk too much beers last night, need the hair of the dog because my head feels like this :finger:

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As an amployee and representative of the dealership the salesman's signature should be binding. Spend 50 bucks to talk with a lawyer.


If you have not already read them, there are several threads re this sort of thing. DO NOT CASH YOUR DEPOSIT RETURN CHEQUE!!! If you do you have no recourse. Call a good civil contract lawyer and tell them the story. Come down hard on the unforseen ADM part. You may get them interested enough to take this on. At least two people here had their dealers knuckle under without it going any further than a letter, and off the top of my head, I don't care who signed what, if they took your deposit and signed something saying MSRP, they were acting as a representitive of the dealer. (just an opinion of course) Fight the bastards. We may all be wrong and if so we are fine. Anyway one cuts it, that is now at a rough count about 20 people who have been screwed that I have read/talked about, considering that they may or may not have made a thousand cars by now, a not insignificant number that is sure to be larger than we know. And people support a good dealer. Tell your friends, coworkers, family and the internet. They are getting screwed as much as us by taking a moral stand.

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I was #2 at my dealer for less than MSRP. Dealer sold first 2 at $13,000.00 over MSRP to someone who was not even on the list. So the real #1 or #2 people have not received there cars. Dealer says I'm still on material hold but according to these posts, doesn't mean I'm getting one. Anyone know for sure how to determine if this is true? Lost all faith and trust in this dealer and ready to bail on Ford forever! This has been an ugly experience in purchasing a GT500 and certainly won't be repeated with another Ford product. All I can say is this has been an emmotional roller coaster ride!

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I was #2 at my dealer for less than MSRP. Dealer sold first 2 at $13,000.00 over MSRP to someone who was not even on the list. So the real #1 or #2 people have not received there cars. Dealer says I'm still on material hold but according to these posts, doesn't mean I'm getting one. Anyone know for sure how to determine if this is true? Lost all faith and trust in this dealer and ready to bail on Ford forever! This has been an ugly experience in purchasing a GT500 and certainly won't be repeated with another Ford product. All I can say is this has been an emmotional roller coaster ride!



I know this might be a rough road, but you can call ford customer service, and they can look up your order if you have a DORA, you don't need a VIN, I called them often, and was on material hold until about 2 weeks ago. The fact that they had an order for my Shelby.

Hope this is helpful.


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I don't understand the leverage by ordering two cars. Doesn't that just mean that they have twice the opportunity to screw you :headscratch::censored: ing aholes should rot in ADM hell.


:beerchug: man I need another, drunk too much beers last night, need the hair of the dog because my head feels like this :finger:


Gives me negotiating leverage if a compromise is needed to settle the situation.

e.g.: "OK, tell you what, you give me 1 at MSRP, and you can sell the other 1 for whatever you feel like, OR we can lock them both up in litigation until this is sorted out, and they'll be going for MSRP or less by the time it gets to court..."

Get it?

I would LOVE having both cars, but frankly, I only really have a need for 1. I do have a good job, but I'm far from rich, and have several cars already that I plan on keeping if possible, as well as my little boat. I can only have so many without looking like a parking lot at my house, and last time I checked, I'll only be able to drive 1 at a time anyway. (And I plan to DRIVE it, regularly, probably daily).

If I actually win the battle completely for both cars, then I have a good client, that is also a good friend of mine, that I am going to let have the 2nd one at whatever it cost me, MSRP or whatever it is, just going to transfer it over to him at the dealership. If they don't go for that, then we'll just do a 2nd owner transaction, which he is OK with also. Even if he ends up not wanting it, I don't think I'll have any trouble finding a home for it.


Both orders are in, yet I am still awaiting VIN's (like a lot of people in here). The 1st car (the convertible) is supposed to build next month according to the dealer, but the lack of a VIN yet concerns me. In any case, even though I'm not totally confident I am in the driver's seat on the deal right now, I believe I definitely have the upper hand. Still, at this point only time will tell...



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Gives me negotiating leverage if a compromise is needed to settle the situation.

e.g.: "OK, tell you what, you give me 1 at MSRP, and you can sell the other 1 for whatever you feel like, OR we can lock them both up in litigation until this is sorted out, and they'll be going for MSRP or less by the time it gets to court..."

Get it?

I would LOVE having both cars, but frankly, I only really have a need for 1. I do have a good job, but I'm far from rich, and have several cars already that I plan on keeping if possible, as well as my little boat. I can only have so many without looking like a parking lot at my house, and last time I checked, I'll only be able to drive 1 at a time anyway. (And I plan to DRIVE it, regularly, probably daily).

If I actually win the battle completely for both cars, then I have a good client, that is also a good friend of mine, that I am going to let have the 2nd one at whatever it cost me, MSRP or whatever it is, just going to transfer it over to him at the dealership. If they don't go for that, then we'll just do a 2nd owner transaction, which he is OK with also. Even if he ends up not wanting it, I don't think I'll have any trouble finding a home for it.


Both orders are in, yet I am still awaiting VIN's (like a lot of people in here). The 1st car (the convertible) is supposed to build next month according to the dealer, but the lack of a VIN yet concerns me. In any case, even though I'm not totally confident I am in the driver's seat on the deal right now, I believe I definitely have the upper hand. Still, at this point only time will tell...



Nice logic. Did you get anything on paper from the dealer or sales manager or owner? Did you put deposits down already for both cars to guarantee (term used loosly) you a car? If not, my problem with that is how do you know if they auction off your car before it even gets to the dealership since you have no vin, or worse yet, they get the car in and don't tell you because they have some crazy asshole there willing to pay like $40,000 over MSRP, like some other idot who was told Ford was only building 5,000 cars, and only for 1 year. If what you said could work, I should go to a dealer and order like 5 GT 500's right? I don't think it will give you as much leverage as you think, but I wish you the best anyway, good luck. Seems like the snakes on a plane have been collecting at the Ford dealerships and getting hired for jobs as salesmen and sales mangers. Some snakes who had prime rolls in the movie actually bought some Ford dealerships. They are charging $91,000 for a GT 500 on E-bay. Nice

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I was #2 at my dealer for less than MSRP. Dealer sold first 2 at $13,000.00 over MSRP to someone who was not even on the list. So the real #1 or #2 people have not received there cars. Dealer says I'm still on material hold but according to these posts, doesn't mean I'm getting one. Anyone know for sure how to determine if this is true? Lost all faith and trust in this dealer and ready to bail on Ford forever! This has been an ugly experience in purchasing a GT500 and certainly won't be repeated with another Ford product. All I can say is this has been an emmotional roller coaster ride!




I figured this would happen to those on the waiting list. Here's why....I was on the list for the Escape Hybrid 6 months before the car was built. Had a $1,000 deposit. Was promised the car for months and months and months. I visited the dealer and saw them rolling off the lot. Dealer said these where previous orders....come to find out that these where people willing to pay more than me for my car. After 9 months, I got my deposit back and bought a Volvo.


I never blamed Ford parent....it was the dealer (Galpin Ford) that sucks. Will never, ever, ever buy anything from them...ever! Plus I trash them everyone I can.

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Here is a funny story...I was early on the list (#1) for two local dealers and had two cars ordered, with the intention of taking the first one, one was red/white the other was blue/white. The dealer with the blue/white car , who would not take a deposit, called me and said that David Glass (former Walmart CEO, owns the Royals) called and wanted the car, and he gets it...So byebye shelby, I was just glad that I have two ordered. Red/white will be here this week!




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Nice logic. Did you get anything on paper from the dealer or sales manager or owner? Did you put deposits down already for both cars to guarantee (term used loosly) you a car? If not, my problem with that is how do you know if they auction off your car before it even gets to the dealership since you have no vin, or worse yet, they get the car in and don't tell you because they have some crazy asshole there willing to pay like $40,000 over MSRP, like some other idot who was told Ford was only building 5,000 cars, and only for 1 year. If what you said could work, I should go to a dealer and order like 5 GT 500's right? I don't think it will give you as much leverage as you think, but I wish you the best anyway, good luck. Seems like the snakes on a plane have been collecting at the Ford dealerships and getting hired for jobs as salesmen and sales mangers. Some snakes who had prime rolls in the movie actually bought some Ford dealerships. They are charging $91,000 for a GT 500 on E-bay. Nice


A) Have a receipt for "pre-order deposit" on both cars from 16 months ago that states "MSRP" and is signed by the New Car Sales Manager, even though it does not say what MSRP would be (that info was still a year away).

B) They cashed the deposit check 3 days later, and it clearly states in the memo section of the check what it was for.

C) Retained voice-mail on my cellular from their inventory manager thanking me for the orders, and asking me "for a ride" when they come in. Was about 4 days after deposit, and I have been saving the message just in case for over a year now.

D) The actual orders were placed via fax several weeks ago. The fax letter specifically references their receipt number and date, and the confirming transmission report was retained.

E) Requested and received fax confirmation of both orders from dealership with dealer number, order number and all options broken down by Ford codes.

F) Have verified the orders through FoMoCo Customer Service.


I can see the price battle brewing, but I have the supporting documentation as listed above. I think I have a pretty good chance of winning for both cars, and an even better chance if I am willing to compromise and settle for just one. What I haven't done is shed a lot of light on pricing in my recent discussions with them, which is why I won't tell anyone here who the dealer is. I don't need to give them a heads-up that would give them the opportunity to "divert" my cars for more money. But, it will be interesting the day the 1st car comes in and I "remind" them of the agreed price with the receipt in hand.


This dealership had a coupe on the floor last week with a very substantial ADM on it in the window, so I know what they're "thinking" right now. They can think all they want, I have docs that say otherwise. :bandance:



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A) Have a receipt for "pre-order deposit" on both cars from 16 months ago that states "MSRP" and is signed by the New Car Sales Manager, even though it does not say what MSRP would be (that info was still a year away).

B) They cashed the deposit check 3 days later, and it clearly states in the memo section of the check what it was for.

C) Retained voice-mail on my cellular from their inventory manager thanking me for the orders, and asking me "for a ride" when they come in. Was about 4 days after deposit, and I have been saving the message just in case for over a year now.

D) The actual orders were placed via fax several weeks ago. The fax letter specifically references their receipt number and date, and the confirming transmission report was retained.

E) Requested and received fax confirmation of both orders from dealership with dealer number, order number and all options broken down by Ford codes.

F) Have verified the orders through FoMoCo Customer Service.


I can see the price battle brewing, but I have the supporting documentation as listed above. I think I have a pretty good chance of winning for both cars, and an even better chance if I am willing to compromise and settle for just one. What I haven't done is shed a lot of light on pricing in my recent discussions with them, which is why I won't tell anyone here who the dealer is. I don't need to give them a heads-up that would give them the opportunity to "divert" my cars for more money. But, it will be interesting the day the 1st car comes in and I "remind" them of the agreed price with the receipt in hand.


This dealership had a coupe on the floor last week with a very substantial ADM on it in the window, so I know what they're "thinking" right now. They can think all they want, I have docs that say otherwise. :bandance:




Nice documentation, I say you should win, though I am not a judge or a lawyer(scumbag). Saving the phone message for a year is priceless. It would be cute to transfer it to a small cassette recorder and have it in your pocket when they start talking about ADM. You should find a way to take both cars, then do like those greedy jerks are doing and sell one on good ole E-bay. You could probably just put it in the paper and rake up. The only problem could be an ugly court battle. I have never been fond of lawyers, seems like car dealers are getting close to the scum factor of lawyers in a lot of the public's eyes. Good luck man, as for me, maybe next year.

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