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Tasca SS Conversion Status

Guest markham51

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Guest markham51

Thought I would create a thread for Tasca updates. I talked to Dennis at Tasca today (emailed) and he told me the conversion parts are on the way from SAI to Tasca. That means we are a ways away from receiving any cars. My guess is that the first few will take the longest given it always takes some time before they get the kinks out.


If you hear anything else, please keep us informed.


As far as delivery dates are concerned, my best guesstimate would be 2-4 weeks after they receive the parts ie. early to mid May. Anyone else have more info or a better guess? :unsure:




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Thought I would create a thread for Tasca updates. I talked to Dennis at Tasca today (emailed) and he told me the conversion parts are on the way from SAI to Tasca. That means we are a ways away from receiving any cars. My guess is that the first few will take the longest given it always takes some time before they get the kinks out.


If you hear anything else, please keep us informed.


As far as delivery dates are concerned, my best guesstimate would be 2-4 weeks after they receive the parts ie. early to mid May. Anyone else have more info or a better guess? :unsure:





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Lets hope the parts get there from SAI Thats been holding the process back I dont know if Taca will start without having parts at the shop or not



Once we get the parts we ordered in it will take a few days to check everything in to make sure we are not missing any parts. When everything gets accounted in for we will then start production. I can't give you any idea on the ETA of our first few cars but we are not new to building these cars at all so these conversions are pretty simple for us; But like you can imagine production will speed up in the future when we get a few of these under our belts - Mostly just to figure out what process to build the cars in too get them done quicker. We will not let a car leave unless it is 100% done and Completly Satisfied!

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Guest markham51
Once we get the parts we ordered in it will take a few days to check everything in to make sure we are not missing any parts. When everything gets accounted in for we will then start production. I can't give you any idea on the ETA of our first few cars but we are not new to building these cars at all so these conversions are pretty simple for us; But like you can imagine production will speed up in the future when we get a few of these under our belts - Mostly just to figure out what process to build the cars in too get them done quicker. We will not let a car leave unless it is 100% done and Completly Satisfied!



Thx Kyle! :burnout:

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Once we get the parts we ordered in it will take a few days to check everything in to make sure we are not missing any parts. When everything gets accounted in for we will then start production. I can't give you any idea on the ETA of our first few cars but we are not new to building these cars at all so these conversions are pretty simple for us; But like you can imagine production will speed up in the future when we get a few of these under our belts - Mostly just to figure out what process to build the cars in too get them done quicker. We will not let a car leave unless it is 100% done and Completly Satisfied!


Kyle, thanks man!!!

We fully trust you guys and know that you are not a new mod shop and know what you're doing!!!


Now what do I have to do to get those parts to RI??? :hysterical:

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Once we get the parts we ordered in it will take a few days to check everything in to make sure we are not missing any parts. When everything gets accounted in for we will then start production. I can't give you any idea on the ETA of our first few cars but we are not new to building these cars at all so these conversions are pretty simple for us; But like you can imagine production will speed up in the future when we get a few of these under our belts - Mostly just to figure out what process to build the cars in too get them done quicker. We will not let a car leave unless it is 100% done and Completly Satisfied!

It says it all on the sign out front. "You Will Be Satisified" That statement is not new to Tasca it is a tradition.



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Thought I would create a thread for Tasca updates. I talked to Dennis at Tasca today (emailed) and he told me the conversion parts are on the way from SAI to Tasca. That means we are a ways away from receiving any cars. My guess is that the first few will take the longest given it always takes some time before they get the kinks out.


If you hear anything else, please keep us informed.


As far as delivery dates are concerned, my best guesstimate would be 2-4 weeks after they receive the parts ie. early to mid May. Anyone else have more info or a better guess? :unsure:




who is first at tasca ,who has the lucky number

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Guest markham51
It says it all on the sign out front. "You Will Be Satisified" That statement is not new to Tasca it is a tradition.




I thought that was Viagra's motto! :rolleyes:

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Guest markham51
I wish I could say his name but I dont want to release anyones personal information. I will post pictures up though as soon as we get his car done if he allows.



Maybe I'll go down and steal it when it's done! :spiteful:

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Guest markham51
lol right, I think that is more then you are allowed to take with you on a plane though!


We will get the parts in soon, no firm date but we should have them within the next few weeks.



Kyle, don't you mean ....days, not weeks?

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Id rather Under promise and over deliver then over promise and under deliver. If I say a few weeks and they show up in 1 week That would be alot better then saying they will be here in say 4 days and have them show up in 10 days? I do not know the exact ETA but it is close.


Anything yet Kyle?? :poke:

Just wondering... and Dreaming!!! :dreamy:


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