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I get to go to Vegas and we're having a daughter!


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The wife turned 5 months pregnant today and the doc said she could travel!


Now the exciting news: We're having a daughter and naming her Shelby Catelyn. I fully expect some flack later on when she realizes I named her after my car :hysterical: At least her middle name isn't SPRSNK!


Next weekend I'm running the Big Bend Open Road Runners race here in Texas, turning around, coming home, resting for a few days, catching up on work then heading to Vegas for a week! On our list of items is going by the Shelby Cafe, the Shelby Factory and hopefully talk the wife into buying a CSX4000 (she's in love with the Ford GT atm). I was trying to talk her into driving to Vegas from Fort Stockton, but she didn't like the idea of a few things:


1. Me opening up the GT500 and seeing what she'll really do.

2. Driving my truck with an empty trailer.

3. Me opening up the GT500 and seeing what she'll really do.

4. Finding a parking spot for the car and trailer.


So anyways. That's all my news for the day! We'll be in Vegas May 2-9th or so.

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Don't tell her she's named after a car!


Take a couple of hours (bring your camera) and go to the car display at the Imperial Palace. There are a few very choice Mustangs there, including a very nice GT350.


Leave your checkbook and all forms of ID at home. With few exceptions, everything is for sale.


When I was at the tour there was a British guy that I kept running into looking at all of the Shelbys. He said he was a fan, and had named his daughter Shelby too.

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Great news. Great Names *my daughter is a "Caitlin"....I'm thinking that she'll just love that "DAD" has such a cool car named after her....all depends on your point of view... :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

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If I ever have a daughter, i want her name to be Shelby maybe Carol as the middle name. But for now, my dog is named Shelby she is all Black with 2 tan sports on top of its eyes and tan legs.........I just need to get a Hertz GT to match the dog :hysterical:

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