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GLD this Sunday


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We are having a Ford Day at Great Lakes Dragaway this Sunday April 13,2008. The cost is $37.00 to race and $12.00 to watch. Gate open at 10am and we race till 5pm.The website is

www.greatlakesdragaway.com Ill be there look for a Black Shelby with Plates that say SHOWCAR. Stop by and say HI.

See you there.

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Event cancelled due to weather, despite the fact that it would have been a perfect day for drag racing. 42 degrees, lots of sun on the track, and lots of cold air. But, I digress.


Now...Let's be honest here, okay?


How many of y'all drove to GLD (it was a nice day for a drive) just to stare at the Camaro stuck in the mud at the end of the track? Man-up and raise your hand, gents.





Excuse me, I have to go now. All the blood in my left arm is draining into my chest...

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I checked the site and they were closed. This is interesting that they were open.

GLD was not open. I don't know how the Camaro got where it was, or, when, but it was lug-nut deep in mud at the end of the right lane, with 8-10 "20 somethings" scratching their backward worn baseball caps. Maybe they snuck in? Maybe it's why GLD was closed. Who knows...Cares.


I take it you did the smart thing and called. I didn't. But, it was a nice day for a drive.

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