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:bandance: :shift: :happy feet:

I went by my dealer today and he told the car has shipped and is due to him on the 24th.

I am not expecting it to be on time.

But since they told me it would be in the last week of the month and now he tells me it will be sooner maybe he knows something I don't.

It seems to me a lot of people on this site after they got there car stopped visiting on on here. I guess most are spending time driving there car i know I plan on it. it has really been a long wait and I feel i still have 2 weeks but they say next week. I will keep my fingers crossed and maybe just maybe it will be here.

:bandance: :happy feet: :shift: :bandance: :happy feet: :shift:

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:bandance: :shift: :happy feet:

I went by my dealer today and he told the car has shipped and is due to him on the 24th.

I am not expecting it to be on time.

But since they told me it would be in the last week of the month and now he tells me it will be sooner maybe he knows something I don't.

It seems to me a lot of people on this site after they got there car stopped visiting on on here. I guess most are spending time driving there car i know I plan on it. it has really been a long wait and I feel i still have 2 weeks but they say next week. I will keep my fingers crossed and maybe just maybe it will be here.

:bandance: :happy feet: :shift: :bandance: :happy feet: :shift:


I hope he's right about the date for your sake...good luck. I've come to realize that words don't often mean what you think in regards to the GT500. For example:

  • "Any day now" really means sometime between now and when the 2009 Camaro comes out

  • "ADM" really means Arbitrary Dealership Markup

  • "They are only going to make 500 of these" really means "oops, I left off a zero and accidentally divided by 2"

  • "Our word is our bond" really means "yes, I'll write you a contract at MSRP...in evaporative ink"

  • "Similar cars have sold for $300,000" really means that some guy bought 7 of them at once...so we used that number.

  • "PDI" really means Parts guy test Drives Incessantly"

  • "DORA" means Didn't Order, Resulted in Anger

  • "Instant collector's item" really means "yours is the only one that we left a radiator hose loose on"

  • "PL" really means Perhaps Later you'll get yours

  • "Shelby" really means "Sh*t, Hire Elves and Let's Build Yours"

  • "We would like your business" really means "we have ten people lined up to pay $10k over, but if we can get $11k we'll throw your name in the pot also"

Don't take me too seriously folks...just having some fun. I'm sure we'll all be happy once we get our cars.



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I hope he's right about the date for your sake...good luck. I've come to realize that words don't often mean what you think in regards to the GT500. For example:

  • "Any day now" really means sometime between now and when the 2009 Camaro comes out

  • "ADM" really means Arbitrary Dealership Markup

  • "They are only going to make 500 of these" really means "oops, I left off a zero and accidentally divided by 2"

  • "Our word is our bond" really means "yes, I'll write you a contract at MSRP...in evaporative ink"

  • "Similar cars have sold for $300,000" really means that some guy bought 7 of them at once...so we used that number.

  • "PDI" really means Parts guy test Drives Incessantly"

  • "DORA" means Didn't Order, Resulted in Anger

  • "Instant collector's item" really means "yours is the only one that we left a radiator hose loose on"

  • "PL" really means Perhaps Later you'll get yours

  • "Shelby" really means "Sh*t, Hire Elves and Let's Build Yours"

  • "We would like your business" really means "we have ten people lined up to pay $10k over, but if we can get $11k we'll throw your name in the pot also"

Don't take me too seriously folks...just having some fun. I'm sure we'll all be happy once we get our cars.





:hysterical: Terry, Your're not getting a little bitter now, are you? :party:

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