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I am going nuts waiting for warm weather to get my GT500 back on the streets. I know I can't be alone so for those of you that stored your cars this winter help us live vicariously through you! :happy feet: Post up if your beast has come out of its hibernation to give the rest of us still waiting some hope! :cheerleader:

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I am going nuts waiting for warm weather to get my GT500 back on the streets. I know I can't be alone so for those of you that stored your cars this winter help us live vicariously through you! :happy feet: Post up if your beast has come out of its hibernation to give the rest of us still waiting some hope! :cheerleader:

I managed 1 trip around the block.

The road sand kept me from going any further.

Despite the short trip, Both car and driver enjoyed the ride. :shift:

11 days 'till spring!! :headspin:

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NOT a chance here in western NY, just got 2' snow this weekend, and even when the weather clears our streets are so bad after the winter, I won't get her out until at least mid April, at the soonest. Do start it every weekend at the storage garage.

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I'm still waiting for the glaciers to recede from my front and back yard. :rant2:


Roads are now *mostly* ice/snow free, but there's a layer of salt and gunk that I won't subject my car to.


I can't wait to move beyond the arctic circle. :drop:

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Mine never hibernated 100%, but probably 95%. I just took a short drive to pick up my daughter from school. If this coming weekend weather is sunny I'll take it out for a nice, long drive.


Having said that, I just checked and the forecast is not so great...

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I pulled her out of storage this weekend and got 150 miles on. I love this car and can't wait until they clean the streets around here. First day on the road = first warning from the police, it's gonna be a good year! :happy feet:

No kidding... What happened?


It's been nice enough in Calgary, but insurance is off for the winter, and I can't stand the sound of the road gravel just getting off my street.

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No kidding... What happened?


It's been nice enough in Calgary, but insurance is off for the winter, and I can't stand the sound of the road gravel just getting off my street.


Some clown was stopped in the middle lane at a green light digging around in his trunk, when I went around him I might have been a little heavy with the right foot. :P


The cops just finished up a speed trap and were leaving when this happened, so one followed me and pulled me over. He gave me the old "what's the hurry", got my info and told me if they would have still had the trap set up I would have got a ticket for sure. :talkhand:


It's pretty easy to get into trouble with these cars, you don't even realize how fast your going till you look down at the speedo , then it's :o .

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I've made it out 3 times - once just because I couldn't take it any longer and took a quick drive to autozone. one day to pick up all kinds of B-day crap for my son's 4th B-day, and Sunday for a trip to the "fast times" indoor gokart racing track with the local mustang club. By the way fat tall guys in go karts going 40mph around sharp turns is a hell of a sight.


I need to clean my car but I am thinking I'll be getting a nice full detail in April so I'm considering letting them earn their $ this time :)

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Unfortunately we got 21 inches of snow last weekend in Columbus Ohio. Unbelievable. I was just starting to think I could get her out of the stable. Roads have been cleared and the temp is slowly getting back above 40 but I think the City of Columbus salt trucks dumped half of the world's salt supply on our pot-hole filled roads. Right now it's just a slushy mess.


Now we need about 2 inches of rain to clear the $#%it. Gotta love Columbus weather and roads. O.k. I 've whined enough. :banghead:

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I haven't had a chance to take her out yet. Right before the snow started to really fly here, I drove her for about to 3 miles to meet a transport truck. Since then she been in Vegas. Guess its a blessing, so I'm not tempted to drive her with all the salt still on the road.

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I don't know how you do it, I really wanted to just store my car for the winter but I think I would have to be taken off to the nutt house.


I drove it and have been driving it since, oh but I found out, not very good in the cold hahaha

Almost totaled it the other day spinning out

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It's pretty easy to get into trouble with these cars, you don't even realize how fast your going till you look down at the speedo


Ain't that the truth!!!!!!!! I had to get an inspection sticker from DMV, so I had it out the past couple of days. Absolutely love this car. For the guys that are waiting, I have just one word for you......WHY? I understand the principle about not paying ADM's, I was one of them. But with a little bit of shopping, you should be able to find one at MSRP. And for the guys that paid the ADM's, you got to enjoy what this car was all about long before I did!

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After looking at my car every day in the garage, temptation took over last weekend. I had an insurance binder put on for the weekend and took a little drive on Saturday. It has been nice in Calgary, no snow but there is alot of gravel on the roads.

I need to move south!!!

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Not me - it's killing me though. Everytime it starts to look nice, BAM - a new foot of snow (sometimes more). And it never seems to all go away. Even when the roads are clear of snow, they're white with salt. Gonna be a bit yet. Start her up every week though. Can't wait to get her out and let her rip....

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Got mine started last weekend. Then I took the exhaust off and started it again. Then I put the SLP's on. Talk about getting the itch :angry22: . Good thing I have my bronco blocking the garage door and the transfer case is shot in that so the Shelby goes no where until the truck moves.


But the weather is in the 40's this week and the snow is receeding but we had good 4' piles to get rid of. Down to a foot but the roads are covered in salt and sand.

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Got mine started last weekend. Then I took the exhaust off and started it again. Then I put the SLP's on. Talk about getting the itch :angry22: . Good thing I have my bronco blocking the garage door and the transfer case is shot in that so the Shelby goes no where until the truck moves.


But the weather is in the 40's this week and the snow is receeding but we had good 4' piles to get rid of. Down to a foot but the roads are covered in salt and sand.


Wow I'm certainly not alone! OK...confession time...I haven't checked this thread cuz I've been out hauling a$$ :happy feet: 55 Tuesday, 45 yesterday and 54 today :superhero: We still have snow on the ground but it's melting fast. Should be mostly gone by this weekend. I'm going to have to get her cleaned up tonight though cuz we're heading back into the 30s for highs tomorrow into the next week and they're talking a big storm on St Patrick's Day :banghead: I just hope it's rain and not snow. If it's rain I'm hopeful to be back out later next week :D It's amazing just how happy these cars can make a guy :hysterical2:

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I must confess......


It's 52F outside & I just had to deflate the car capsule "bubble" & take the cover off & backed her out of the garage today. Once the bright shinning sunlight hit her; that :yahoo: feeling kicked in again just like it did the 1st day I brought her home :wub:


Currently she's getting wiped down with some quick detailer so she's preped for another day to clay bar her & then apply a fresh coat of Meguiar's NXT Tech wax. But for now I'll just have to put her back inside the garage :heartbreaker: knowing I didn't even make it out of the driveway today due to too much salt still on the roads :cry:

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I must confess......


It's 52F outside & I just had to deflate the car capsule "bubble" & take the cover off & backed her out of the garage today. Once the bright shinning sunlight hit her; that :yahoo: feeling kicked in again just like it did the 1st day I brought her home :wub:


Currently she's getting wiped down with some quick detailer so she's preped for another day to clay bar her & then apply a fresh coat of Meguiar's NXT Tech wax. But for now I'll just have to put her back inside the garage :heartbreaker: knowing I didn't even make it out of the driveway today due to too much salt still on the roads :cry:





I took the cover off then ...Nah .......i will not take her out...so cover is back and am waiting for spring.

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55 in Pittsburgh today. I put Borla stingers on sunday and could not contain my self any longer, took the cover off today when I came home from work. Crawled out of my plan (alot of dirt on the street but dry) made it too the main street and let her rip for a quick blast around the block... Was the fix I needed. Now back in the garage waiting for another nice day for a wash and wax. :tequila:

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Most of us in SW British Columbia have our cars road ready year round...probably the only place in Canada where you can do that. Haven't seen a flake of snow since mid January and that melted almost immediately. Lots of rain, but you don't have to salt and sand it!! When it's dry the Shelby gets driven. Had it out almost everyday last week and several days so far this week. Best place in Canada to live for mild winters (and from the tone of many previous posts, the northern U.S., too).


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