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Vegas, Tasca?.....


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Going by your CSM its a VEGAS car, but you GET to choose. Go where ever is best for you logistically.

If you got to Tasca your number will change to a 301-400 number.

michael morris


It may not be that simple. When I sent SAI my deposit and signed the contract last fall, I wrote on the contract that my preference was to have the installation done at Tasca. When I saw all the discussion about numbers a few weeks ago, I sent Kyle an email and found out that SAI did not communicate my request with Tasca and now I am on the back of their line since there is a separate list being generated at Tasca. I asked Kyle to tell me how many people are in front of me and I got no response. It also appears that Bob Tasca has not signed their agreement with SAI. :waiting: Will an agreement be signed? :waiting: When? :waiting: When will they start? :waiting: What will be their production time? :waiting: If I want my SS done at Tasca when will it be done? :waiting:


I feel bad for Kyle, :banghead: he is getting pressure to answer questions he doesn't have the answers to. He must just field phone questions and answer emails all day long.


I just want to get my car done, :happy feet: I still don't know when it will be done and now I am not sure if I want to risk loosing my position in Vegas for a number at Tasca when we don't know when they will come to an agreement and how many are on their list and where I stand on that list. To make it more complicated SAI controls the schedule since the parts and CSM number are coordinated through SAI while Tasca attempts to schedule their own list :headspin:

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It may not be that simple. When I sent SAI my deposit and signed the contract last fall, I wrote on the contract that my preference was to have the installation done at Tasca. When I saw all the discussion about numbers a few weeks ago, I sent Kyle an email and found out that SAI did not communicate my request with Tasca and now I am on the back of their line since there is a separate list being generated at Tasca. I asked Kyle to tell me how many people are in front of me and I got no response. It also appears that Bob Tasca has not signed their agreement with SAI. :waiting: Will an agreement be signed? :waiting: When? :waiting: When will they start? :waiting: What will be their production time? :waiting: If I want my SS done at Tasca when will it be done? :waiting:


I feel bad for Kyle, :banghead: he is getting pressure to answer questions he doesn't have the answers to. He must just field phone questions and answer emails all day long.


I just want to get my car done, :happy feet: I still don't know when it will be done and now I am not sure if I want to risk loosing my position in Vegas for a number at Tasca when we don't know when they will come to an agreement and how many are on their list and where I stand on that list. To make it more complicated SAI controls the schedule since the parts and CSM number are coordinated through SAI while Tasca attempts to schedule their own list :headspin:

I experienced a similar situation. When I sent my money to SAI I also made it clear to them I intended to have the work done at Tasca.I then waited patiently to be notified until someone on this forum [thanks Keith] told me I better call Tasca to reserve my position on their list. As you, I know I lost positions on the line as I was waiting before I notified Tasca. Oh well! I guess they will now have time to practice doing the mods on a few more cars before they do my car.

I see your from the Hamptons I think that makes at least 5 SS that will be on LI

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I see your from the Hamptons I think that makes at least 5 SS that will be on LI


When we all get SS'd we should get together and organize some cruises, that would be very cool.


I just got a lower CSM number from SAI, I have not heard from Tasca and I think it is really dumb that I am seriously thinking about sending my car to Vegas when Tasca is so close. :banghead:

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It may not be that simple. When I sent SAI my deposit and signed the contract last fall, I wrote on the contract that my preference was to have the installation done at Tasca. When I saw all the discussion about numbers a few weeks ago, I sent Kyle an email and found out that SAI did not communicate my request with Tasca and now I am on the back of their line since there is a separate list being generated at Tasca. I asked Kyle to tell me how many people are in front of me and I got no response. It also appears that Bob Tasca has not signed their agreement with SAI. :waiting: Will an agreement be signed? :waiting: When? :waiting: When will they start? :waiting: What will be their production time? :waiting: If I want my SS done at Tasca when will it be done? :waiting:


I feel bad for Kyle, :banghead: he is getting pressure to answer questions he doesn't have the answers to. He must just field phone questions and answer emails all day long.


I just want to get my car done, :happy feet: I still don't know when it will be done and now I am not sure if I want to risk loosing my position in Vegas for a number at Tasca when we don't know when they will come to an agreement and how many are on their list and where I stand on that list. To make it more complicated SAI controls the schedule since the parts and CSM number are coordinated through SAI while Tasca attempts to schedule their own list :headspin:


I have CSMXL0078 and I had not heard of the numbers changing based on where the work is done. I had been planning on Tasca ever since the announcement last August, but I tired of waiting to be scheduled. I shipped it to Vegas 3 weeks ago and my car is in the SAI mod shop as I type. I hope to have it back by the end of March. :happy feet:

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When we all get SS'd we should get together and organize some cruises, that would be very cool.


I just got a lower CSM number from SAI, I have not heard from Tasca and I think it is really dumb that I am seriously thinking about sending my car to Vegas when Tasca is so close. :banghead:


The Tasca situation has been going on for a VERY long time now...

I'm one of the first ones on the list to get done there and also like you I live on Long Island.

My suggestion is to get on line there and it Vegas calls you and you really wanna ship the car all the way to Vegas..... :banghead: and they are ready for you before Tasca then go ahead and do that...

I myself can't wait for Bob Tasca to sign and get this in motion!!!!

It's been a looooooooooooong wait..... :waiting:

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I have CSMXL0078 and I had not heard of the numbers changing based on where the work is done. I had been planning on Tasca ever since the announcement last August, but I tired of waiting to be scheduled. I shipped it to Vegas 3 weeks ago and my car is in the SAI mod shop as I type. I hope to have it back by the end of March. :happy feet:



Like you, I just want to git-er-dun :happy feet:

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When we all get SS'd we should get together and organize some cruises, that would be very cool.


I just got a lower CSM number from SAI, I have not heard from Tasca and I think it is really dumb that I am seriously thinking about sending my car to Vegas when Tasca is so close. :banghead:


A higher CSM# at Tasca will probably be better than a lower one at Vegas in regards to getting your car sooner. Per SAI, approximately 75% of the all upgrades will be done in Vegas.

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My suggestion is to get on line there and it Vegas calls you and you really wanna ship the car all the way to Vegas..... :banghead: and they are ready for you before Tasca then go ahead and do that...


I don't think we can do that. Tasca's SS numbers are 300-400. I would assume once you accept a Tasca CSM number you loose your original Vegas number. I don't think they would allow you to keep both and see who calls first...that would cause caos. If I am offered a Tasca number I will not accept it unless I know Tasca has signed the agreement and is producing mods and I know when mine will get done. At least we now know SAI is in full production and called in 50 cars. :happy feet: My number can come up much quicker in Vegas. Tasca is still an unknown. :banghead:

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The Tasca situation has been going on for a VERY long time now...

I'm one of the first ones on the list to get done there and also like you I live on Long Island.

My suggestion is to get on line there and it Vegas calls you and you really wanna ship the car all the way to Vegas..... :banghead: and they are ready for you before Tasca then go ahead and do that...

I myself can't wait for Bob Tasca to sign and get this in motion!!!!

It's been a looooooooooooong wait..... :waiting:


The Bob Tasca signature has been in wait mode since August. It was supposed to be done by as late as October. It's now March. I'll check back here on progress in a few months...

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SAI is starting to really knock the SSs and 40ths out. I sure hope Tasca goes online soon, for yalls sake. I had always planned for mine to go to Vegas so it was never an option for me.

michael morris


MM, have the released the first 10 verts they took in the first part of January? Would lov to see some pics. Heard they started the 725hp SS cars. How about some pics of the side and window scoops that's offered as an option?

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MM, have the released the first 10 verts they took in the first part of January? Would lov to see some pics. Heard they started the 725hp SS cars. How about some pics of the side and window scoops that's offered as an option?

Im ALMOST postive that the first 10 VERTS have NOT be released YET! Im thinking SAI is finishing them up and my go over them a time or 2 to make sure they are RIGHT!!! To be honest Im not real sure how many of the 10 they have totally completed. They might be in different stages and could be finished VERY soon.

From what I understand the side scoops MIGHT still be on order. They were a few weeks ago and SAI was going to build cars with the blockoff plates, but this might have changed. I will look into this. Im going with the block offs so I forget to look into the scoops.

michael morris

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I don't think we can do that. Tasca's SS numbers are 300-400. I would assume once you accept a Tasca CSM number you loose your original Vegas number. I don't think they would allow you to keep both and see who calls first...that would cause caos. If I am offered a Tasca number I will not accept it unless I know Tasca has signed the agreement and is producing mods and I know when mine will get done. At least we now know SAI is in full production and called in 50 cars. :happy feet: My number can come up much quicker in Vegas. Tasca is still an unknown. :banghead:


SAI only announced the number switch thing at the begining of Feb. Many (like myself) have had their numbers ages before then. I have been on line at Tasca since the announced the agreement late August. No one from SAI has ever asked me where I wannna get SS'ed. That being said why couldn't I wait to see who calls first?? They didn't call me to switch my # to the 300's.

I'm getting my car done at Tasca so long as they sign in my lifetime.... :hysterical2:but I don't see why I couldn't hedge myself by seeing who called first if I wanted to..... unless I missed something, which I highly doubt that I missed a phone call or e-mail to change my # accordingly... Not like I'm looking for the option, but I do believe it is there.

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When we all get SS'd we should get together and organize some cruises, that would be very cool.



Great idea about the cruise. Every Sun AM weather permittting hundreds of muscle cars gather at the parking area of Captree boat basin just east of Jones Beach. That would be a great plase to have a SS showing! :happy feet:

Regarding the numbering system . I am definitely going to Tasca. They are a highly regarded high performance shop that I have respected for many years. I think the numbers will move quickly once the papers are signed. From what I've heard if you send your car to Vegas plan on having the car be gone for 3-5 weeks, but at Tasca they are saying in by fri out by the following fri. Plus the advantage of living on LI is that you can drive the car up there in a few hours. In any event I sure hope the process gets started so I have my car done to enjoy by summer! :shift:

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With a CS# 08SS088, when do you think my call will be?

Thanks......your blogs seem to be pretty informative.


Im SORRY, but I would be scared to guess :banghead: They have just started the 725s and I dont think they know EXACTLY how long its going to take to build one. Now after they have built a few they will have it down and can really KNOCK them out, but the first few weeks in going to be a time to LEARN alot of things about the conversion. I believe that SAI is going to try and build them in CSM order, but I dont know if thats 07 and 08 at the same time. I would think it is, but I will also work on that question. Sorry I havent been alot of help for you, but I DO KNOW they are gathering stem on these SSs and we should start seeing some pics of completed cars REAL soon. That is if the owners of the SS let them post. :waiting:

michael morris

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No offense mike but my car is one of the first 10 and it has not even been started yet as far as I know. Cynthia told me she would notify me as soon as they get it in the shop. I have heard nothing. I e-mailed Bud on Wed. and have not heard back from him. My car has been at sai since the middle of Jan. and as far as I know it is still sitting outside (something that never happened here at home). My frustration is climbing.

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Im SORRY, but I would be scared to guess :banghead: They have just started the 725s and I dont think they know EXACTLY how long its going to take to build one. Now after they have built a few they will have it down and can really KNOCK them out, but the first few weeks in going to be a time to LEARN alot of things about the conversion. I believe that SAI is going to try and build them in CSM order, but I dont know if thats 07 and 08 at the same time. I would think it is, but I will also work on that question. Sorry I havent been alot of help for you, but I DO KNOW they are gathering stem on these SSs and we should start seeing some pics of completed cars REAL soon. That is if the owners of the SS let them post. :waiting:

michael morris

I was told by Cynthia, order of build will mostly be based on date your deposit was taken. Earlier deposit, earlier build date.

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No offense mike but my car is one of the first 10 and it has not even been started yet as far as I know. Cynthia told me she would notify me as soon as they get it in the shop. I have heard nothing. I e-mailed Bud on Wed. and have not heard back from him. My car has been at sai since the middle of Jan. and as far as I know it is still sitting outside (something that never happened here at home). My frustration is climbing.

No Offense taken. Bud has not been at work since Wed. He will be back on Tuesday and Im sure you will here back then. I know that one or two verts near completion because Amy had Crispy post a few pics, so I assumed they must be working on all of them. Im VERY sorry if I spoke wrong.

I hope EVERYTHING works out for you SOON!!!

michael morris

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I was told by Cynthia, order of build will mostly be based on date your deposit was taken. Earlier deposit, earlier build date.

Thats right! I was thinking that most early deposits would have low numbers, but Im sure some folks wanted certain numbers and they might not have been all that low. I got lucky and had a VERY early deposit. I had heard about the SS and was sitting on go waitng for the annoucement

michael morris

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Thats right! I was thinking that most early deposits would have low numbers, but Im sure some folks wanted certain numbers and they might not have been all that low. I got lucky and had a VERY early deposit. I had heard about the SS and was sitting on go waitng for the annoucement

michael morris

Hey Michael, when did you give your deposit?, if you don't mind me asking.


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I gave my deposit back in late june. My number is 07ss0038. I was in very early also. I have been following the upgrades since they first announced the 40th anniversary way back in November 2006. Then last March they sent an e-mail about a new upgrade (the SS package) stating you can never have enough horsepower. I called right away to get my name on the list but they were not taking deposits that early. As soon as they announced they were taking deposits I called and got my money in. Because I have a vert I was only able to get the 600 hp package. I have been trying to be patient with this whole process but it gets harder as each day and week goes by. I only hope that when they do finally start spitting these out that you guys later on the list won't have to wait so long.

and yes I will post pictures if you guys want. I wouldn't want to add to any one elses anxiety by seeing my car completed (when that day finally arrives). If you guys want to see the car I will be happy to show it. I am in Delaware and will let any one know who's interested when local car shows and cruise nights are so they can see the car in person. Why have a work of art if you're not going to show it.

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No offense mike but my car is one of the first 10 and it has not even been started yet as far as I know. Cynthia told me she would notify me as soon as they get it in the shop. I have heard nothing. I e-mailed Bud on Wed. and have not heard back from him. My car has been at sai since the middle of Jan. and as far as I know it is still sitting outside (something that never happened here at home). My frustration is climbing.


I just got off the phone with one of the guys who checks in the cars. He told me that there are no cars outside at this time. Not even the Shelby GTs. I hope this puts a smile on your face. My car is also waiting there in the warehouse to be SS.

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No offense mike but my car is one of the first 10 and it has not even been started yet as far as I know. Cynthia told me she would notify me as soon as they get it in the shop. I have heard nothing. I e-mailed Bud on Wed. and have not heard back from him. My car has been at sai since the middle of Jan. and as far as I know it is still sitting outside (something that never happened here at home). My frustration is climbing.


I just got off the phone with one of the guys who checks in the cars. He told me that there are no cars outside at this time. Not even the Shelby GTs. I hope this puts a smile on your face. My car is also waiting there in the warehouse to be SS.

I was pretty sure this was the case, but didnt want to say something that might not be correct. When the race came to town SAI had to get the cars off the lot and inside.

michael morris

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