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The Kelly Picture Thread

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I told Kelly we all missed her pictures (mostly I missed taking them but I blamed you guys) and that i was going to put her post wine pics in a single thread so she could see that we all enjoy them. She thought I was kidding but then agreed to pose for some pics that were not too tasteless. She agreed to pose in outfits supplied that are overly exposing and if you guys want to send her one that's fine "but it has to have the tags on it" because she doesn't want some used thing from who knows where. I found this really funny but she was pretty determined to make that point so I am posting it.


I would have never thought my little Kelly would have so much fun doing this but she seems to really enjoy it. She's small...like a size 2 or size small if they go that route. She's about 5'2" and petite as you can see so don't send some XXXL unless you want a pic of me posing in it! That's not an invitation either because trust me you don't want me posing in it!


PM me if you want an address to mail something to Kelly - My one request is that for any outfit you send kelly to pose in you also make a small donation to the Ruf Fund as if we can piss away $ on something like this we should at least donate something to a worthy cause like that. I don't care if it is $1, $5, or what ever, but something.


Thanks and hopefully we can have some fun here (Or at least I can). I'm still trying to convince her to do shots at Shelbyfest too :)

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You send it and I'll pose in it....but keep in mind my wife is far too good looking for me and I still request (if not require) the donation to the Ruf Fund. If you can stomach it I can wear it though :D



Wow, now that is a brave offer.


I can see this is going to be a very popular, and interesting thread.



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We need an address to send the thongs corsets to.





Send to:




Make a donation to the Ruf fund and i

dentify if you want a picture of Kelly or myself in your sent attire posted. She requires tags still on anything sent to her. Me not so much. If you sickos want to make me blush and are willing to donate for ruf I'm willing to play along....and I'm as fat as I've ever been but starting to work out again incase anyone really does send something for me instread of her :)


She's way out of my league for looks - don't tell her though or she may wise up. She won't do anything too dirty....unless there is a hell of a lot of wine involved and that's rare. There are a few more pictures that should make their way on her over the next couple weeks.....hopefully some not seen yet ;)


Feel free to bring something to Shelby fest for her and request a photo shoot - just don't tell her I said to do that :D Oh and wait tilol she has a few wines to increase chances of success :)

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Have her pose with the different license plates you've received. :happy feet:



That's a hell of an idea. I don't want to take them all down though.


SHe's over at her friends 2 doors down drinking wine as I type this so maybe she'll have the first pics of 08 coming this week end. I posed the idea as she was leaving and she pulled the "I'm not in shape" routine with me but we'll see how the liquid courage works out when she comes home. I know one of the people down the road sent her a nice little pink outfit from Victoria's Secret for her 30th so she could feel "Not Old" :) They are good friends :D I think it's a gift more for me!!

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Update : Looking good got the first of what I hope to many 08 photo ops. Just talked to Kelly and she told me where the pink outfit is to lay out for her so it "won't be wrinkled" HAHA :hysterical:


keep your fingers crossed for new pics to be up this week end. For the record I love my wife very much and am lucky she is such a good sport for me. I'm more excited than I can say that she's going to go to Shelby fest 08 with Kyle and I. It will be her first ever car event and I think she will be impressed...Kyle (not my son) has really done a great job getting this together and I am really looking forward to it. Sorry for the ramble. I drove the car today for the first time in a while and I'm like a little kid again.

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