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Spoiler Pics

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I am also debating the GT 500 spoiler. I like Rick's (pottydr) place with the prepainted model. It seemed like a pretty good deal. I want to show my wife what it would look like on black car. Does anyone have any pictures they can post that show the spoiler on a black SGT? Back view and side view would be nice. Thanks for the help.

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I like spoilers, but decided against it because this is one item that sets our cars apart from the others. But they do look very kool!

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Is this the SAI installed spoiler from the GT 500?

SAI will not install the GT500 spoiler on the SGT. Trust me, I went round and round with them and they were firm over an extended period of time. I asked every possible way, including why the heck is the spoiler in your Shelby catalogue (where everything else they will install is found) but is not available at the Mod Shop? As always, they (in the person of John Walker) were very nice but the net result was no. I think PottyDr (Rick) has the best solution, i.e., one of each. That is what I am thinking about so that I can swap out rear deck lids when I want. Jim

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