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shelby bashing on SAAC website


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Mike, I have had many Shelbys old and newer. Heck I even had a GLHS new. I like the new ones. Just think a person can go into a Ford dealer now and buy a new Shelby mustang. Did I die and go to heaven? Its a no brainer. Go with the future. Sudden.

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I can't find the link to the forum you mention. What are they bashing exactly? A Shelby site bashing Shelbys???



ilmore :beatdeadhorse:


It's just nt worth the time and effort :banghead: , leave them to theirselves.


Much more fun here! :happy feet:

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ilmore :beatdeadhorse:


It's just nt worth the time and effort :banghead: , leave them to theirselves.


Much more fun here! :happy feet:


I choose to take your word for it!! :hysterical2:

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Ahhh...Why worry. Some folks are just jealous of our banners and links here. I bet they wish they could post giant pics of their rides in their sigs. It's all biter jealousy, pity too. Jealously makes you ugly...


Can we get more?


I can't wait to see how slow my Duron 900 with 1mg RAM can get on dial up from loading pics, banners and links that I care less about, and never look at.

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I got so sick of what I was reading on that forum that I deleted my membership. The Shelby bashing stopped for a few day’s and they finally got back to discussing cars, a few of them couldn’t help themselves and it started up again, that was the last straw for me. The guy's on there have to be some of the most hateful people I have had the displeasure of reading. I'm glad I never mailed my check for an SAAC membership to help fund that site, what a waste of money that would have been.

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Mike, I have had many Shelbys old and newer. Heck I even had a GLHS new. I like the new ones. Just think a person can go into a Ford dealer now and buy a new Shelby mustang. Did I die and go to heaven? Its a no brainer. Go with the future. Sudden.



The hating and bashing are what we Team Shelby Folks are trying to steer clear of. You picked a pretty sore subject for your first post, kinda a warning flag on any forum :redcard:


Team Shelby is a place where ALL Shelby owners/enthusiasts are welcome from any era. By the way, that GLHS you bought new, I can't tell from your context if that was a good thing for you or bad? I bought one new, still have it, still love it. What happened to yours?

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Guys, Thanks!



We will not get into a debate or bashing about that other site. We don't need to do bashing. We need to focus on the cars, focus on the events this year, looks like we might be supporting some Ford events as well. And most importantly Focus on the fun these cars bring....



Guys, seriously, no bashing, we need to take the high road and not get into a mud match. I appreciate it that most of you understand that and help keep this site above it all




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Guys, Thanks!



We will not get into a debate or bashing about that other site. We don't need to do bashing. We need to focus on the cars, focus on the events this year, looks like we might be supporting some Ford events as well. And most importantly Focus on the fun these cars bring....



Guys, seriously, no bashing, we need to take the high road and not get into a mud match. I appreciate it that most of you understand that and help keep this site above it all






I wholeheartedly agree.........there is no benefit in playing childish games. What happens with clubs happens on all levels from the small local to the regional groups. Mostly it stems from jealously that they can't or won't join in the fun!


What more can we ask for.......we have our cars.....our Team Shelby family........and the sky's the limit on where SAI will take us!


Enjoy folks, life's too short for foolish games!

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I really do not want to stur the bowl, but I can not belive they are selling bumper stickers at SAAC for the legal fund that says, Honk if you have been sued by Carroll. That kind of sucks.





It's sad. Good news is that we have a great site with great people that are above all of that--let's keep it that way. Regards.



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I really do not want to stur the bowl, but I can not belive they are selling bumper stickers at SAAC for the legal fund that says, Honk if you have been sued by Carroll. That kind of sucks.


..not an original idea. They were from the last set of Cobra companies that were sued by CS

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