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Arm rest cover?


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Just received this and has anyone done this...any help of what Not to do would be nice. :)



Sure Happy this place is still here. :)


I bought mine, along with the headrest covers a few months ago. The headrest covers are no sweat, but the center console looked to be problematic for me. Glue, trimming, centering and all that, and I'm not "trim" talented. So, I took all three to a local interior shop and got it all back in 1 day, for 75 bucks. Worked for me.

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Hey thanks going to the Local interior shop. :)


Yes bought the headrest looks sweeet.




I bought the armrest cover also and concur with LuLu-I figured for $50-100 bucks, I'd rather let a professional do it. The other local guy with a SGT tried it on his own and ruined his armrest (had to pull it up to adjust and ripped chunks of the foam out). I actually bought a new armrest/console lid off ebay for $65 and am having the armrest cover installed on it and saving the original lid in case I want to switch back later.

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