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This is just so wrong


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Notice that the dash plaque isn't in all of the pictures of the interior, I hope any potential buyers will spot it as well. Very not cool.




It does look like it is just sitting on the vents. notice the gap between the the plaque and the vents.....not the same. I hope this guy does not sell this car. mis advertising.



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This is my old post with the ebay auction of the wrecked SGT. Can't see the engine tag to get the CSM, but it gives at least a VIN and a clear picture that the dash plaque is gone.




Well using the CSM# for the ebay add and the VIN from the wrecked SGT Shelby's site does not recognize that combo.


It isn't just about preserving YOUR car it is about not letting some unknowledgeable person buy a car that may be a decent car but not what they are being told it is.



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Notice that the dash plaque isn't in all of the pictures of the interior, I hope any potential buyers will spot it as well. Very not cool.


hmmm....now you see it ...now you dont


also reminds me of one of those teaching exercises in kindergarten ... "which one of these pictures is not like the other" LOL

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This is just the beginning. From now on, as Shelby GT’s start getting taken out by accidents, disasters and incidents of theft, pilferable items will be removed and affixed on other cars or otherwise kept in the hands of others. It sucks, but it’s going to happen.

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