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I'm ticked because when you all were first talking about buying, the shares were only 28¢ and now it's up to 35¢. I could have made like . . . twenty bucks!


Uh, oh. Benzito is on to us. :lol: Now he knows that we posted here just to further drive up the price of our stock. ;) Still, better to buy now before it hits $0.50. :P Jim

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What in Hell are you all talking about? More importantly...How do I get a piece of it?


The last time I bought any stock, it was IBM @ 175.00 a share, and it tanked to 60.00 a share not long after that, once AMD came on strong in the retail market.


I'm not thrilled about going through this again, but if we're talking penny stocks, who gives a snit? I love a good crap shoot any day of the week, someone pass me the dice, please?

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What in Hell are you all talking about? More importantly...How do I get a piece of it?


The last time I bought any stock, it was IBM @ 175.00 a share, and it tanked to 60.00 a share not long after that, once AMD came on strong in the retail market.


I'm not thrilled about going through this again, but if we're talking penny stocks, who gives a snit? I love a good crap shoot any day of the week, someone pass me the dice, please?



CSBI.PK - Carroll Shelby International stock.



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